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Posts posted by Jon

  1. On this occasion DV, the media is voicing at least my opinion and I believe the opinion of most England fans.

    very true Chris.

    Hardly anyone wanted this clown from the list of potential candidates.

    the majority of the english football watching public did not want him, and seeminly this position is being justified by both results and performances.

    The English media can hardly be criticised for sharing this view.

    We ALL want him gone, fans and media alike.

    I fear a scrappy 2-0 win in Andorra will see him retain his position though, sadly :(

  2. But we are looking to the transfer market for salvation ....................this is where O Neil has failed so spectaclurly so far ?

    Point out MON's actual failures in the transfer market so far. Where's our squad that so full of his spectacular failures?

    Either you can justify the spectacular failure line or you are guilty of PFE

    don't think it's a PFE but it is guitly of massive over exaggeration.

    Currently all of MON's signings are either 1st team regulars of pushing for a first team place.

    One has excelled (JC) and the others have done well at times and not so well at others.

    None have failed spectacularly IMO.

  3. Just imagine what your son will be doing when we are top 5 in the Premiership PB, when the fruits of what has been started bear fruit.

    I wonder how old he'll be then :)


  4. it is amazing that so many Villa fans are giving O'Neill such an easy ride.

    you sound bitter and angry that some of us don't want to jump on his back as quickly as you have.

    exactly. Seems like Mlc is demanding we all wake up and smell the coffee. Why can't we all see that MON is in fact sh*t seems to be the jist of it.

    will your attitude towards him change if we have a good season next year?

    Judging by the fact that Malc has essentially been "dissing" MON since day 1, even when we had our superb start to the season, one would expect not. :(

  5. that against a side of reserves in a team winning their first match in ages on the back of losing in 3 cup competitions.

    Just read in the Grauniad that the Arse are the most in form team in the premiership this Year.

    They have the most premiership points of any team in 2007.

    so i think you are not quite giving them their due Malc. They are a very good side, and still fielded a strong side against us.

  6. The casting people certainly deserve an honourable mention for giving Craig the role as from an outside view he not Bond.....but it just worked!!

    didn't really take a genuis casting director.

    Anyone who has seen Layer Cake (great film) would have realised that Craig would make an excellent Bond.

  7. Can't believe that anyone would vote for Moore. Hopelessly distant from the character in the books, comically untalented as an actor, and generally about as unsuited to the role as George Bush is to be a professor of moral philosophy. He has two expressions, face at rest and face with one eyebrow lifted. He has one pitch of voice. he came to prominence because he's tall, and has regular features which appeal to some in a matinee-idol way.

    Connery is the business, and Craig can outdo him if given the chance. Some of the others weren't bad, but Moore is the Doug Ellis to Connery's Randy Lerner; out of place, out of depth, out of time.

    absolutely 100% spot on Peter.

    I am quite shocked by some of the posts here in support of Moore.

    he is nothing at all like the Bond Fleming created. He's a wooden comical cartoon version of him, who got the part thanks to his outings as Simon Templar in the Saint.

    Moore was not helped by the increasingly comical scripts for his Bond films, but i've yet to see Moore excel in a serious acting role, and the Bond role is (or at least should be) a serious role.

  8. Me I go for Connery every time but if we're talking representing Bond as Fleming intended then thats surely Craig

    spot on Gareth.

    closest Bond portrayal as was intended by Fleming's books. A harder, colder, more realistic and life affected Bond.

    The other Bonds were just a bit too "plastic" for me, a bit too cartoon- characterish (especially Moore)

  9. so thats 2 pieces of magic to score 2 goals in the last 2 games from luke.

    Good to see him keep doing it at this level, he's doing whats asked of him untill he gets back in the first team.


    he is doing all HE can, IMO.

    Sadly, the manager's prerogative is something beyond his control.

    It'll be a real eyebrow raiser if he is not heavily involved against Arse .....

  10. I've been on this thread a few times, makie that 60 seconds.

    yep - returned again today.

    i'm demanding 3 minutes, what with having typed 2 whole posts in contribution too.

    at my hourly rate, i'm demanding £5 from Tarj .....

  11. The Arse

    have loved 'em ever since 89 when they pipped the red scousers to the title with a last minute goal by Michael Thomas.

    forever etched in the memory ....

    plus, they play the most attractive football (although professor yaffle is a bit of a knob at times)

  12. Can i just throw in the question.

    If it's a choice, on what basis is this choice made. Do your parenst teach you your sexual orientation? School? Media? Books?

    and if it is as simple as choice, why would people choose to be homosexual? :?

    I mean, you can't have kids (reproduce) for one. The choice of partner is much more limited too. And it's less socially acceptable. So you're having to go against a lot of disadvantages to "choose" that particular sexual orientation .....

    makes no sense, IMO.

  13. I favour large/voluptous women

    Yeah so even within a sexuality there are variations of what you like. You are a 'feeder' and I like them kinda thin.

    :lol: Just kiddin' Jon :thumb:


    not a feeder, more of a chubby chaser Bri :winkold:

    there are variations on what i like (as with most blokes). But i haven't learnt this preference, i haven't been taught it. It's grown on me (again, pardon the pun). I've just realised it over time .....

    yes, it's a choice that i'd go for this type of girl. But then again, isn't that becuase that's who i find sexually attractive, and isn't that innate?

    I haven't learnt to favour that type of girl.

  14. Being gay is a lifestyle choice, and a perfectly legitimate one at that. In my opinion you are not born gay. What worries me about the "born gay" argument is then we get into the messy and dangerous situation of genetics, eugenics and people looking for "cures".

    a lifstyle choice based upon favouring the sexuality of males, Yes.

    Bit then in that respect, it's no choice at all.

    Should people with such feelings/tendencies be forced to "tow the line" of being hetero?

    I favour women, large/voluptous ones at that. It's not a choice though for me between being straight or gay.

    I have no homosexual tendencies, therfore there is no "choice". For me to become homosexual would require a degree of forced feelings/actions, which removesd the element of choice.

  15. You don't "learn" sexuality IMO. It's not like learning English.

    It "comes" from within, pardon the pun.

    You don't learn to be straight or gay - i think you're born with it.

    It's innate, IMHO.

    If you have to "learn" something like that, if it doesn't come from within, then maybe you're forcing yourself to feel something that's not there ....

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