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Posts posted by Newry_Villan

  1. I would have liked him to have stayed but if he goes then so be it. 

    A young lad from a different country, with a different culture, a young family and a new baby not long after signing.  Coupled with the fact our own club admitted to not integrating the french lads into the club, and in Veretout's case, he had Tim Sherwood completely ignore him. I would have given him this season to get settled.  I think he'll do well with this loan move.

    • Like 1
  2. Yep the way I see it is RDM and The Doc had a late night chat after the game last night and realised after that defensive performance, some of them players are not going to get a look in again. IMO  They mutually agreed to pull the plug on the Bennett deal to keep our numbers up in defence.

    I think RDM and Xia got their eyes opened last night as to how calamitous our players are.  I think RDM was too naive in his thoughts that he could get the best out of last seasons players.  Some of them are mentally broken and weak.  A loser mentality is ingrained in a lot of these players.

    I think RDM underestimated how big a challenge he really has. 

    • Like 1
  3. You can't knock his work rate and determination to drive forward.  It's a shame he can't cross a ball to save his live.

    Has anyone else noticed when the opposing team makes a break for our goal Hutton is basically 2 yards beside our centre half when he should be out in his position closing down the threat.  Drives me mental.

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  4. I noticed this thread and then went and had a snoop on an Owls forum.  Majority of their posters in their match thread reckon they will do us by at least 2 or 3 goals.  One poster saying if they score early on it could be a blitz.  I hope to McGrath that RDM sorts our players fragile mentality out, we've seen it many times last season.  If the opposition scores our heads drop and we bend over for them...you know what usually happened after that.

  5. The latest from Sinn Fein, posted on their Facebook one hour ago



    The British government has no democratic mandate to represent the views of the north in any future negotiations with the EU.

    It is not acceptable that the north of Ireland will be taken out of the EU against its wishes.

    A referendum on Irish unity is now the only sensible path to ensure prosperity, progress and equality for everyone on this island. Irish Unity is in everyone’s interests.

    Join Sinn Féin and help make Irish unity a reality




    I am Irish and have always wanted a United Ireland so it will get a yes from me.  But blimey this vote has really lit a bonfire under the UK, The DUP, who wanted to leave, could potentially lead the North, majority wanted to remain, into the collapse of the UK something they would be so set against.

  6. Declan Kearney MLA for South Antrim says Sinn Fein WILL call a border poll if Britain leaves the EU.

    Scotland could potentially call for another Indy Ref as majority of Scotland seems to be in favour of staying in the EU.

    Interesting times ahead as Leave campaign has 52% of the vote. Break up of the Union could be on the horizon.

  7. This is the opinion of Cherries supporting mate of mine

    "He's our captain and a rock through the leagues, got injured last season, he never looked prem quality when he came back. Good deal for both teams I reckon."

    Seems to be the general consensus among Bournemouth fans.

    • Like 1
  8. Guzan seems to have lost the mental battle.  He doesn't seem to have the mental toughness a keeper would need to come back from making mistakes.  It's a shame because he was good for us.  Who remembers the american commentary from the Peace Cup - Brad "No goal for you" Guzan.  Scott Carson comes to mind when I think of Guzan.

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  9. They are right in a way I suppose. If he had left it Larsson would have got the tap in and points shared.  He was basically in a lose lose situation.  Get something on it, own goal, he gets a load of stick.  Leave it and Larsson scores he gets a load of stick.

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