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Posts posted by Jon

  1. 18 hours ago, Chindie said:

    Captain America: Brave New World is going through reshoots which will include adding in a new villain, played by Giancarlo Esposito, in a role that will also extend onto a new series apparently.

    I just can't get excited about them adding a character with a view to using them in a Disney+ series, and it kinda feels that is part of the problem they've had with this phase, chucking shit into things without much forethought and ending up with pigs ear covered in things they hope are glitter.

    Has this got anything to do with the Majors problem?

  2. 4 minutes ago, Rds1983 said:

    Not necessarily, there's people like myself. I 100% want the Tories out and will not be voting for them. However, I'm not exactly keen on Starmer's Labour and I'm honestly tempted to vote Green. I feel that Labour are going to walk it and don't need my vote, whereas the Green's do. I'm not a fan of the actual Green party (massively full of problems) and I know they won't get in, but I hope if their share of the vote increased the main parties might actually start to care about the environment. I currently live in Cheshire which is traditionally a fairly Blue area, polls say Labour win here but if enough people like me did a 'protest vote' (for want of a better word) would it make a difference?

    Which part of Cheshire? I'm in macclesfield and according to the polls labour have every chance of winning/ are predicted to win,  which would be the first time macclesfield has had a Labour (at least in name) MP. 

    I really dislike this iteration of the Labour Party. There's **** all socialism going on.  But I hate the tories and would love to see them routed and unseated.  

    So I'm going to vote Labour. But I'm a member of the Green Party.  I've got little to no enthusiasm for what Labour will do when they get in. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 19/05/2024 at 08:12, Seat68 said:

    The theme to the Fall Guy film. Regardless of my opinion of Blake Shelton, this is far weaker than the Lee Majors original, the production isnt great and makes me wonder why they didn’t just use the original. See also Footloose. 


    Yeah. The original feem toon was superb. They've kept the music but basically changed almost all of the lyrics, which makes it kind of shit.

    OK, they probably needed to update a few of the references from the original, as the audience of today might not know who farah fawcett, Bo Derek etc are / were. 

    But other than that, they've unnecessarily butchered it. 

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    im suprised two important  people like this were allowed to just go on a  helicopter. As chindie says the survival rate in them is terrible

    True.  But a lot of important  / wealthy people own / use copters.  

    The Leicester owner a few years ago springs to mind ....

  5. 6 hours ago, Lichfield Dean said:

    The latest episode of Doctor Who was a huge improvement over the first two dreadful episodes.

    Stephen Moffat back with a tense, dramatic character episode. Not quite up there with his best but at least it kept me captivated for the entire episode, which is no mean feat considering it pretty much featured a man standing in one spot for forty minutes.

    Agreed.  Much better.  First 2 terrible but this was a decent episode. Much darker than those first 2 

  6. 36 minutes ago, bickster said:

    That’s literally what she gets paid for. She's not in position to make sure the rivers are unpolluted and the water is drinkable, those are PR issues. She's there to make money for the shareholders

    Whilst the water companies remain private entities, that won't and can't change unless the regulation changes.

    People keep blaming the companies, it isn’t chiefly the companies fault, they legally have fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders.

    Let’s be clear what has caused this situation. It's the government and Brexit. Leaving the EU and the subsequent relaxing of regulation is almost entirely to blame here.

    Every time obscene profits, ridiculous pay and all the other things are brought up, the focus goes straight to the water companies. They are just making as much money as possible for the shareholders, the law tells them to do that. The blame should be pointed directly at the people who caused this situation. The government. It is within their power to change things. They can toughen the regulations, they can make fines much higher, they can make certain positions at the top of the company personally responsible for the companies actions. Despite all the bad press, they choose not to.

    Every water company is a monopoly, water companies provide a vital part of our national infrastructure, vital to business, vital to people, hell clean water is a basic human right. They should never have been nationalised in the first place. Over time by increasing regulation, increasing fines and making them responsible for their actions, the profits will fall. Force them to invest a % of profits into the future and providing yet more clean water. When that happens, the profit incentive will be reduced, the pension companies will slowly divest and eventually they¡ll all come back into public ownership where they should be

    But it’s definitely my opinion that pointing the finger at the bogeymen of the water companies absolutely lets the government off the hook.

    Well yes.  But I think a lot of people do still consider the water companies an arm of government, even though they aren't. 

    Every time some shit (literally) like this happens, it's bad news for the government, as it should be their responsibility to ensure clean, flowing water.  

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    Has anyone seen the disgusting video thats been leaked of "celebrity" if you want to call him that p diddy assaulting cassie? He chases her pushes her over kicks her twice then drags hee and throws things at her

    Its despicable and he should be thrown in jail. I would upload but wasnt sure if it would get site in trouble. 

    The coward is a vile human being i hope this is his career over now

    From the Andrew Tate school of dating women it would seem.  

    He clearly also knows how to keep them in their place.  

  8. 11 hours ago, omariqy said:

    I mean just watch any documentary prior to October 7th. We don’t even need to focus on Gaza. The Nakba 76th anniversary which is referring to the catastrophe of what happened was this week. It goes way beyond October 7th. I’ve always maintained that I completely understand the context of Israel being founded and how Jewish people have been persecuted throughout history and continue to be. It never gave the Zionists the right to do what they did and we are living with consequences of it now. There’s a reason why so many holocaust survivors and their family members are staunch critics of Israel. 

    There's a really good louis theroux programme on israeli illegal land occupation from a few years ago.  Available on iplayer 

    • Like 1
  9. 17 hours ago, meregreen said:

    Hunt claiming his Party is the Party of low taxation. It’s as if the previous 14 years didn’t happen. They’re toast.

    We know you love low taxation for the wealthy and ruling elite.  

    We know you love to underfund public services. 

    It's why the country is buggered.

    Taxation on the low to middle earners certainly isn't low though.  

    They're going to get soundly beaten.  

  10. 11 hours ago, sidcow said:

    If I'm honest. I've less of a problem with high powered execs of large companies (that ARE performing) earning that kind of money then people earn just because they can kick a football. 

    They're in charge of huge amounts of money people pensions and investments are tied up in. Thousands of people rely on them for their continued employment. They've got responsibilities that I wouldn't dream of accepting e.g. Can lose their homes and face prison if they **** up badly enough. 

    Yet she's earning similar to a middling footballer. 

    But yeah, if they're not performing they shouldn't be rewarded so handsomely. 

    And the question is what IS performing. I suspect their shareholders will define that very differently to what customers or the general public would. 

    I'm searching for the 'couldn't disagree more' emoticon....

    • Like 2
  11. 10 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

    Found em.https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-69016719


    • Not spending any money on public services so as not to impact corporate profit - booo!
    • Setting up a publicly owned future focused energy company - yay! (small print required)
    • Cutting NHS waiting lists - yay! - by tackling tax avoidance and non-dom loopholes- double yay!
    • Launching a border security command to stop the gangs arranging small boat crossings - seems to be a PR thing, a bit more funding for the police might have done it (see pledge1).
    • More police and a focus on anti-social behaviour and 'little' crime - good stuff (would like to see how it relates to pledge 1).
    • Recruiting 6,500 new teachers - yay - through ending tax breaks for private schools - double yay!

    There's some good stuff in there that I like and some bits that are little less promising  - the devil will be in the detail, but I'm happy enough to leave the pitchfork in the shed for the moment.


    For me, it's just so uninspiring.

    It makes me sad to think that this is what a 'Labour Party' will campaign on.  

    True socialist policies were binned when Jez was booted. 

    He'll win though, undoubtedly.  

  12. It depends which Fury turns up (by that, I don't mean his dad). 

    IF fury is in good shape and has trained properly and IF he's mentally up for it, I think he wins. He's just be too big and has the skills and hand speed to get to Usyk where others haven't.  

    We know that Usyk will be on his A game.  

  13. On 12/05/2024 at 21:24, Rodders said:

    The Dr who episodes are so shit :(

    Eric Nguti is great to watch and the baddie in the 2nd episode was having fun but the plots in both are so **** stupid and nonsense it's very annoying. Also I hate cultural stuff that licks the beatles ass. Can always assume the writer is someone in his 60s or 70s if we get some wet dream script about how great they were. As tedious as some panegeyric  to Shakespeare or whoever. 

    Yeah just watched them now and both were really poor. Ep 2 sightly better than the awful E1 but the cast deserve better scripts than that. It was cringeworthy at times, especially E1. 

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