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Posts posted by VillanousOne

  1. as in we've still been paying them huge wages whether they play or not - Warnock has been paid hundreds of thousands to sit on his arse, they owe it to themselves, the fans and the club to show they can perform.

    Warnock was probably the best player at Blackburn when we signed him, yes for some reason last season he was a liability but as i said so was Collins and Dunne only they got more second chances than they deserved!

  2. here we go again no second chances, Ireland is worse than a sex offender the way some of you go on about him! Maybe he and Warnock should be locked up and shot!

    Both deserve another chance as we pay there wages and they owe us some performances to justify being at the club, if they throw that chance away then no-one has any reason to feel sorry for them.

  3. The way i see this is we have two choices as fans:

    1) Suck it up, back McLeish and support this club. We may not like it but i don't see much choice.

    2) Make a bad situation worse and hurt the club we love by protesting, staying away, or shouting abuse at our board and new manager.

    I am not telling anyone what to think or feel, emotions are running high right now and we all have a choice to make. And no i'm not even sure myself what i think about those two options even if i know the consequences or think i do.

  4. Hughes leaving Fullham for no reason just doesn't make sense (i dont buy the lack of ambition crap, a job is a job and he's hardly Mourinho is he!), either he is going to Chelsea in some capacity or has another job lined up. I still think that could be us. Legally neither party could say anything so it's impossible to know for sure.

    Birmingham Mail have stated Randy is coming back to sell Young and specifically said he will also interview two candidates for the manager's role, no idea where they got that from - but surely they would be manager's out of work? Or manager's where a club has given permission for us to speak to them?

    Can i take this chance to state that someone needs to tell Liverpool and their fans that they are no longer a top 4 club.

  5. Asked whether the Frenchman's plans would determine Downing's future at Villa Park, the former Middlesbrough man was clear, adding: "I have enjoyed working with Martin O'Neill, Kevin McDonald, Gary McAllister and Gerard Houllier so it doesn't influence my decision at all if he stays or goes."

    Great to see player loyalty in full effect again!

  6. why did Collins stop dead for the move leading up to their goal? If had of kept running we might not have conceded.

    Bottom line is we have no idea how to play decent through balls or football through the middle of the park and are so predictable on the wings. Bent was awful today so was Young, NRC was diabolical also.

    Expect a shambolic end to a shambolic season.

  7. If we do get a new manager due to GH retiring I think ultimately how he handles Ireland will let us know once and for all if Ireland is worthy of this club.

    We forget he went from being golden boy at City to shipped out like Dunne and then MON signed him and then promptly f*cked off. GH didn't want him. The guy has been handled badly and is clearly three cards short of a full deck, but he does have the talent if someone can find a way of balancing his ego and ability then we could have a real asset - he didn't look bad playing his 12mins so far for the Geordies.

    You'd think Moyes or Hughes could sort him out, Hughes got the best out of him once so surely he could again?

    Despite all the above i couldn't give a damn if he goes or stays, but i don't want us to make a big loss on him - so i think we have no option but to give him another go much as i hate typing that.

  8. true, although i doubt a neutral fan would go to the Bolton website to buy it.

    it just struck me as odd as Bolton aren't our fierce rivals, and it wasn't a game that won them silverware or gave them promotion or saved them from relegation. Obviously it's not for me to say what people buy.

  9. When is Cuellar due back?

    My answer to curing the defensive issues is a flat back four - **** wing backs just four defenders who know how to tackle and defend.

    Cuellar, Collins, Dunne, Clark

    I presume for the next game it'll be

    Walker, Collins, LYoung, Clark

    which will be better but not enough for a clean sheet.

  10. Friedel: 6 - Can't be faulted for the goals as he has no protection

    Walker: 6 - Offers a lot up front and defends well but offers nothing at set pieces

    Luke Young: 6 - Best of a poor defence but still offered little on set pieces

    Baker: 5 - At fault for at least one goal which is a shame as I like him and thought he was playing well at first

    Clark: 5 - Not terrible but again inexperience/no positional sense for crosses cost us

    NRC: 6 - Thought he did well

    Delph: 5 - What he did he did well, but that wasn't much.

    Young: 5 - Frustrating as ever, penalty miss sounded the death knoll of this game

    Downing: 5 - Missed a sitter and never chases or tackles, although was still a threat

    Albrighton: 7 - Great game yet he has become what Bale used to be Tottenham - a total jinx - although that didn't last

    Bent: 4 - Knock in aside he was useless

    subs: Petrov 5

    Gabby - to little time to rate

    Houllier: 4 Not sure he could have done more with the injuries we have, but he needs to get every defender we have on the training ground and praticise the **** out of defending set pieces and crosses or else we will get relegated.

  11. I wasn't happy with the result but i think the negativity and over reactions on here are worse.

    You all wanted Cuellar back, Houllier brought Cuellar back and in the middle - sadly he got injured but that is no-ones fault.

    Most wanted NRC back and Petrov gone, it happened and NRC was MOM.

    Makoun got red carded, yet to be honest we played no different without him.

    There's been a Gabby witch hunt going on and the endless playing on the left bleating and yet he scored a brilliant goal.

    Ash and Downing were in the thick of things and Downing should have scored and Ash prob should have had a penalty, it just didn't happen today but i don't think Houllier could have done much different.

    We need a left back and we need a more solid formation at the back, but we didn't lose and at times looked pretty decent. People need to take a **** chill pill and stop wetting their panties every time we don't win.

  12. Friedel (because we have no-one else)

    Cuellar, Collins, Dunne, Clark

    Downing, Makoun, Bannan, Young

    Heskey, Bent

    How that team does pick itself i'm not sure??? Albrighton, Delph and Gabby to come off the bench to change things up. I would happily see Delph start though and we have to wait and see what Bradley brings. We don't need two holding midfielders, let Makoun control midfield whilst Delph or Bannan provide a supply line to the fwds. People have seem to forgotten how much better we look when Heskey plays?? Also I like Walker but if Cuellar plays we concede less goals! Petrov wasn't that bad today but i prefer NRC anyday.

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