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Posts posted by Silent_Bob

  1. In fact, I understand there was no delegation from the American's consortium at the ground yesterday and one is not expected today as the takeover saga rumbles on without making the sort of strides some have claimed.

    So the three yanks spotted there were either representing someone else. Or Doug has started doing the tours as well these days.

    While Lerner's financial strength is well-known - he is one of the richest men in America - the Padfield group also have significant wealth and are made up of domestic and international investors including one billionaire

    But still they think they should merge with Nevilles group? Why is that then? Padfields offer is, for some reason, not an offer Rothchilds seem to take too seriously. And that's why he's talking to the press now, telling us £50M for players, that his group contains a billionaire, and so on.

    "Nothing is going to happen until I return (from holiday) at the end of the week.

    ...I don't anticipate we will be in a great rush to make a bid simply because we don't have all the relevant information on which to base it."

    Perhaps you would have had more information atm if you didn't go on holiday?

  2. Following the statement this morning, should we expect another statement from the club later on saying that member of the board have been contacted and deny all knowledge of this purported "statement"? :)

    Expect an internal inquiry.

  3. I did expect a lot more "noise" today regarding this takeover.

    Is the silence (apart from the OS statement) a good or a bad thing?

    I think its a good thing and indicative of stuff happening.

    But you know more than I do regarding this.

  4. This is a statement from the club NOT Rothschilds

    I assume Rothchilds is in involved in everything regarding this takeover. I would be very surprised if the statement was released without their knowledge.

    Perhaps I shouldn't be.

    But even if this is something that the great minds of our board has come up with themselves, I still think Rothchilds should be on top of the situation. If they are not, they are not handeling this the way they should be doing it.

  5. If Rothchilds were present during their first meeting to ensure regulatory practice is upheld, they how the h*ll could Doug have made those demands in the first place?

    And I remember reports saying Lerner was upset because representatives of Rothchilds were present, even though it was agreed it should have been a one-to-one meeting between Ellis and himself.

    Did not the representative from Rothchild present explain the reason for his presence to Lerner?

    This seems to me as an arse covering exercise, but perhaps it's not only Ellis that needs to cover his arse?

  6. I think Ellis' asking price isn't completely unfair. Considering it's difficult to messure what the club would be worth for a potential new owner.

    Looking at it from a strictly business perspective, I would say any club is not worth owning. Chelsea as an example is loosing two pounds for every pound they make. And they hope to break even somewhere around 2010. Owning a club do however come with certain bonuses as well. Mainly you get a lot of publicity, which can be very positive if that's what you're after. So it's more a question of what the club is worth to potential new owners, rather than finding an exact asking price based on the current financial situation only. Compared to Sunderland I think Villa appears like a bargain, with little or no debt, Premiership club, huge potential, etc etc.

    The main reason for Ellis not receiving an offer he can't refuse is that his negotiating position is weakened by the day, rather than asking too much for his shares. His health and age sees to that. Any potential bidder would see it in their best interest not to look for a quick deal, as the chances are that they will get it cheaper tomorrow.

    And I also think Ellis is more concerned by selling to the right people, rather than getting the highest price possible. He is, rightly so, concerned with his legacy.

  7. I wouldnt be suprised if and its a big if, we get taken over we wont hear about it until its done and dusted.

    I think you are right.

    A press release that the deal has been agreed through the LSE, followed by a press conference some hours after that.

  8. The sixth method would be the supply/demand situation.

    We are a "sleeping giant", even though I hate to use those words. There is a lot of potential here, but we need a (£40m?) kickstart and a forward thinking owner/chairman. That would bring us up to a top 6 club again. How many other top 6 clubs are available at a total cost of £100m (including clearing debt and money for new players)? Chelsea? Man Utd? Liverpool? Arsenal? Spurs? Others?

    After all, there are other reasons as well to own a successfull Premiership club than return on investment. Look at Roman at Chelsea. When he was in his early 20's he was living in a communist state. When he was in his mid 30's he was worth an estimated £10 billion. Of course he was known as man who used very questionable methods, and he was suspected of connections with the Russian mafia. He has spent £300m(?) on Chelsea, and he has got value for money in terms of good PR. And probably regained a lot of the money lost because people are more willing to deal with him now than they were earlier.

    I'm not saying we should search for another Russian criminal to take over our club. But if someone want publicity, why not buy a Premiership club? How many of you had heart about the Comers before they showed an interest in the club? If they do buy the club, I'm sure it will open a few doors for them as well.

    My guess is that there are a lot of other interested parties as well. But Doug has waited too long. Now people know that the longer they wait, the more eager he will be to sell. So a lot of money can be saved by waiting.

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