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Posts posted by shaggy

  1. Mantis.

    His record in the transfer market has been appalling. Benteke and Vlaar have been great and Bertrand has been good but other than that that's it.

    His signings have been the main contributing factor to those battles against relegation because they haven't produced enough consistent performances to keep us out of trouble.

  2. The likelihood would have been that Martinez, Rodgers and even Moyes choice in the transfer market would have been better than Lambert and I honestly can't see what's your basis for describing Lambert as one of the best managers in the league.

    Based on what? Lambert's record in the transfer market isn't bad at all, especially relative to what he's had to spend.
    If Lambert's record in the transfer market isn't bad at all then why during the two seasons he has been with us we have been battling the threat of relegation.
  3. The likelihood would have been that Martinez, Rodgers and even Moyes choice in the transfer market would have been better than Lambert and I honestly can't see what's your basis for describing Lambert as one of the best managers in the league.

    • Like 1
  4. Now officially sacked....


    TBH, as hilarious as his tenure was I don't think ManUre's position is entirely down to him.


    Fergie left with an aging squad that was never likely to retain the Championship without him at the helm.


    Also, allowing their CEO to leave at the same time as AF was a poor move as there was no continuity at the club where transfers were concerned.


    The new guy who came in was as out of his depth as Moyes at a big club IMO and his failure to secure Moyes' transfer wishlist early in the window was always going to make it difficult.


    Another straw was AF was extremely lucky getting a whole season out of RVP (who was instrumental in last season's title) whilst Moyes has had to endure the regular 'crocked' version but with added lack of form.


    Moyes knew it would be difficult and I do feel for him as he hasn't been given a fair crack of the whip - whatever happened to ManUre backing their managers as they had crowed about earlier in the season???

    My feelings exactly. Top post.
  5. Yes your opinion was conjecture but proven to be wrong.

    Directed at poster Eames.

    Bang. There is the problem.... Your "proof" is merely your own opinion.

    That's fine. We can disagree.

    *Sits back and waits for smug counter post.*

    None of my posts have been smug and I'll let the the records speak for themselves. But yes we can agree to disagree.
  6. Except you aren't comparing like with like are you? A manager getting promoted and a striker scoring goals are two totally unrelated things.

    I was asked for a reason as to why I felt that Lambert was better than his current position at villa suggests, I provided one.

    Which was refuted.
  7. I'm not shifting anything, I'm asking a question that is extremely relevant in the discussion we're having. If I was to answer like you have been, I'd say something like 'ah, no answer matey, so therefore you must be wrong, matey'. <br />

    <br />

    The point made by Eames is that Lambert is better than he has been at Villa. Asking you whether Lambert's performance as manager at Norwich was better than his at Villa is completely valid. Care to answer me?

    Any question is valid depending upon the answer and yes I have answered his question several times with other posters.

    To answer your question his achievements are similar with both teams but he has had better players here and more of a budget to play with and at our club the expectations are far greater than at Norwich so he has failed here and the records are there to prove it.

  8. I never said they were better at all so don't put words in my mouth thanks shaggy. Just showing your logic is flawed. Oh and as for Jewell et al, while they haven't gone on to do much else do you not agree that their highest points are relatively impressive? What's saying Lambert isn't better than them and wont fade? BTW, I'm not saying he will or won't before the heavies wade in.

    Let's stick to the point here where the poster's point was flawed and you backed that point using Shearer which I countered with Holloway. Then other posters then mentioned further managers which kinda disproved your defence. No-one has put words in your mouth.
    Stick to it because you can't answer what I asked? I wasn't aware you dictated what we can talk about.
    I see you are now stuck on repeat which still doesn't make you right.

    Please refer to his record here and the point that success in inferior leagues is no barometer for success in the Premiership as many other managers have proven. I suppose you can now add Lambert to that list as well.

  9. Or just maybe a legend of our club is right. Just maybe villa fans on two different forums are right. Just maybe the away fans at Palace were right and just maybe those who have the ability to read accept that Lambert's results haven't been good enough while our chairman no longer gives a stuff about our club just as long as he gets most of his money back.

  10. Lambert will stay to begin with. If he improves things with a better budget he will stay longer.

    He is better than what he has achieved here so and that's not surprise being asked to play champagne football on lemonade money.

    Em, Moyes managed in the Premiership while the comparison used for Lambert was promotion from the Championship and many managers have done that.

    It still comes nowhere near in substantiating the poster's point.

    Not many managers have overseen back to back promotions from League One, to the Championship, to the Premier League, followed by a strong season in the Prem with a team built by himself.

    Does that substantiate his point? Or are you specifically after an example of Lambert doing well in the Premier League? In which case, it's what you deem as acceptable that seems wrong, not the information that Eames has given.

    If you read what the poster has said in his post it has been stated as fact. I asked for evidence to prove that as previously the poster has asked others to prove their point with relevant evidence which others did yet it still wasn't accepted as it did not agree with his point of view.

    Taking his point that Lambert is better than what he has achieved here how can promotions from league one and the Championship substantiate that point. It simply doesn't.

    It would have been a much better comparison if Lambert had been more successful with another club in the Premiership like Moyes for instance.

    You simply cannot substantiate a point like that with promotions from inferior leagues as it cannot be made relevant to the point made no matter how much you try and twist it.

    Of course it is relevant. How can it not be?

    It's relevant because it's football management. It's the same game. It's a manager with a similar level of investment to 20 other teams, who has managed to better all those other teams in a single season.

    In Lambert's case, he did it two times in a row, and then had Norwich finishing strongly in their first Prem season (which is what puts him on a level slightly above the many managers that have simply achieved promotion). Unfortunately, whilst having a transfer kitty given to him at Villa, he's seemingly had to lower the wage bill and subsequently rebuild a squad at the same time.

    He HAS shown that he can be better than he's actually been at Villa. Whether you like it or not, a manager's performance in a lesser league is still relevant.

    Does that mean he will get to a higher level of performance again? No (as the repeated examples of Brown, Holloway, Coyle etc show). But I don't think it's fair to say that these examples aren't relevant to show how one manager could perform.

    I think matey you're flogging a dead horse here as your theory has already been proven to be inaccurate.

    The main point is that success in the lower leagues cannot and should not be used as a barometer for success in the Premiership and along with a host of other managers Lambert has proven that.

  11. I never said they were better at all so don't put words in my mouth thanks shaggy. Just showing your logic is flawed. Oh and as for Jewell et al, while they haven't gone on to do much else do you not agree that their highest points are relatively impressive?

    What's saying Lambert isn't better than them and wont fade? BTW, I'm not saying he will or won't before the heavies wade in.

    Let's stick to the point here where the poster's point was flawed and you backed that point using Shearer which I countered with Holloway. Then other posters then mentioned further managers which kinda disproved your defence. No-one has put words in your mouth.
  12. Dodgy I agree he will be with us until the end of the season and I will cheer and support the team irrespective of the manager. But once the season is over if he is retained under whatever owner then I won't renew my st.

    How long has Lambert left on his contract? One year? If so that will suit any new owners coming in as they will have minimal compensation to pay him and might explain why the rumours of a new contract on the table have died down.

  13. Shaggy, does Moyes' Everton career suddenley mean nothing because he has struggled at Man Utd. Use your noggin mate.

    Does Moyes Everton career mean he turned out to be the right manager for Man U?


    One can argue that he might turn it around given more time, but i think most United fans wan't him out in the summer as it clearly isn't working.


    Same thing with Lambert and Villa, he did well at Norwich, at Villa he's not worked out.

    It happens, better for both him and Villas to move on.


    Imo any more time given to Lambert is wasted time and money




    This whole thing just feels like the last days of O'Leary to me.


    You could have argued that Lerner should have kept DOL on when he took over if your going to use the same warped logic of the Lambert Fan Club.

    Have to agree with this.

    It seems to me the defence of Lambert on this forum is more to do with not admitting you have been wrong about him than looking at the evidence and then using common sense to decipher the information.

    • Like 1
  14. But its only an invalid comparison to you and bj. I'd say back to back to back promotions is more impressive than being a premier league manager. Even Shearer is better than Lambert by your bizarre logic.

    So by your own logic then you'd classify someone like Ian Holloway as being a better manager than he has shown in the Premiership?

  15. Lambert will stay to begin with. If he improves things with a better budget he will stay longer.

    He is better than what he has achieved here so and that's not surprise being asked to play champagne football on lemonade money.

    Em, Moyes managed in the Premiership while the comparison used for Lambert was promotion from the Championship and many managers have done that.

    It still comes nowhere near in substantiating the poster's point.

    Not many managers have overseen back to back promotions from League One, to the Championship, to the Premier League, followed by a strong season in the Prem with a team built by himself.

    Does that substantiate his point? Or are you specifically after an example of Lambert doing well in the Premier League? In which case, it's what you deem as acceptable that seems wrong, not the information that Eames has given.

    If you read what the poster has said in his post it has been stated as fact. I asked for evidence to prove that as previously the poster has asked others to prove their point with relevant evidence which others did yet it still wasn't accepted as it did not agree with his point of view.

    Taking his point that Lambert is better than what he has achieved here how can promotions from league one and the Championship substantiate that point. It simply doesn't.

    It would have been a much better comparison if Lambert had been more successful with another club in the Premiership like Moyes for instance.

    You simply cannot substantiate a point like that with promotions from inferior leagues as it cannot be made relevant to the point made no matter how much you try and twist it.

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