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Posts posted by villarule123

  1. Hopefully the Adidas news and potential CL income next season will put us in good stead for next season. 

    With our squad being so strong at the moment and us only really needing one position in the 11 to be improved on, we're in a good spot right now. 

  2. Yikes, not a good look for them today. 

    Let them decorate their stadium in black and white, give the away fans their home end and then have to watch their rivals give them a humping at the same time. 

  3. Just finished the expansion. Absolutely brilliant. 

    If only the game released in its current state. I might play the main story again as I rushed through it when the game was in a poor way. 

  4. We only really need a RB to improve on our first 11. We can spend whatever budget we have left on that position alone. 

    The other squad filling positions we can fund with outgoings. We're in a good position. 

  5. So what are we looking at then? 

    A fans vs club battle legally as they haven't followed FA procedures? Will they just go ahead and we won't have a leg to stand on? 

    This could really sour the atmosphere around the whole club, especially saddening when things are going so well on the pitch at the moment. It was the other way around about a year ago. 

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  6. They've all been incredible, but I'd give it to Bailey because of the improvement he has made compared to other seasons. A lot of people, including myself had given up on him but he's been nothing short of sensational this season. It's a relief because I was so excited when we signed him. £25m really does look a steal now.

  7. It's such a mess. We got the penalty yesterday. Arsenal didn't get one against us for exactly the same thing. Liverpool got one for exactly the same thing on the same day that Arsenal didn't get theirs. 

    I **** hate it. I don't celebrate goals anymore. Diaby's goal being given was more surprise than anything. I hate that they don't show anyone in the stadium, that is paying hundreds every year, what is going on. I have to rely on mates on Whatsapp who are watching an illegal stream to tell me which foul or decision they are checking. I went down for a piss when Burnley's offside goal was getting checked and the TVs in the concourse area had replays with all the lines on, whilst the people watching in the stands still hadn't reacted because they don't have a clue what is going on.

    I was always against VAR because it would take away the 'moment' of scoring a goal, but this is far, far worse than I ever imagined it would be. I'm pretty sure I've made identical posts to this before in here but it frustrates me so much.

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