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Posts posted by Jon

  1. 15 hours ago, LakotaDakota said:

    only problem with Picard is it feels like i'm watching some strange outtakes from Logan

    Yeah I can see that.   Although that was a top film so maybe no bad thing? Just have to keep reminding yourself he's Picard and not Xavier 😁

  2. 9 hours ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:


    People just don't like the bloke is the logical conclusion ?


    Far more to it than that.  He/ Labour did pretty well just over 2 years ago.  What's Jez done over the proceeding 2 years to then warrant such dislike? Whereas de Pfeffel has cheated, insulted, lied, etc, etc. 

  3. On 18/11/2019 at 13:14, mottaloo said:


    I totally get what you say though about seeking help from the professionals. 

    Only 1 of them is still alive, but worth a shot I guess 😀

    • Like 1
  4. 26 minutes ago, bickster said:

    They'll find a new objection. They may well go for the GoNU after 31st though

    IMO, Labour would be foolish to go for a GE before Brexit has been sorted, one way or the other.  

    They want and need a GE to be about social justice, foodbanks, NHS, austerity etc, not brexit. 

    So I'm with Bicks, GoNU best option.  

  5. 6 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

    An excellent day's work I feel. (I'm not even being ironic either) (Though I guess this tightrope-walk could still end in disaster yet)

    Yep.  I think they've just reiterated their existing position? 

    I think that's the correct option at this point in time.  Vote-wise anyway.  

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  6. 1 hour ago, villa4europe said:

    no it needs cordoning off and turning in to a tourist attraction whilst the people who work there are moved to a modern building that's fit for purpose

    Spot on. It's a relic and unfit to be used in 2019 as the building of our parliament.  We don't house prisoners in the tower of London.  H of P should go the same way.  Open it up to the paying public/ tourists.  Let it pay its own way.  

    Create a modern building for MPs in brum or Manchester, fit for 21st century parliamentary business. Let's take 'democracy ' out of London. 

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  7. 11 hours ago, Davkaus said:

    I'm far from "posh", but I seem to have a habit of making a bit of a nob of myself whenever I talk to anyone who works in a typical "bloke" job. any kind of interaction with tradesman, and I channel my inner-dickhead.

    I took my car in to have its alloys redone this morning. I was waiting for the mechanic guy to turn up, and when he did, I introduced myself, and he held out his hand. I couldn't decide whether he was going to shake my hand or take the key, so I reached out mine, put the key in his hand, and shook his hand in one gesture, like I was tipping him a car or something.

    The look of "wtf" on his face is going to pop in to my head and taunt me occasionally for years to come.

    Partridge-esque.  Good work! 😂

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