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Posts posted by USA_Villa

  1. 9 minutes ago, srsmithusa said:

    It worries me that there are no strong rumors or links, or sightings, or leaks.  

    I agree, here's no rumors circulating or leaks from within Villa park. It's quite disturbing as it all points to the donut still being there for a while. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    I like smith but i am not sure he he has the big personalitu to manage the likes of terry and gabby.

    I think pardew on a one year deal if gets promoted he gets a extension if jokanvic is not gettable

    Not sure why Gabby is a concern, I don't see him in first team selection . Terry is a professional and should want what is best for the team. Both are done at the end of the season anyway.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    Terry as manager would be worse than Sherwood though Sherwood has that intial cocky charm to get best out of players for limited period. Dont think Terry has that

    This would be a really bad idea. No managerial experience whatsoever. Experience on the pitch is one thing, being a manager is a different story.

  4. I was never in favor of bringing in Steve Bruce, mainly because his brand of football was always to try and scrape a 1 goal win. Never once did you hear anyone say I want us to play like a Steve Bruce team. However, he managed to find success at certain teams and you can't argue with his promotions. However, I think we can all agree that his time at Villa needs to come to an end quickly. We are a team that scores very few goals, creates a minimal number of chances, and now has a defense that looks slow and vulnerable.

    My vote 12-months ago went to Dean Smith, and little has changed my opinion. Yes, they have struggled at the beginning of the season but it hasn't been due to poor performances. They have been in or dominated every game. If the managers and teams stayed as they were today, I would put my house on Brentford finishing above Villa AGAIN.


  5. So Bruce has not won a game, or scored a goal, against a Dean Smith side despite buying his best player in January and them selling the next three best to the noses. Tell me who you think is the better manager? 

    Brentford played possession football, and carved out three of four excellent chances that should have been put away. This was all done with two players from Walsall, one from Shrewsbury, and one from Exeter, to name a few. Really, this is a low budget team that has played us off the park twice. Rarely do you see them lump it forward aimlessly. 

    Stop messing around tell Bruce it's time to go and let's get Dean Smith down there so we can watch some exciting attacking football.

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  6. 1 hour ago, romavillan said:

    I REALLY don't want to see Brentford playing better football than us, but it's actually quite likely, hopefully we still win though. Anything else and the pressure really starts to mount again on Bruce.

    Guaranteed Brentford will be playing better football than us.

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  7. I have many problems with the Evening Mail article above. My biggest issue is with the line "He told me that he hardly sleeps during the season because of his fear of losing and I admire that about him.  

    Now we know why he sets the team up not lose for away games. Grow some Balls Steve.

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  8. 3 hours ago, USA_Villa said:

    Stevie, Blues have signed Brentford's two best players (Dean & Jota) in the last few days. I don't want any excuses next Saturday.

    It's now three players to the Blues from Brentford. Stevie, don't think about anything but a win next week otherwise we're swapping you for Dean Smith.

  9. 3 hours ago, srsmithusa said:

    Actually I could support trying to bring him in because he clearly outthought and outcoached Bruce last season, head to head.  

    100% agree. Look at Brentford and they are playing well, just can' hit the back of the net. Look at us, up until Saturday, and we were just really bad. There's a difference. 

    Smith is a good manager and I would welcome him as a huge upgrade to moaning dinosaur we have now..

  10. 5 minutes ago, JPAngel said:

    Hey folks,

    It's been an awful long time since I posted here (I tend to visit forums at work when I get a spare minute (or hour) but VT is blocked by our proxy sadly. This means I can only use the Vital Villa board. Anyway, I posted something on there a couple of days ago that I thought you might be interested in regarding Bruce (if you haven't already read this).

    I just had a very interesting conversation with a friend of mine. He was at the day night test cricket last night and was sat in a box with a few other people. 

    Three people of note were someone on the board at Villa (he couldn't remember his name), a certain Mr Bruce and his son Steve! 

    After talking to Mr Bruce, Steve's step dad - an avid Newcastle supporter, he asked him what on earth was going on at Villa Park at the moment. Mr Bruce replied that he should speak to his son as he'd tell him all about it. 

    Apparently SB was the most genuine bloke you could image and spoke very candidly about it. Take any of the below how you like, but at least we have a little bit of an insight into what Bruce is actually thinking right now. Here are the key points: 

    - After the Cardiff game he wanted to take off every single senior player and replace them with the youth team - that was how angry he was with that performance. 

    - He wants to sign more players but his hands are completely tied at the moment (but we already knew that). 

    - There are certain players in the Villa squad that simply don't want to be there. One that was specifically mentioned was McCormack and the gate incident was specifically alluded to and apparently SB believed that the player simply couldn't be arsed to play. 

    - He has identified "the right players" but currently they're stuck with some "wrong ones". 

    It was a very eye opening conversation. My friend said that in the end he just felt sorry for SB as it's clear as day that he's as annoyed as we are and is having trouble turning it around. 

    To be honest with you, it's changed my outlook on it quite a bit.

    Same old SB. Blames everything and everybody else but himself. Isn't it his job to pick the right players and play the right system. The donut has had 10 moths to sort it out. Tell him to stop feeling sorry for himself and sort the mess out that he has created with his signings and tactics.

    • Like 1
  11. Burton are winning. Looks like we will officially be bottom of the league. Thanks Steve, of course you can have more time to sort it out. I mean one win in the last nine championship games gives us loads of confidence that you're on the right track. Go for it.

    Please fire this guy tomorrow.

  12. 5 minutes ago, RimmyJimmer said:

    I totally agree....the level of arrogance/entitlement on here is off the scale. We are rubbish, and have been for years. We've signed nearly 40 players in 2 years....we've had 5 managers in 2 years....we've got 2 players who have remained through that, & they are rubbish. Bruce ain't great, I admit, but to change manager again will bring more upheaval. We need to stick with it, realise how bad we've been & realise it will take a long time to turn around 6 years of decline.

     To be calling for his head after 3 games is pathetic.

    Last man standing

  13. Just watched the Norwich Press Conference. It was the most scripted pile of S@!t I think I've ever seen. It was worse that watching the US presidential debates.

    How about asking a few questions that he wasn't already prepared for? 

    Honestly he is making me scream at my PC in frustration. He talks a good shag, but fails miserably when it comes to getting his c*c& out.

    • Like 1
  14. 20 minutes ago, M_Afro said:

    I think we need to stick with Bruce for now. Let me clarify my position before continuing. I did not want him as our manager. Nothing has happened in the past 10 months to alter my opinion. I do though want us to get promoted this season. I think we must stick with Bruce short term in order to make this happen.

    Our main problem is scoring goals / creating chances. In order to do this you need either speedy, skilled footballers who can run from deep with the ball, a target man who can retain possession long enough for support to arrive or a team with the ability to retain possession through passing and movement (ideally a mix of all three). We do not currently have any of these and therefore any manager would struggle. If we sack Bruce now it will make it very difficult to address this before the end of August meaning any new manager will be restricted from the start.

    If we can sign a target man and at least one skillful attacking midfielder then it has the potential to transform our team. Suddenly we would have balance, be an attacking threat and also have greater options for tactics and formations. It is more likely that we can get these players if we have a perceived stability. Sack Bruce now and no player would join until the replacement had been appointed. 

    Therefore it is essential that we win tomorrow and also on Friday. I don't care how those wins occur but we should all be hoping that they do. Things would look so much better if we signed those two players and got those two wins (which are achievable). If Bruce does not improve matters after that, then we can get rid and replace him with somebody who will at least have a capable balanced squad to inherit.

    So the thought process here is to add more fuel to the fire that is already out of control. Let's just keep adding players until we find a mix that looks like it might work. when is he going to integrate the youth instead of buying has beens?

    What re you seein

  15. Just now, Dr_Pangloss said:

    Grinding a result here or there is prolonging the inevitable. No promotion under this clown, has to go now. 

    Agreed, please do the deed now and give us something to look forward to this season. If not, we have 40+ games of garbage and frustration to keep us awake at night. 

  16. I will re-iterate a previous post. Dr Xia, please do not allow Steve Bruce to make any signings. His plan for the Villa consists of buying what he believes are the best players available, throwing them on the field and hoping it works. It doesn't. Look at Hogan, Dean Smith played to his strengths and he was one of the leagues top scorers. He comes here and it's like we've tied his boot laces together.

    I'm begging, do not allow the man to make any more signings and get rid as soon as possible.


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