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Posts posted by AlwaysAVFC

  1. Had a rare visit to Sainsburys earlier and they had a few that I haven't tried. 




    I liked all 3. Need to have the Urban fog again as managed to pierce it when I got home, so had to drink it prematurely and not chilled. It still went down well and had an interesting taste. 

    I wasn't too hopeful with the White chocolate and raspberry milkshake IPA but actually really enjoyed it. 

    • Like 3
  2. We used to go to snobs on a Wednesday but lived in Worcester at the time with money tight we avoided a taxi back. If we didn't find somewhere to go after. It was the 630am train usually getting away without paying and plenty of time killing beforehand, which normally just meant chilling and having a joint or 2. 

    A Saturday night was usually a birthday or something so it was better planned and got a taxi. Apart from the raves at the Q club when it was the first bus back.

    We'd been going out on Thursday nights in Worcester, pretty much from GCSE exam leave onwards so we're desperate for something different and better music. 

    Not sure if Worcester is an better now as the Uni has expanded. I don't know what clubs they have there now. 

  3. 2 hours ago, foreveryoung said:

    Take a while to make your money back and depending the way they are set up, they may not save you to much money. My pal fits them for 10-35k. Cheaper ones don't do water, so bills may be the same.

    I queried to have one fitted, he said don't bother till they are 25% cheaper.

    We had an air source heat pump in the social house we lived in before we bought our house. It was in a village that had no gas supply so it was certainly the best option. What I would say they were great when they worked but had temperamental issues. There were also issues with people knowing what they were doing with the system, when they came to fix it. Although I imagine this is increasing all the time as more people get them (I hope so anyway). We had someone who was apparently one of the most knowledgeable in the business 😂 come service our boiler only for it to stop working when he'd left. It also packed up during a snowy spell when our little one was about 6months and the following summer the heating wouldn't turn off. 

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  4. First gig in god knows when later. Went to Victorious festival for a day in the summer but my last proper gig was well before Covid. 

    Weirdly I've actually been to very few gigs in Birmingham, always seem to go elsewhere. Tonight is The Skints at The Mill. 

  5. 26 minutes ago, Mark Albrighton said:

    The Old Crown is good for food. Not eaten there but having seen others dine there, the Big Bulls Head might be worth investigating.

    The Old Crown looks pretty good and that is what I was going to go with, but having looked at the menu again today, quite a lot of it has nuts, which I can't have. 

    I think we're going to try Chance and Counters. Nothing more Rock n Roll than a pre gig board game. Hopefully not as hipster as it sounds but food and beer menu looks decent. Mrs likes the look of it and as it's our anniversary and I'm taking her to a gig that's more for me than her, plus she's driving, probably best go with her choice. 

  6. 23 hours ago, sidcow said:

    Digbeth Dining Club was always the place to go, not sure if it's there now though, seem to remember seeing them moving to Hockley or something. I think The Original Patty Men have a permanent site under the railway arches near Moor Street Station though. 

    Yeah think DDC are moving to Longbridge as a permanent base plus their events elsewhere. Don't think They would do Tuesdays either, likewise OPM aren't open on Tuesdays as thought about there already. 

  7. 22 hours ago, Ingram85 said:

     My favourite memory though was my Nan getting endless stuff with her staff card, I used to love the bag of off cuts and misshaped stuff.

    I used to love going to the staff shop. My Dad worked at Cadburys but passed away before I was 1. My mom got one of the cards with his work pension. So it was always a nice link to him when we went. Likewise every Christmas my mom was sent a box of goodies which was exciting every year and again felt extra special to me. I'm sure my mom probably dreaded it as me and my brother would try and claim the best bits. That all stopped when Kraft took over though. 

    As for Cadbury World I'd say a 4 year old would enjoy it but the best age range being about 6-11, as they would get a bit more out of it. 

    • Like 3
  8. We only moved into our first home in Feb, so glad we did it when we did. We paid £205k and 2 doors down went for £235k today and could have got more but didn't want to risk it being down valued. 

    Time will tell if it stay like this but I doubt we would have been able to buy somewhere if we didn't do it when we did. 

  9. On 22/09/2021 at 14:27, blandy said:

    IS it true that if your home is a leasehold, the holder of the lease is responsible for the buildings insurance (and the dweller for contents)?

    I know when housing associations are the leaseholder (well the one my Mrs works for anyway) Owners have to pay for building insurance through the housing association, which is included in their service charge. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. 15 minutes ago, tomav84 said:


    i love matty, but there are currently 3 better english RBs, 2 of which are younger than cash. he's got little chance of playing for england IMO

    I agree with you, there's so many RB's that Southgate doesn't know what to do and shoe-horning them in and over looking other players potentially more suited. One playing on the left one in midfield ones that have been involved, overlooked. 

    I don't think he will, end up playing for England,  it just feels like its one last attempt before the actual decision is made whether he wants to and whether he will be selected for Poland. 

  11. I just wonder whether this Poland thing is partly to try and wave at Southgate to say look at me, you are about to lose me to Poland. I half noticed that someone from Poland played it down? I didn't see who it was and there must be some truth in him getting it his citizenship but doesn't seem like it's certain. 

    I'm not sure it's the best move if that was the case, as even if Southgate called him up and played him next month. It could then end any potential international career. 


  12. 23 hours ago, foreveryoung said:

    Couple of fans gonna be done for racist chanting now. They really had a bad day didn't they.

    I bit my lip on twitter and resisted saying anything, as I don't agree with using racism as one upmanship. They are very quick do to this when a Villa fan is accused/done for racism and think they don't have a racist fan amongst them and if they did, they'd be a number of lads to sort them out. When the sad fact is they have just as many racist fans amongst them as any other clubs. 



  13. 1 hour ago, bickster said:

    9:30 - 10:00 Bicks has a shit. Every day

    Why shit on your own time when you can get paid for it

    Definitely my motto at work also. 

    At a couple of places I also set myself a challenge to use as many toilets as I could. One previous job was at Bath Uni, not sure whether I completed all male/unisex public toilets on campus but can't have been far off in my time there. 


  14. Wanted chip shop today, but one of my daughter is coeliac so can only get gluten free on certain days. 

    Though sod it I'll make it, so did some chips and home made lamb doner kebab and chicken kebab. It was actually pretty damn good. Both the doner and chips worked so well. Whether it was good enough to do it again though not so sure, a proper ball ache when I would have took about 15mins to get get to the chippy and back and a lot less washing up. 

    • Like 2
  15. 21 minutes ago, Genie said:

    Sight change of pace from £60k jags… the wife is after a new run around, she does a tiny amount of miles per year.

    She has a fiesta at the moment but wants a slightly higher driving position but not necessarily a bigger car. 
    She likes the look of the early Nissan Jukes and there’s one for sale by us. 2011, great condition, top spec, low miles, 1.6 petrol, fsh.

    Anyone have any experience with them?

    Not too much help apart from I'm not aware she had many issues but a girl at my old job was terrible for forgetting where she parked. She bought a yellow one, thinking it will be easy for her to spot. Little did she know, I think everyone had the same idea and there would be several yellow Jukes in the car park wherever she parked, so it probably made things worse. 

    • Haha 1
  16. 5 hours ago, Wainy316 said:

    Growing up in Tamworth to Brummie parents if I said 'town' I'd have meant Tamworth town centre.

    My Mom & Dad however would say they're going into Tamworth or if they said going to town they'd have meant Brum.

    We moved from Brum to Droitwich. It's changed a bit now since lived all over the place but we were like your parents. If we were going to Birmingham we were going to town. If we were going to Droitwich town centre we'd be going to Droitwich. 

  17. 5 hours ago, maqroll said:

    Sounds like you need to find the source of the leak.

    Pretty sure it was coming through the tile grouting, there was little signs of water anywhere else and not by the shower plumbing which was my main concern. 

    For now I have put the tiles back on and re-grouted, as a short term fix until we are in a position to do the bathroom properly. Hopefully that has stopped the issue and will hold for a little while. 



    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    Oh don't worry, I'm not proud at all. I'd happily do it on a budget.

    Unfortunately, given the circumstances, I don't have much of a say these days :D 

    As echoed by others, Facebook groups etc have most you need at a fraction of the price and you can usually get the same back what you paid by re selling when done. 

    Mrs was pretty good at doing all that and your circumstances are different but buying everything new you'll spend a shed load on some things that could barely be used, if at all. Especially with a first child as there's the tendency to want to buy anything that you think will help their development when in actual fact some things really aren't all that and some the child won't show much interest in. 


  19. I got tickets to an evening swimming session. Only applied for that and an athletics evening, so got quite lucky. Didn't apply for too much as it would be the 4 of us so didn't want to get to end up paying for too many events. Might have a go for something else in the second ballot. 

    • Like 1

    Bloody house owning! With either renting or living close to the in laws, had little DIY to do which suits my lack off skill and knowledge. 

    A while back we had a leak coming into the kitchen. I put new sealant around the bath and that seemed to stop it. The other day we saw signs of a leak in the room next door. 

    It looks like a lot of the grout was in poor condition. I've been pushing my skills today by taking out the grout to replace. Only issue is now there are a few falling tiles, which I think I can manage to refix but I took a couple more off and found where the water must be getting through as the plaster or whatever it is, is patchy and crumbling. 



    Was hoping to have put the grout in by the end of the day (god knows how that will go) but now wondering whether I have reached my limit. With how crumbly it is not sure if I will be able to re-tile to make do until we can do the bathroom properly or it it is going to have to be sorted first. 

  21. 19 hours ago, theboyangel said:

    The last time we put the jets on in the bath it ended up like this 🤣🤣🤣




    We had one when we moved into our house back in 1990. It was great fun as a kid with the bubbles going out of control. 

    As already mentioned the noise it made would counter any relaxing benefit. 

    Ours was operated by a cord from ceiling. Every so often a visitor to the house would mistake it for the light switch, resulting in jets of water shooting to the ceiling. 

    • Haha 1
  22. You can see why rehoming centres don't have many dogs they will let families with young children have. Like dogs they can be a bit unpredictable. Our 4 year old girl is pretty good at knowing what she can and can't do with ours and other dogs and we'd consider ourselves responsible owners. We still caught her this week putting her denim jacket on her and putting a book over her head like a tent while she was lay down. 

    Ours is quite endearing when she takes the girls toys, you can tell she's just done it as she has a certain pace as she scampers past, or you hear her upstairs. It's not too much of an issue though as she's not possessive and never chews or rags them like her own, just sort of mothers them and gives them up when she sees one of us. 

    • Like 1
  23. 8 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

    I dog I hope to own one day . Always liked them, and also their stand offish personality . You have got to be careful with them so I’ve heard and read. Not so much with people and children, but with other dogs and cats . We did happen to meet one on holiday which was off the lead and came and said hello to us and our dog, and that was a first seeing the breed off the lead and so friendly with other dogs. Beautiful dog.

    Cats, squirrels and birds she'd be off like a shot after them. There's a cat that is sometimes over the road at the front of the house and she gets really frustrated she can't get out to it. 

    Other dogs we're still quite wary of her with. We try to meet as many as possible. She gets very excited to see other dogs, again can get frustrated if she doesn't meet them. The majority of the time she is very friendly when they do meet. Some other owners and their dogs are put off a bit as she is eager to meet. 

    People and children she is great with, but can be a bit too licky. 

    Did have one kid ask if he could stroke her, which is good for a kid but then he put his face in hers and his hand virtually in her mouth. She was good as gold as always but parents need to guide their kids more. I won't let my kids doing that with her, let alone an unknown dog. 

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