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Mark Albrighton

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Posts posted by Mark Albrighton

  1. 13 minutes ago, Xela said:

    Hostel is another film which is so gory its almost funny. 

    I was gonna reference Hostel as being an exception to these films as I've purposely watched the first 40 mins purely because I knew beforehand there would be some gorgeous backpacker girls for me to perv on :P

  2. 8 hours ago, Zatman said:

    finally finished season 4 of Arrested Development about 2 months after I started, what a **** drag which is nowhere near quality of season 1-3. Best cancel show now instead of more seasons like this

    In an earlier post I mentioned that I got to around episode 8 or 9 and gave up.

    Is it a case of it generally not improving in the final few episodes, or that the end return where it's supposed to all tie in just isn't worth the slog?

    Based on the episodes I watched, I wouldn't hesitate in saying that it's the single biggest decline in quality I've seen in a sitcom. Ah well, I'm still happy seasons 1-3 exist. 

  3. I'm not a brummie, but I feel slightly embarrassed that I didn't know Chamberlain was from Birmingham.

    But to be honest, the only things I know about Chamberlain is "peace for (in) our time" and that his cousin was Alfred in the Batman tv series in the sixties.

  4. Could have only answered the top three, have now googled the answers for the bottom two- interesting, I would never have got them.

    Of the ones I knew, I'd have guessed "the detectives" question was the lowest scoring.

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  5. I voted 6-10, as when I drink (normally a Saturday evening-occasional Thursday evening), that's the number of pints/shorts I'm likely to drink on a given night. I'll normally have at least one full week off a month though.

    For instance, I was dry between 8th and 25th of November. But a stag do in which I basically lived on and fell in love with Murphy's put paid to that.

    Across an average month, maybe anything between 15-30 alcoholic drinks.

  6. It's been nearly 17 weekends since the last post in this thread (yes, I counted). I can only assume the goings on of Villa have been sapping the enthusiasm out of weekends for us all.

    Tomorrow, I'm off on a stag weekend in Cork, my first trip to Ireland. Blarney Castle, pub crawl, zorb football etc. Should be good. 

    And we shall be kissing the Blarney Stone, it'll no doubt be the closest anyone gets to any romantic indiscretion over the whole weekend.

  7. I would be more believing of the club asking or "coercing" Delph into making the "loyalty/love my club" statements if they had happened just once. The club obviously did ask him to say some nice things, give the fans a lift. But I firmly believe that all those lovely sentiments were indeed his own. 

    He most likely did mean it all at the time, the first statement anyway, but soon realised the chance he was potentially giving up on and found himself backed into a corner. 

    The official club statement when he left was very matter of fact, no well wishes if I recall correctly (unlike the Benteke statement for his clause related departure). Which to me says the club was pissed off as it was thought he would stay. 

    Don't get me wrong, the club was at fault for letting his contract running that low in the first place, while giving the likes of Gabby & Lambert new deals at the start of the season. Why he wasn't given a new deal a year before, I've got no idea.

  8. Until last year I thought that these lyrics from Bat out of hell -

    "I'm gonna hit the highway like a battering ram, on a silver black phantom bike."

    were in fact -

    "I'm gonna hit the highway like a battering ram, I'm a Cilla Black fan, on right"

    For ages I thought that Cilla was a big in America based on that line.

  9. Black Friday.

    It's so dispiriting it's become "an event" here, the build up to it, news coverage etc. 

    Not sure if it's the retailer's cynical message of "it's time to shop" at a given date which has next to no meaning to UK consumers or the sight of the frenzied stampeding and fighting over goods that irritates me more.

  10. 31 minutes ago, troon_villan said:


    Wonder if Shropshire Lad likes this.

    It can confirmed that Shropshire Lad does not like Shropshire Blue cheese.

    At the risk of being very controversial, Shropshire Lad dislikes ALL cheese, whether of Salopian origin or otherwise.


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