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Mark Albrighton

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Posts posted by Mark Albrighton

  1. Peep Show returning in under two weeks. :)

    Get innnnnnn

    Super Hans better be coming back?

    Also fun trivia fact, I watched every episode of Peep Show back to front starting with the last episode and ending with the first.

    Yes, I believe Super Hans will be involved. Couldn't imagine a series without him!

    I would love it if Nancy or Elena made an appearance but I think that's wishful thinking. 

    Was there a reason for watching it in reverse? 

  2. I think I mentioned it elsewhere, but in one of his always accurate predictions, Lawro was talking about Villa's signings not doing well with the exception of Gestede!!! It shows how much he watches us.

    They really don't care. The sad thing is Sherwood made us semi-interesting to the them, a novelty possibly. But now we'll be back to "oh yeah, Villa are still here so we better mention them in passing".

    Sorry, off topic there. Hope we get the new guy in soon.

  3. I hate that. Of our last 10 managers, 2 were non-British.

    I wonder how often they suggest a Brit should be given a chance at one of the big boys while they're creaming themselves over Jose, Klopp, LVG, Wenger, Martinez etc.

    • Like 4
  4. God Almighty, just seen a Villa fan interviewed on Sky Sports News who reckons there will be rebellion if Remi Garde arrives and that the fans want someone like Nigel Pearson.  Really?


    When Lambert was sacked they did a similar thing, picking people around New Street and asking them who should take over.

    I saw an acquaintance of my brother on midlands today around that time. He said he wanted Klinsmann for the Villa job.

    However he failed to mention that he supported Wolves.

    • Like 2
  5. I don't mind AVB, not saying he would be my first choice, just that I think he was a little hard done by during his time in this country.

    Sacked by Chelsea (who hasn't been?), think they went on to win the champions league that season, so he couldn't have left them in too much of a sorry state.

    Did alright at spurs, got the best out of Bale and then seemingly saw all the transfer funds from his sale go on purchases made by Levy.

    N.b. I have no certainty that was the case regarding Levy, but it certainly seemed like it.

  6. I am actually on Tinder I am so ashamed of myself...but man its not difficult to meet women on this thing. 

    I've thought about going on it, but I'm not on Facebook so I don't think it's an option.

    I have a mate who uses it. He's not what I would call particularly handsome, he doesn't drive so he gets his dates to drive to him and he gets hammered after one pint and gets himself in such a sleepy, pissed up state, I still get asked about him around my village even though he moved nearly a year ago. 

    Despite this, I have lost count of the number of women he's been out with having met them on Tinder or POF.

  7. Random question. Would people prefer Lambert back with a £100m transfer kitty or Moyes with a £20m one?

    Lambert and the £100m. 

    Can we then pay off Lambert and use some to bribe Ancelotti to join us please?

    • Like 1
  8. Isn't From Hell based on a comic/graphic novel? If it is, is that worth reading? I remember the film being enjoyable but a bit meh.

    Yeah, based on the graphic novel by Alan Moore. 

    Not read it, so can't comment. If it's anything like the film it'll play fast and loose with the facts (not that it's meant to be accurate). I dare say like all the other adaptations of his stuff, Moore most likely distances himself from the film.

    Yeah the film is a bit "meh" literally got it on as I can't sleep. 

  9. Watching "From Hell".

    In real life, if Mary Kelly looked like how Heather Graham does in the film, she would have spent all her time on her back.

    oh well guess I'm not watching that movie now 


    Ah damn, sorry mate.

    Although, I'm referring to what happened to Mary Kelly in real life, not the film, could be different! Artistic license and all that!

  10. Watching "From Hell".

    In real life, if Mary Kelly looked like how Heather Graham does in the film, she would have spent all her time on her back.

  11. Bloody BBC website. "Tim Sherwood: Was Aston Villa sacking deserved?"

    10 defeats out of the past 12 league matches. Yes, it was deserved. I'd love to know how many games he had to lose before they decided his media persona was outweighed by performance.

    I also like how there's this constant view of "well, this is what happens when you sell your best players in Benteke, Delph and Cleverly", as if we made the silly decision to off load them. 

    Whenever they mention Vlaar as well, they seem to think we lost the World Cup Vlaar rather than a player who was laughably injury prone and made some costly errors in his final year (when he did play).

    They seem to champion the fact Sherwood wanted more premier league experience in the squad but ignore his own limited time of management in this division or any other. 

    Oh and Lescott wasn't a free transfer. Idiots.

  12. This is what Danny Murphy said today after the sacking-

    "We don't know exactly what's gone on with the recruitment of the players that have come in - ultimately too many of them haven't done well enough and are not good enough. Like all managers, he's responsible for that."

    So a bit of a dig at the players, I think that's to be expected. But the overall impression I got was he feels the buck stops with Sherwood.

    I like Murphy, the beeb's best pundit by a considerable margin.

    • Like 3
  13. Looks like we're going down the Avant-Garde route.

    lol pun-tastic. I was trying to think of one along the lines of we'll need to on our Garde with this appointment, but I won't bother now!

    • Like 2
  14. Given lerners track record of hiring managers it honestly wouldn't surprise me if he gave wolf from gladiators the job.


    If he goes down that avenue then fingers crossed he appoints Jet instead.

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