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Mark Albrighton

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Posts posted by Mark Albrighton

  1. Could have easily gone in the cheer you up thread…


    The former actor Laurence Fox will not be a candidate at the London mayoral elections after failing to fill in the nomination forms correctly.

    London Elects, which administers the mayoral and London Assembly elections, said the Reclaim party leader had submitted the papers shortly before the deadline on Wednesday, which were subsequently found to contain errors.

    Fox, who last acted on screens in a 2022 film distributed by the far-right website Breitbart, is understood to have failed to provide enough signatures of support in two London boroughs, while three supporters from other boroughs could not be found in records.


    • Haha 4
  2. 5 minutes ago, Xela said:

    Yeah, thats another thing I don't get - why do people feel the need to deface/ruin them? People are odd. 

    Well I suppose some may do so because they might feel a bit “Who gave him the right to paint that? I’ll do some painting too…” Which, y’know, I guess I can’t really argue against.

    But if graffiti is inevitable I’d rather have “good” graffiti not defaced by less talented folk. Last time I was there, I noticed some of the better designs around Digbeth have been tagged and kinda blemished. So maybe there’s the “who gave you the right…” crowd and there’s a few individuals who take the view “Huh, you’re clearly better than me at this graffiti lark…I’m not letting you get away with that…”.

    I am guessing, but that’s what I’d say.

    • Like 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, Xela said:

    Banksy's artwork on buildings.

    Always gets huge crowds. Are people genuinely interested in it, or is it just an excuse to upload a photo to social media to look cool?

    A bit of the former, mostly the latter I would say. Seems to be the case that they don’t last too long which will only add to the exclusivity of being able to say you’ve seen it in situ. 

    • Like 1
  4. 14 pounds in a stone.

    I typically have to use imperial for a person’s weight to get a sense of things. Kilograms I always have to take a little longer, I typically associate it when I see a maximum weight a lift can hold and it’s usually, I don’t know, 800Kg or 10 persons, or something.

    I also run in miles, well I think of them in miles. Mainly because we calculate speed in miles (not that I’m bothered about my speed) and a marathon is in miles (not that I’m running a marathon).

  5. 41 minutes ago, tomav84 said:

    Petty thing pissed me off this morning. Having walked 30 mins to work someone held the door for me when I was a good 20ft away causing me to break into an almost jog so as not to leave them holding it for me for ages. Was totally unnecessary.

    I thought 6ft was the unwritten rule? (can be extended to 10ft if it's for a pretty lady)

    They must think you’re looking off-the-scale stunning today, matey.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, bobzy said:

    The player in question wasn’t offside - which you’d have seen, if you watched the video for a further minute or so.

    I suppose it might be expected that they’d look at things in chronological order. So they might go “Check for offside, draw lines…oh no he’s on. Ok now let’s have a look at the handball.”

    My only guess is that they originally thought the handball would be more obvious than the (possible) offside so it would be easier to come to a conclusion based on that. 

    To be honest, watching it I thought it was all fine, it seemed to work and made sense (the club I support benefited so there is that conflict of interest in my opinion there). It’s just how long it took. 

    • Like 1
  7. They’re all like that though. And unfortunately I suspect a lot of football supporters have it in them to be that blasé over that level of success.

    I remember watching a bit of Arsenal fan tv and I guess they were talking about Wenger (or maybe it was Arteta) and whether he should be in charge and in the pro column was a recent FA cup win, to which Robbie (the main guy) said “Yeah, but the FA cup…”.

    And it was said in a manner that was akin to the level of enthusiasm and appreciation one might display having received complimentary water at a restaurant. Like it was a given.


    **** ‘em.

  8. I don’t think it’s been mentioned on here but the red lion in the jewellery quarter has been bought by Joules.

    Last time I was there it did feel like it wasn’t quite reaching its potential. Pleased that Joules have a spot in the area, nice to have another good option.

    • Like 1
  9. I know I’ve said before but I’ve been in pubs, jukebox already blaring, so I take charge and if I choose “Make Me Smile” it really does the trick. I’ve watched women in their twenties suddenly realise that, actually, they know this song and go giddy for it.

    A solo, the pauses in the song, the ooh la las. A winning combination.

    • Like 1
  10. Can’t remember if I’ve posted the thought on here but I often wonder, if I had the choice, would I rather live to 80 - guaranteed to clock out then, but also guaranteed to be very healthy both physically and mentally (let’s say I look and act like I’m 60, when I’m 79). 

    Would I choose that, or would I rather a guarantee of living to say 105 but I’m going to age normally - when I’m 98, man do I look and feel like I’m 98 - and no guarantees of avoiding dementia or whatever.

    Basically a simple hypothetical of quality of life v longevity of life and how much I would sacrifice the one for the other.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, markavfc40 said:

    Just picking up on something I just read in the deadpool thread and someone dying at 73 and being described as only 73. I see this a lot that people in their 70's being described in terms such as no age or even young. 

    I can't see someone in their 60's as young or no age never mind their 70's. I'm 50 so no spring chicken and whilst I don't consider myself old I certainly couldn't see myself, or definitely not describe myself, as young. Life expectancy for males in the UK is I think 78 and dropping so you get into mid 70s and you've had a half decent knock I'd say. 

    I'm probably influenced by having lost my dad when he was 60, my mother in law when she was 55 and numerous aunts/uncles on both mine and my wife's side in their 60's. The only nan and granddad I was close to were 69 and 73 and back when they passed away in the 1980s/early 90s that was considered a good innings. My mom is 80 this year and I'd say that is a really good age to get to. 

    It’s easy for me to think this being a few years off that sort of age, but I do tend to think anything after three score and ten it is a bit of a lucky dip. 

    That doesn’t mean to say someone can’t feel vital at 75 or feel like they haven’t got life yet to live…but I would like to think at that age I could adopt a philosophical view and think “Well there were people I went to school with who didn’t make it past their mid twenties” so I couldn’t have too many complaints.


    Sadly that isn’t a completely made up thought, when I was in my mid twenties, three people who were in my school year all died within about 6-12 months of each other. As it gets said, getting older is better than the alternative.

    • Like 3
  12. 7 minutes ago, bobzy said:

    They didn’t really. No-one down there won, but Huddersfield move closer and QPR pick up a point away at Sunderland.

    QPR vs Blues on Friday. Huge game. 

    A week on Friday.

    If it was this Friday, I’d back QPR. I don’t know when Mowbray is due back. I’m conscious of debating what is ultimately a trivial matter of our local rivals being relegated and factoring in a man’s health while doing that…but if he was able to return for the end of the month, that might change things for me.

    It is a huge game, regardless.

    • Thanks 1
  13. Hmmm. They lost - pleasing. Still not in the bottom three - displeasing.

    On balance, I’m ok with that. I think.

    I have the sense that they were aiming for 3/4 points from these two home games. Managed to pick up zero.

    Results wise they are on the worst run compared to the likes of Huddersfield, Wednesday, QPR…

    I think it will be down to Mowbray. If he is able to return, they’ll survive. If he doesn’t, I’d be inclined to think it might actually happen.

    • Like 2
  14. Norwich doing well, don’t want them cementing a play off place before the final game ideally, resting all their players for the play offs and giving sha an early friendly.

    I know we rested players when we went up, but it was against already crowned champions (Norwich, again) so it meant nothing.

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