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Posts posted by shaggy

  1. Hull weren't really interested today and we capitalised on that.

    So relieved we are now safe but hopefully the work now begins at the club from top to bottom to make sure that next season we won't have to endure the absolute tripe on and off the pitch again.

    New owners and Lambert gone. Then we can move forward.

    • Like 2
  2. The bloke really is desperate

    Squawking all the time to the local press he never used to release this many press statements

    Damed if he does, damed if he doesnt eh?


    Damned if he doesn't what? Were talking about an article where he's basically complaining about pressure and we don't know how hard he works etc etc, like hes pleading with the thousands now singing we want lambert out every week.


    For me theres a clear change in lambert's attitude in pressers, why is debatable but its definitely there imo.


    Imagine if it was a case of 35,000 plus demanding we want Cliffy Biro out.


    Do you see where I am coming from with this?


    I have nothing against you personally but surely you can see that this must hurt.


    Lambo's okay & he's a fine man. He has tried his best in really difficult circumstances & he really deserves credit, as do those posters on VT who recognise this fact.

    Name me one Premiership club who would credit their manager with Lambert's record.
  3. I am up to here (neck) with PL but people are so one sided in their views.  As with everything there is a balance between the differing opinions on here. Trent for once :-) has it spot on.

    Exactly. Even people that aren't happy with Lambert at all are getting accused of being "Lambert lovers" purely because they're not 100% negative with their views on him. It's a symptom of the black and white approach that seems to pervade certain discussions about Villa.
    Forgetting of course the black and white approach when we were mid table.
  4. Lambert confirms the players will do a lap of appreciation after the match!

    Lap of appreciation for the players or fans?


    After this season the players should kneel with bowed heads in the centre circle and honour us for the shit football we have had to endure.


    There will be no appreciation from me.

  5. A few diff papers including Telegraph have said we will be bidding for Holtby and Javier Hernandez

    Reported in The Sun that Lambert has handed Lerner a three man wish list of Lescott who is a free agent in the summer, Javier Hernandez and Holtby.

    It's probably bullshit as Lambert is not exactly in a position of strength to demand anything other than beg to be kept in a job.

  6. Just a thought on the reason why we've gone from playing some good football at the tail end of last season back to the awful football played at the start of last season.

    It wouldn't be anything to do with the reasons why two of our coaches are now on permanent gardening leave?

  7. Even if that were so that remit didn't come down to specific choice of player. That was up to Lambert and he has got that badly wrong.

    I've also read somewhere else on site that our wages have gone up and there didn't seem to be much of remit on the improved contracts of of Benteke or Weimann either.

    I'm not saying that he has had perfect conditions to work under but he has made a shit load of mistakes which has left the club in a worse position playing wise than even under Mcdope and that is unforgivable in my book.



    Blame Paul Lambert. Blah! Blah! Blah!

    It's all his fault. Blah! Blah! Blah!

    You don't know what your doing. Blah! Blah! Blah!

    He hasn't got a clue. Blah! Blah! Blah!

    I never wanted him in the first place. Blah! Blah! Blah!

    We go again. Blah! Blah! Blah!

    Well actually No. I don't blame Paul Lambert. It's definitely not his fault. He does know what he is doing. He has very much more than a clue. I wanted him in 100% in the first place & still do & like he says guys, "We go again."

    Think you need to assess who it it you support, lambert or villa. What you should do is contact lambert and see if he'll take you on as his number 2(in his next job) because you both talk nonsense!!



    I think you'll find that there are currently about 35,000 fans behaving like number two's at the moment.


    Leave the guy alone & give him a break.


    Like every Villa fan on VT I support Aston Villa. I eat, breath & sleep the club. Villa are my raison d' etre.


    Just accept we all have different opinions & nobody ultimately is gonna change 'em.


    Thats more than fair villa- revolution and we shall all get behind the team against Hull to try and push the club to safety and leave the difference of opinion for another day.  :cheers:

    • Like 1
  9. One or two hints on the new Bells site that something might be happening with Lambert tomorrow in their Lambert thread.

    Can't see it at all and why would they sack him now with our most important game of the season coming up.

  10. I think Laudrup would be a disaster for us.


    Laudrup has a good knowledge of La Liga and you can pick up some very good players on the cheap there. Also Bony will be looking a steal for what ever he's paid for him.

    Bony is now in the same position as Benteke last season and I wonder if Swansea will cash in on him in the summer or risk the second season syndrome with a drop in value?
  11. Just sticking my colours on the mast. I still support Lambert. I don't think it's his fault the mess we're all in and I'd prefer to stick with him.

    I agree Darren.

    I don't think he's the root of all our problems. In fact I cannot imagine any manager doing any better in the circumstances.

    We need changes at the club financially which will hopefully come this summer and I for one would like to see lambert given a season without financial constraints as I think sacking him now after him keeping us safe with a championship team two seasons in a row would be a bit harsh.

    I know some people will point out that he signed lower league players etc but with the wage structure as it is that's about all he could do.

    You don't think any other manager would do better than 18 defeats in a season and who built that championship team?
    No personally I don't. With that wage structure in place I think he's done about as well as he could without pulling up trees
    Lambert has already stated that there was no embargo on higher wages within reason. If there had been then neither Benteke or Weimann would have have been given the contracts they are now on.

    I just believe that no matter what stat, current placement or bad record put forward those who still think Lambert's project has been a success will continue to be in denial even if he is sacked.

    • Like 1
  12. Yes, but there is so much more involved. I wouldn't want us to jump on Pulis over 4 months work, it would be yet more short term thinking. Also he spent a lot of money on average at Stoke, and the football was similar to what we currently see.

    Yet would he have the same type of result record that Lambert has accumulated with us?

    Also you have missed my point in that I'm not saying we should have Pulis as our manager but it was more as a comparison in what a manager can do with better organisational skills, particularly in defence when faced with limited players and a limited budget.

    It is a valid comparison when challenging those who say that another manager faced with the same restrictions as Lambert couldn't have achieved better.

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