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Posts posted by PongRiddims

  1. I can remember going to Blackpool with the villa, day before Wigan away last game of the season, in the pub at 6am, in flares at 3pm off my tits, went for a shit

    No lock on the door...no toilet seat...evil laugh in my head "you won't stop me!"

    Shame I didn't notice the lack of toilet roll too...

    Unless it's a phantom poop you've no option in those situations other than ripping the pocket out of your jeans and using that

  2. 42 minutes ago, PongRiddims said: Re: Ian Bell - I remember Shane Warne quoting someone about his retirement saying "it's better they ask why has he retired, than why hasn't he..." I wouldn't be upset, Bell has been a giant amongst men at times, and both modest and understated too.

    Funnily enough, that was on TV today. Pretty sure it was Ian Chappell. 

    Was it on that Shane Warne Living The Life documentary thing?

  3. Re: Ian Bell - I remember Shane Warne quoting someone about his retirement saying "it's better they ask why has he retired, than why hasn't he..." I wouldn't be upset, Bell has been a giant amongst men at times, and both modest and understated too.

    • Like 2
  4. Peep show ....brilliant ...dobby looks rougher than she did ....still probably would 

    Really, if anything she's gone from a 5 to a 6 IMO

    She's only gone up because there's no Elena, Nancy or Big Suze to compare her to.

    Big Suze God bless what a woman

  5. Qqj5p1x.png


    Quote Compared to an average day, we saw a slight 5% increase in traffic among gamers in the early morning hours from 3-4 am. At this point we assume everyone’s download completed and the gaming commenced. Starting at 5am traffic began to drop, down as much as 10% from 7am till noon. In the afternoon traffic returned to normal, but after 6pm it dropped again when we assume that 9-5 workers arrived home and fired up their games. After midnight it seems like everyone finally took a break, and traffic jumped as high at 15% above daily norms.

    From http://www.pornhub.com/insights

    Some very interesting articles on there by the way. The articles are the only reason why I go there of course.

    That is marvellous

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, tonyh29 said: They destroyed the park bench Eddie and Rich sit on in the opening credits of bottom

    I can just imagine xela and Pong sharing a flat in Hammersmith, like Rich and Eddie.

    "Blouses off birds, it's the Hammersmith hard men!" 

    Literally how it's gonna be, no lie. Best get the pheromone spray ready.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, chrisp65 said: I work in a little office next to River Cafe in Hammersmith every once in a blue moon.

    Very nice area, relaxed, couple of nice pubs, river walks and close enough to tube / Westfield / M4. What's not to like?

    They destroyed the park bench Eddie and Rich sit on in the opening credits of bottom

    Did they? Last time I was down it was on the crossing by the Yardbird boozer? (at least, that's where the memorial flowers where and ting)

  8. 17 hours ago, PongRiddims said: London is ace man, move there now fella I'll rent a room, Hammersmith please

    I was thinking of Knightsbridge as I'm a posh word removed but I'll consider Hammersmith if things don't work out for me 

    Alright bro I ain't made of money

    • Like 1
  9. Here's something weird. It's probably due to me coming to terms with my own mortality in recent years, probably because both my parents have/had cancer (terminal in the case of my dad)...

    ... but I'm so scared of dying that I've pondered, on several occasions, whether it's a good thing to have children (eventually) because I'm just bringing them into the world for them to die. Wouldn't it be nicer for them not to have to go through that?

    Pretty **** up, and I've always decided I was wrong. But still.

    Yep, must admit I've thought similar things. Bring them into the world to likely watch everyone they love die then die themselves.

    Obviously it wouldn't put me off totally but it does cross my mind.

    I think the main problem there is over protection. Grieving is a fundamental part of life. You shouldn't be protecting someone from it. It's an important lesson to learn.

    • Like 1
  10. Just come back from a couple of days in London. I'm not a regular visitor to our capital and as such I forget how great it is. What a wonderful city, always so much going on.

    I always wonder whether I should have moved there in my 20's. 


    London is ace man, move there now fella I'll rent a room, Hammersmith please

  11. On 17/11/2015, 13:12:35, mjmooney said:


    A fish apple can occur when you store an apple next to (say) mackerel sandwiches in (say) a butty box.

    when you chomp on the apple, it tastes a bit fishy. This is not a good thing. Helpfully, a respberry yoghurt will remove all traces of the unpleasant fishapple flavour from the affected pie-hole.

    That happened to me yesterday. I thought I'd do general chat about it, to warn others.


    Interestingly, my missus once put my headphone in a bag with some fish (don't ask, she's an idiot sometimes) and I developed an curious case of fishphones, which are actually worse than you'd imagine.

    • Like 3
  12. 8 hours ago, snowychap said:


    It should be people's actions that are dealt with/prohibited - not what they think or believe.

    Setting up schools for Indoctrinating kids with sky fairy nonsense? Ban it.

    Official member of the Ban It With Blandy fan club

    • Like 2
  13. I see Mitchell Johnson has called it a day. At his best, a devastating quick bowler, capable of winning cricket matches on his own. At his worst a comedy figure, who let the barracking get to him and really effect his game. Obviously people will recall the bad spells he had, where he couldn't keep the ball straight, and that song, but he should be also remembered as the bowler who tore us apart in the last Ashes in Aus, and the man our bats had no answer for. 

    Good luck Mitch, in whatever you do next. Respect from an Englishman, who got to see you at your best and worst. 

    I didn't realise he ranked as highly in wickets until I heard the news today, he's hardly been clinical all his career so to be 4th and behind three absolute beasts is incredible. He's always known his role to the English, he might have buckled a few times but not as often as he's showed us up, the bastard. All the best MJ

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