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Posts posted by Newry_Villan

  1. What is Peter Kenyon at these days?  Was he not a CEO of United when they announced major commercial deal and also CEO of Chelsea at the beginning of the Russian Revolution?


    A quick google search shows he has an advisory role at Atletico Madrid and in some articles saying he is the main reason Atletico have sorted their finances out.  Atletico to Villa?  Not going to happen.  Oh well.

  2. Tony Parks had an input on the side last night, no doubt still hurting that his mate has been chopped.

    If he is hurting that much why didn't he walk with the rest of them or had his contract paid up by the club? 

    From what I have noticed previously, he is our most vocal coach on the sideline, the one with the most passion and if I have read your post correctly it seems to me that you have suggested he had attempted to sabotage the team and result because his mate got the boot.

    I think that is a ridiculous assumption to make.

    • Like 1
  3. I thought that was a penalty.  Commentator says great tackle. Player never got the ball and caught Veretouts leg.  Commentator just said it would be harsh.  There was contact should have been given

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  4. My spurs supporting brothers are in process of sorting tickets for this game and are insisting in getting me one.  I wouldn't mind going but I've never sat in the opponents sections of stadiums before and it most certainly isn't like the GAA were fans are not segregated in the ground. 

    Potential for something to kick off if I get outed as a Villan.

    Decisions to make.

  5. So I'm just in the middle of my upgrade and I'm a bit worried now as it has been stuck on a black screen with four blue tiles in the middle for about 45 minutes now and nothing seems to be happening.  

    How long did it take you guys to complete the upgrade?  I'd post a photo from phone but the file size is to big 

  6. I go to all Ireland home and away games and have done for years now and all I can say is if he chooses England best of luck to the lad.

    Having dual nationality is no doubt a really tricky scenario for any lad of 19 and he was dead right to bide his time and make the choice he feels is the right one.

    So many journos and Ireland/England fans criticising him for not deciding sooner but not one of them have had the same dilemma.

    Sure we got Clark for Ireland after he had captained the England under 20s.

    Swings and roundabouts. All the best Jack... UTV

    Dublin haven't played away from Croke Park in years. ;)

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  7. Needs to go. He can have all the speed he wants but if he has no composure to finish a one on one, and in most cases with Gabby he doesn't, he hasn't a hope.

    We can't carry him for another season because he is a fan. Throwing sentiments out the window here, he is not good enough and unfortunately for us nobody would touch him with a barge pole.

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