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Posts posted by BG_Villa_Fan

  1. 52 minutes ago, AvfcRigo82 said:

    Who knows... Fat Frank might get the sack and any potential new manager might not even want to sell him?

    Just a thought.

    I'm hoping for the opposite - Frank is sacked and the new manager comes in and needs money for his own signings, so they sell us Ross and Tammy :) 

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  2. 5 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

    Think that's unlikely now tbh. We're only going to keep improving our squad and if he can't get a game now I'd be very surprised to see him play for Villa again. 

    Maybe, maybe not. I imagine it's more about playing regularly before the euros but if Swansea are promoted and he's playing well they might buy him. 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Rodders said:

    Their general fitness should be ok. It's going to be about a 2 week gap since the Man United game, we'll have a day to train together, but ultimately we're a confident side who know how to play decent football. We might start slow, but I think we'll be fine. 


    That's all caveated by the fact we don't know if players have a serious version of covid or are asymptomatic etc. 

    I imagine if any player's had it serious they won't be playing against Everton. It could be a very makeshift side for sunday, on top of the preparation and fitness issues they'll face after not being able to train for so long. 

  4. I have sympathy for Fulham and for Tottenham as well in this case. But to be honest I only really care about Aston Villa.

    The game should have been postponed. I have a lot of concerns for the Everton game, let alone throwing the kids again. Even if our players test negative , they won't be physically ready for Everton. It'll be a loss. If we were forced to play Tottenham too it'd have been two losses at a very wrong time of the season. 

  5. 29 minutes ago, blunther said:

    Money isn't the issue for the NHS though at the moment, it's more the lack of supply of vaccines. Every vaccine to a young, fit footballer who has no realistic chance of developing serious complications is one less vulnerable person who can be vaccinated. Taking a few thousand vaccines from the vulnerable to footballers will be guaranteed to result in deaths which could otherwise have been avoided. It wouldn't look great. 

    Absolutely true. Also, it takes between a month and two for the body to create the antibodies for the virus, it's not magically immediate immunity like some seem to imagine. Players will have to be tested even after getting a vaccine. 

    They shouldn't be getting it, instead the league should be suspended for at least a month, probably more. 

  6. Don't think there's an outright malicious intent behind favoring the big clubs but a combination of personal biases, pressure and just the natural inclination of leagues to promote their biggest clubs with the biggest fanbases, compared to smaller ones. Everybody wants to watch Man U and Liverpool fighting for the championship as opposed to Leicester or even Tottenham. It's just a better product business wise.

    When asked about which teams he'd want in the NBA finals former commissioner David Stern once famously said Lakers vs Lakers. Such biases exist everywhere.

    • Like 1
  7. I'm not bothered about this transfer window at all. Unlike last season we don't really need anyone.

    For the first time in forever I'm confident this team is run well and know exactly what they're doing , so they'll figure out how to improve the team, whether now or more likely in the summer. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    Absolutely, I don't even think they're comparable. One completely clattered his man and prevented him trying to get to the ball when it was still in play and the other was a minor leg on leg collision in which I think Trez went down very softly.

    The Villa pen was denied not because the ref didn’t think there was contact but solely because he saw on the VAR replay that the defender barely touched the ball first. You could even hear him say it ffs. 

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  9. 1 minute ago, Davkaus said:

    Not this one again. He didn't take Trez out, there was contact then Trezeguet threw both legs back and fell to the floor.

    There's a bit more nuance to it than "any contact is a foul".

    Wait wait so your opinion is that the Leeds penalty is real but Villa’s against Brighton not? Seriously?

  10. 1 hour ago, nepal_villan said:

    What's impressive is that we are really in control matches and creating so many chances. It's not like we are just getting lucky and nicking a few victories.


    If anything we've actually been very unlucky with some wonder goals going against us, hitting the woodwork a ton of times and Watkins having like 5 goals disallowed due to VAR. Numerous off the line saves too.

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