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Posts posted by MachoFantastico

  1. The amount of crap coming out of twitter right now is amusing:D. Folks moaning we spent £15 million on Kodija, 1. It's not our money and 2. I'd take any solid striker right now because we've already seen our inability to put games away with missed chances. 

    Not to bothered by Adama going, his attitude sticks and even Ayew for that matter if we could bring in someone by the deadline. Honestly, we've spent to long having bad blood in our squad, players who just don't care. 

  2. There's no pleasing some of you lot :D

    Have to admit I don't know a great deal about Kodija so I'll wait to see more of him before making any judgement. All I know is we NEED an out and out goalscorer given how wasteful we've been in front of goal. 

    I think we'll probably get another new face before the window closes to. 

  3. Honestly don't know what to make of the Docs comments but I do get the impression that he's willing Roberto to go after the players he wants to help fix the squad. The fact that it's the owner saying this sort of stuff is encouraging because it at least shows intent.

    I to agree that I don't think there's an exact budget for Roberto to work by, seems we're willing to splash the cash if we feel the need. Who he's on about is anyone's guess though. 

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