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Posts posted by carewjust4u

  1. 2 hours ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

    But he's someone with over 100 goals at this level and did not get a look in at all despite our main forward being injured and Hogan not being up to the task. We don't know the extent of his issues but it's not clear that he's the sort of high functioning alcoholic some are making out. A good bit of man management might go along way with this sort of player.

    Although I agree, he scored those goals in teams that were built around him, and those teams did poorly. Would it not be better to build a team around Hogan?

  2. 1 hour ago, hippo said:

    Not really - just so far he has been terrible. - If he starts playing well and scoring goals I m sure he will be everybody's favourite

    This is of course true, but I see comments about selling him or moving him on already. It's following a very similar pattern to the Amavi thread imo.

  3. Look boys, we are playing well against a team that has won two on the bounce...when have Barnsley looked like scoring? Snodgrass impressive but doesn't look match fit, Davis continues to impress. For the record I'm Bruce out, but you cannot say were not playing well so far.

  4. 5 minutes ago, DCJonah said:

    Amazing levels of delusion and arrogance in his press conference this morning. 


    I thought the same, he seems on a mission to fall out with the fans...trying to get himself sacked?

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, DCJonah said:

    It's not. 

    He,s been an incredible waste of money though. 

    I'm sure that Liverpool fans feel the same way about Benteke, ultimately you need to buy players and play a system that suits there strengths.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, omariqy said:

    Wouldn't be surprised to see him play a lot on the left.

    I would love to see a Kodja & Davis partnership, but he'd have to be utilised as a wide forward rather than a left-midfielder.

  7. 4 hours ago, omariqy said:

    Had a bit of a 'conversation' with him via Instagram DM. I won't divulge what was said but it was quite an interesting insight into the man. 

    thank you for your contribution.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Dr_Pangloss said:

    That's the most negative line up imaginable. 

    Well no, it isn't though is it...by placing whelan in (who looks to play the forward pass regularly), you allow hourhaine to play more positively. It also allows one of the centre midfielders to drop into the defensive line whilst in possession (jedinak?), which encourages the full-backs to push further forward...whilst  still having a balance in midfield.

    There are plenty of teams that play with two defensive minded midfielders that are/have-been successful, Kante + Matic being a notable example.

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Junxs said:

    Wouldnt work for me, far too defensive. Also would mean we'd have the slowest central midfield in the history of the game.. with slow centre backs too 

    That's the logic behind my thinking though. It seems that with only one jedinak/whelan, when the play is switched quickly we are opened up in the centre of the park. Positioning wise it would decrease the stain, and bring a solid platform for both the defence and the attack. In my opinion, Jedinak is more of a tackler, and whelan more of a passer...so it could potentially work quite well. Plus, our build-up play under Bruce is slow anyway, so we may aswell play players that suit that system.

  10. I actually think Whelan and Jedinak could be a great partnership, they compliment each other quite well.

    Jedinak as the enforcer and Whelan as the ball retainer, would bring a nice stable line to our midfield and sure up our centre backs.

    would also allow hourhaine to pretty much roam where he pleases.

    • Like 1
  11. 28 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    Classic VT, 'he's average at best', 'won't improve the team', 'don't know why we're signing him'


    Because yeah, you've all watched his career so closely to be such an expert on him.

    Don't you remember the same people moaning about John Terry, some people can't be helped mate.

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