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Everything posted by krisagg75

  1. pogba looks a player.how did fergie let him go
  2. yep.seems their offers have a £40 payout by the looks of it.
  3. is there a maximum stake though?
  4. gotta say i do like the french anthem,especially in casablanca
  5. seeing how dirty a team honduras are gone for points.had a little bet on a red card as well.
  6. great goal,great tackle and great refereeing as well
  7. errrrrr,i'll just get me coat,yea Did you honestly believe England were nailed on to win? listening to other people when drunk is not a good idea.became convinced we'd win why i don't know.it's freakin england we always f it up.ah well i'll have to look at todays games to see how much more money i can lose.
  8. well i'm off to masturbate to japanese chikan porn.
  9. trouble is we had an excellent defence,now we don't.we are a lot easier to score against.
  10. anyway,are'nt the prem fixtures out in a week or 2
  11. yea but look how great his hair looks
  12. errrrrr,i'll just get me coat,yea
  13. think he's a refreshing change.rio not murphy
  14. needs to stop being so matey about the players/manager though.not critical enough.seems well suited to it though.
  15. lump on england to beat uruguay.these are this tournos france(2002)
  16. we gotta play sterling,lalana,barkley against uruguay.christ nathan baker would improve these no end
  17. thing is they finished fifth in qualification.if the world cup was not in south america they would not have qualified so they are a poor side these days
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