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Posts posted by Jon

  1. animals eat other animals. so why cant people also eat animals. i love meat!

    what a strange attempt at justification. :o

    1) not all animals eat other animals. Some animals are "veggies"

    2) you seem to be reducing a human to the level of an animal.

    I thought millions of years of evolution had progressed us beyond that?

    I'd simply stick with the "I like the taste of meat" argument. Ther's less holes in it.

  2. I wont eat shark on principle because I don't want them wiped out. If it's not in danger of extinction (and it's not human) then I'll have it grilled please.

    Dog? :o

    When in Rome - or Hanoi.

    well indeed. :)

    But do you keep pets/have you kept pets?

    would you eat them, if they tasted nice?

  3. Monkey?

    I'd have nothing against eating it, but if it tastes sh1t then I'm not gonna do it just to prove a point. If it's tasty then bring it on with a side of chips.

    Taste issues aside Bri, how far removed is eating an ape to eating a human?

    the link is there, so to speak.

  4. I'd like to know wehere meat eaters draw the line.

    What meat wouldn't you eat, taking legality out of the equation?

    Would people eat dolphin, for example?

    Or would most only eat meat that was specifically reared for that purpose (eg Cows, Chickens etc)?

  5. I was also alluding to the fact that MONty had got a "small-ish" side to the final of the UEFA Cup.

    But then again, Stevie Mac did that too, so i don't want to make too big a play of it :wink:

    I just think it serves no purpose to keep being told that he hasn't won anything major. We know that. He's not been in a position to, yet.

  6. I'm not saying he's not capable I am saying he's not proved he's capable. Whether that has to do with lack of ability, or not having the resources in the past I've no idea, suffice it to say, he's had several chances at Celtic and didn't manage it.

    I'd venture the opposite Malc and say that I think MONty proved himself very capable whilst at Celtic.

    and at Lie-chester too.

    OK, so he didn't win the Champs League with either. But he did very well with both in domestic competitions, and did well with Celtic in the UEFA Cup.

    I don't know what more you were/are expecting of him, given the clubs he's been at.

  7. Clubs may not but in this day and age clubs have very little control over where a player wants to ply his trade

    apart from Greavesy at Bayern thoough, obviously :winkold:

    FWIW i agree with your comments re Bent and Charlton.

    I don't think he'll still be with them next season, whther they are in the prem or not.

    He'll want (and need) a bigger stage.

  8. In 2003, O'Neill was number 5 in the manager of year awards from World Soccer magazine, after Ancelotti, Lippi, Mourhinho and Ferguson.

    Not rated?

    It's getting ridiculous now. Who said he's not rated ? Your post is the first post in this thread to use the word 'rated' in any context. It is only people mis-interpreting the posts that have gone before who think this is some kind of MON-bash when nothing could be further from the truth.

    Both Malc and TRL (2 that prominently come to mind) have often in their posts made reference to that fact that MON is "not rated highly" outside of this little island of ours.

    Martins point suggests otherwise.

    That is the point he is making here, and IMO it's a valid one too.

    (may possiby not be the right thread to make the point though).

  9. By Blandy (Sorry, missed it off to begin with!)

    Gary Cahill - seemed nervous - 5

    In my opinion, Cahill deserved more than 5/10. 2 clean sheets away from home is excellent for us.

    Nice report.

    Indeed. From my TV vantage i'd have given him a7. At least as good as Ridge, IMO.

    2 cleanies from 2 Cahill games, both away from home against tough opposition. Good work fella :)

  10. 2. Jon really shouldn't have left his coat in the pub.

    We got soaked on the walk back into town, but it was worth it. Thanks Villa.

    Excellent report Pete. Good to meet up too with you and Bicks.

    Excellent day, excellent result, very good performance and hard earnt 3 points.

    Bicks kindly rang the pub so they held my top for me behind the bar which i picked up after the game. :)

    also managed not to get to soaked on the walk back as we chnaced upon some buses going straight to lime street. 8)

    all in all, an excellent day. I'll have to get to some more of these away games :)

  11. There's always excitement when signing players, it's just the novelty factor of having a new face around. Like last summer, all the headlines screamed "seven new players" when in reality we got a reserve keeper, an over the hill striker, a permanently injured left midfielder, a fat left back, a mediocre right back and some great tart who falls over a lot! ;)

    One could argue MON is heading the same way with his transfers. 2/3 right so far.

    TRL you're not seriously comparing MON's firts signings with DOL's are you?

    MON didn't have the comfort factor of a few weeks to bring in new players did he, plus Ellis was still in control of the money and even then, tried to screw up what MON wanted to do. Given that situation, you can't compare it with DOL. Sutton and Agathe were free agents, were available outside the window and known quantities to MON, also He wanted to retain Milner, but Fat Freddy scuppered that.


    indeed AinS

    TRL is way wide of the mark here IMO. :?

    He has IMHO purchased a player far superior to anything TPMWNMNBM purchased during his time here.

    His free "stop gap" acquisitions during the closed transfer window were just that: FREE signings OUTSIDE of the window.

    I cannot see any sort of valid comparison.

  12. There's always excitement when signing players, it's just the novelty factor of having a new face around. Like last summer, all the headlines screamed "seven new players" when in reality we got a reserve keeper, an over the hill striker, a permanently injured left midfielder, a fat left back, a mediocre right back and some great tart who falls over a lot! ;)

    an excellent summary of TPMWNMNBM's transfer dealings the summer before the one just gone, Mart :lol: :winkold:

    strange that out of the infamous Secret Seven, only one is arguably still a first team regular starter with a fully fit 11 (Hughes). Hopefully he won't be after january.

  13. Pete - Im sure if one of the kind Mods could retrieve the threads that followed his arrival you will see the general upbeat mood of most of the posts about the fact we had signed a player, when at the time it appeared again that we were going to go through a transfer window without any new additions.


    indeed Ian.

    the thread was resurrected on here the other day and the broad consensus was that most welcomed the addition of EDD.

    Some even thought it was a great purchase :oops:

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