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Posts posted by Silent_Bob

  1. Actually it's 14 in 41 starts for Spurs (can't really count coming on in the 89th minute and not scoring in these statistics) which is a tiny bit better than 1 in 3, but your right, it's off topic, and on another point, it's not really my business :winkold:

    And you know for a fact that in his 19 league games where he came off the bench, it was in the 89th minute and not one of these goals were scored when he was used as a sub?

    I don't care if it's off topic. But I'm not a Mod. Mods don't like people who hasn't got their facts right and are encouraging other people to go off topic. :-)

  2. Wikipedia says he got 29 goals in 84 apperances for West Ham and 14 goals in 60 apperances for Spurs. That's nearly 1 in 3 combined, but he didn't do it for two clubs as you say he did.

    Don't rely on wikipedia, it doesn't take substitute appearances into account. He was a sub a good few times for Spurs.

    OK. Checked at Soccernet and he has 71 games in all competitions for Spurs, both starting and as a sub. 21 goals in all competitions (14 in the league, 7 in cups, including a hattrick vs Crystal Palace in the FA Cup 3rd round). Still isn't 1 in 3.

    But this thread isn't about Frederic Kanoute. Let's not go off topic, as we have another forum for that?

  3. I mentioned Kanoute because he was never a hit in the Premiership.

    Again, I don't agree. It's a mis-conception that he wasn't a hit. He had a better than 1 in 3 ratio for Spurs and for West Ham. Only the top strikers can do better than 1 in 3 and he did - with 2 clubs.

    Wikipedia says he got 29 goals in 84 apperances for West Ham and 14 goals in 60 apperances for Spurs. That's nearly 1 in 3 combined, but he didn't do it for two clubs as you say he did.

    I didn't say he was poor. But 24 from 55 games in Sevilla is a much better ratio.

    I only mentioned him because it might give some perspective on how good Villa really is. Savo Milosevic managed 37 in 72 games for Real Zaragosa as another example.

  4. Realistically Villa is not in our league by a mile. He is one of La Liga's most prolific finishers and has already shown his desire to play for one of the big four.

    I believe Frederic Kanoute is the most prolific finisher of La Liga this season.

    He said 'one of' :?

    Yes he did. I mentioned Kanoute because he was never a hit in the Premiership. La Liga is a very good league, but there is no guarantees that even the best players from La Liga would be a success in the Premiership. I would be happy if Villa came here, but I wouldn't pay more than £12-15m for him as a player and maybe £3-4m more just for his name.

  5. Sorry, but I don't believe it's down to genes.

    "Homosexual genes" would not reproduce in the same way "heterosexual genes" would. So if it's genetic it would be very rare, like albinos or something.

    To suggest your sexual orientation is genetic would then also suggest that people who for some reason like diapers, spanking or whatever is also genetic.

    So I go for the theory of it being down to something psychological. But I don't think the people who are gay made a consious choice to be just that. They are just not aware of making the decisions, but I don't think it has anything to do with genes.

    As far as I know I have never made a consious decision to be straight, I just am. I am attracted to something in womens personality, like I suppose homosexuals are attracted to something in mens personality. I think people are confusing this with physical attraction. The natural instinct for a man would be to look for a capable mother of his child, and nature has provided capable mothers with certain physical features so we would know what to look for. A homosexual would looks for something else which are found in people of the same sex. But I don't think they are looking for someone of their own sex. A gay man is not looking for a man, he is looking for something else, which happens to be a man. If you know what I mean. And when that gay person learns he can have what he wants from another man he is attracted to men.

    So my answer is no choice, but not for genetic reasons.

  6. Selling clubs and agents normally leak such information, and the press seems quite well informed what's going on when it comes to transfers between Premiership clubs.

    I think that is when the player wants a move or the club wants to sell. Or if the buying club wants to draw attention to the deal.

    The kind of players we are after is not players the clubs wants to sell. And Villa are not a team players will die to play for so they wont make a fuss to be allowed to leave. The agents are always interessted in a deal, but if there is already contact between the clubs the agents have no interest in leaking the deal.

    Man U. and Chelsea often leak transfers but I think that is to unsettle the players. If I was MON right now I would do all I can to keep it quiet since I would not want a bidding war.

    So as I see there can easily be ongoings, but we might never know.

    Either a club is selling or not. If SWP for some reason decides he wants to move on, Chelsea would be interested in having several bids, not just one?

    But we don't know what's going on. We might have made a bid for player X that the selling club finds acceptable, player X needs to discuss with his current club and is told they would prefer him to move because they intend to use the money to buy player Y from another club. The selling club wouldn't necessarily go public with this, because they can't force the player to move on, and it wouldn't look good if they asked one of their best players to move on.

    Or the selling club accept an offer for player X, player X is interested in the move, everyone agrees, but the selling club won't release player X before they know for certain that they will get player Y from another club. Until player Y is made available everyone keeps quiet.

    So we might have a deal for one or more players agreed, and are just waiting for other clubs to finish their business before we can move in.

    The truth is obviously that we don't know what will happen, but I don't think it makes that much difference if we are playing or not tomorrow. I think a lot of deals are already agreed upon, but if they are completed or not is depending on what happens elsewhere.

  7. Selling clubs and agents normally leak such information, and the press seems quite well informed what's going on when it comes to transfers between Premiership clubs.

    It's also my impression that if we are bringing in players from abroad, the national press in the players home country seems to be well informed as well and that any rumours quite quickly finds it way to messageboards etc.

    So I doubt we are able to make any major signing without rumours about it appearing beforehand. The only two possibilities I see for major transfers out of the blue would be if we were able to ressurrect deals with targets already mentioned earlier in the month. SWP would perhaps be able to have a change of mind and accept an offer from us without anyone finding out about it, but I can't see many others that we might bring in without us having an "early warning".

  8. But Isaksson would be coming in as competition to Sorensen. We wouldn't drop Sorensen, it'd be like 'if you have a drop in form or have a run of clangers then there is competition for your place'. At the moment Sorensen knows there isn't a hope of him being replaced short of losing an arm. Only Taylor would be upset, and I can live with that.

    I'm not convinced that though competition is what's best for keepers. They seem to rely on confidence much more than outfield players. To make someone fear making mistakes is not always the best way to improve their performance. I prefer one first choice keeper and a backup keeper, and that both are confident in their roles and work together as a team when training, etc.

  9. Phone up the Whore Park Hotel or whatever it's called and find out.

    I called and asked for Carew. I was transfered to someone that sounded 6'4" so I guess that rumour is true.

    He then went on to tell me that the hotel was packed with Egyptians, Rumenians and Brazilians, but a brat with a sun tan living there was expected to check out soon, which would help the situation. He thought they were expecting the return of some Germans as well, but had later found out it was someone called Jermaine they were talking about.

    They were all waiting for someone called Alan Smith, but he was unfortunatly not well today and had canceled all appointments.

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