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Posts posted by ejs1111

  1. 1 minute ago, TheMelvillan said:

    When I feel too bad for a player I have to remind myself that a bad day as a footballer is still a million times better than a good day in my shitty job 😂

    Same.  I'm sure his tears of sadness stained the fabric of his Range Rover on the way home to his private estate. 🤣

  2. I saw this stat on Twitter:

    playing the diamond everyone here hates Villa averaged 1.54ppg last season.  Frankly that is currently our best formation still.  Especially now that we have a better CB and DM.  SG wants to play narrow anyway.  









    This is our best lineup imo.  One can argue JJ over SJM sure, but stats don't lie.  SJM progressive carries are superior.  Bailey and Watkins give us pace up top and pressing ability.  Chambers is slow, but an excellent passer and more physical than Konsa.  One could argue Mings and Carlos as a CB pair against burly opponents of course.  We definitely need another no8 CM to challenge the 1st11.  What we have in front of Kamara is struggling.

    • Like 1
  3. 36 minutes ago, Teale's 'tache said:

    I've never been particularly pro/anti Gerrard, I just kind of accepted that it was a risky appointment and trusted the powers that be that he was worth giving a chance.

    After an initial upturn it's been very bitty, some good stuff here and there but an awful lot of dross, none worse than was served up on Saturday. My main gripe is that none of the issues we had when he arrived have been corrected.

    We can't put on a 90 minute performance, we still give away really really avoidable goals, and we still give the ball away far too easily. We are too easy to play against, more often than not we will defeat ourselves without the opposition having to do anything, and this was the same under Smith for his last year or so.

    It was easy to accept some of it last season as a work in progress, and that Gerrard was discovering these weaknesses as we trundled along and would fix them in due time. Unfortunately, the time is due and the problems persist, on top of that he seems to have created new problems.

    Coutinho, although a great signing for the profile of the club, forced one of our best players (Buendia) out of the team, which would be fine if Coutinho was consistently putting in performances, but he's not, and that's not entirely down to him, in a functional team I'm sure we'd get more out of him. The question is, was it worth it? Did we really need him? I like Coutinho, I still can't believe he plays for us, I'm just not sure his signing has been entirely beneficial.

    The whole captaincy debacle is weird, if he wanted to pick his own captain fine, do it when you arrive, or if you want to assess and not upset the apple cart do it as soon as the season ends. I see no benefit to making the change weeks before a season begins and alienating a good player in the process. I feel like something has happened to force the timing of it, but the feeling remains it has been handled poorly.

    Making players train with the kids, what is the purpose? Where's the benefit? It feels like man management is lacking there.

    I am surprised by the reaction after Bournemouth, the fans, and the media have really jumped on it, and if you lose the fans and possibly some of the dressing room you are in big trouble, there's not really any coming back from that. I'm not sure if we are at that stage yet, but it feels like it's on the precipice. We have a good squad of players, and they are not performing to their potential or anywhere near it, and at the end of the day in part that is what Mr Gerrard is paid handsomely to do.

    He needs a good start against Everton, because if we concede early again the atmosphere will become unbearable, if I was Lampard I'd be looking to take advantage of that.

    Good post.  I'm in agreement with most of this here.  Personally I raised an eyebrow with SG hire but was happy and hopeful he would succeed.  SG just wasn't my first choice.  But I honestly didn't think his record would be nearly equal to DS after 9 months- I expected improvement with different tactics/players/etc.

    My biggest disappointment with Villa is the apparent LACK OF EFFORT in MANY matches I've watched.  Villa are consistently out worked, out hustled, 2nd to nearly every ball, ZERO off ball movement, stagnant, etc.  Its very clear the opponent just wants it more.  For a professional athlete, 100% effort is the bare minimum standard I expect as a fan, full stop.  Your job is to play a game being paid millions of pounds to do.  A top effort and desire on that pitch should be demanded every match.  The difference in the match should be down to tactics and talent level, it should NEVER be effort level.  I think most Villa fans would accept a loss if their club played their hearts out and just got beat by a superior team.  But that has not been happening.  We are typically beating ourselves, silly mistakes, lazy errors, out worked on the pitch, etc.  That is the fault of the players AND the coach.  Its the players job to play hard and well.  But its also the job of the coach to prepare his team and motivate them.  I get the impression that SG struggles to motivate his team, and equally struggles to get them to play well- and that is extremely worrying.  DS also struggled with motivation in the end, he was too nice imo.  SG appears to be the opposite and its turning players off.

    • Like 1
  4. My opinion is SG will run with the diamond this season.  We played it often last season with mixed success, we've used it all preseason as well.  If this is the case- the real question is getting the right players into this formation.

    Imo the front 2 should be Watkins and Bailey.  Full stop.  Both offer PACE which our side desperately needs.  Both can run the channels, Bailey has the technical skills Watkins lacks.  The diamond tip can rotate between Coutinho/Buendia.  I think it should be Emi as 1st choice, but I expect it to be PC in the 1st11.  Kamara obviously at the base.  Then the sides will be Ramsey/SJM/Luiz/Sanson rotation...or a new no8 if we sign one.  Back 4 is deep and strong this season.  Cash/Carlos/Digne are certainly starting.  Only question is the other CB.  I think its a competition between Mings/Konsa/Chambers in that order.  Those 3 might rotate depending on form and competition being faced.

    my 2 cents.

  5. I agree with the sentiment here.  SJM is a great character in the clubhouse by all accounts but I never thought of him as leadership material.  Perhaps SG is hopeful making him Captain will help him raise his game.  The real disappointing thing is:  SJM will once again this season be a nailed on 1st11 when in reality AVFC need to be upgrading in this position.  SJM needs competition not an armband.  This also probably removes the possibility of AVFC signing another top class no8 this window.  Also prolly means our hope of Kamara/JJ/Luiz midfield 3 is likely not going to happen either.

    Just a strange decision that frankly I don't agree with at all.

    • Like 1
  6. 56 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    Baffling comment. Dont think I could name a Bournemouth defender and they will be perfect to counter attack

    Counter attack?  That would imply we are sitting back.  I don't think that will be the case.  It will be Bournemouth sitting back and trying to counter us.  We will have 60% possession in this match.  Bailey suits this game perfectly imo.  I just wonder whether SG will use Coutinho or Buendia?

  7. 1 minute ago, Zatman said:

    Buendia played on right at Norwich, Bailey has played both sides at Leverkusen and Coutinho has played from the left at Liverpool, it can be done and it will stop our full backs been run ragged defensively

    the first goal for United showed our weakness at full back

    Oh i agree they have played there before.  But I don't agree that our midfield is good enough to have just 2 hold the middle of the park.  We cannot hold it with 3 now.  We still want another no8.  No way we change systems and play with zero no8s

  8. 7 minutes ago, AntrimBlack said:

    I really have had enough of the 2 up top thing.

    I think it is preventing us utilising our best players.

    Give the responsibility to one of our strikers; if it ain't working, use one of the 5 subs.

    I think the 2 up top thing can work really well...  If 1 of them is Bailey.  His pace and skill is what our offense lacks.  The fear he put into ManU was noticeable when he carried the ball- they backed off.  Nobody else on our team can do that right now.

    • Like 2
  9. We cannot play a 4231.  People need to stop calling for it.  That is not our system.  Period.  We have gone several windows without upgrading or signing wingers for that system.  Our FBs would get rinsed.

    Plus, our midfield would get absolutely overrun every game with only 2 players in the midfield.  Especially given how much SG wants the FBs to push high and out CMs to fan out to help cover.  We use a 3 man midfield now and ppl complain how we need to sign a ANOTHER CM because we aren't strong enough.  Now ppl want to just remove one player from the midfield entirely??  VT madness.

    Best case scenario for our offensive players that everyone is clamoring for...  2 of the 3 will play every match between Coutinho, Buendia, and Bailey.  Personally I think Bailey should be nailed on 1st11 given his pace and preseason performances.  I'd also have Buendia over Coutinho based on performances and the graft Emi shows defensively.  Watkins over Ings for me due to his work rate and his double figure goal return the past 2 seasons.  My 2 cents


    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, tinker said:

    I think you may have it here, what's going on behind the scenes doesn't make sense, bad advisors is the real issue and it's a shame for the lad but not uncommon. 

    I just have a hard time seeing CC being a tw*t 🤣

    Just think he's a 17yr old kid making $1mil per year and taking advice from adults he's looked up to his whole life.  And the adults are w*nkers... they have no clue about finances, real money, etc.  Or they think he's Ronaldo already and could crack 1st11 at Barca.

    • Like 1
  11. I've just been reading everyone posting and having not given an opinion on the matter.  Here is my 2 cents:

    Yes he is a talented youth.  Yes I would like him to stay at AVFC.  I agree with the majority that it appears he is not going to sign the contract.  I agree with AVFC to leave him at Bodymoor.  I also agree that it appears he is not getting sound financial advice.  Here is why....

    Its reasonable to assume the AVFC contract being offered is for an increase in salary (for arguements sake, lets say its from 20k to 40k).  Its also reasonable to assume he wants to leave.  So why would you not negotiate for the deal to get a bump in pay NOW and earn more money immediately, and allow AVFC to protect their asset and sell you at a higher transfer price?  Especially when you and the agent receive a piece of the transfer fee?  My understanding was that Hause re-signed knowing he could very well be sold... but it gave him a pay increase, and also solidifies his value to AVFC for a future fee should he be sold.  He has more value to AVFC on a 3yr deal than a 1yr deal.  It makes smart business sense.  Nothing that is happening now with CC makes smart business sense.  Yes he can get a pre-contract in January and leave on a free next summer...  big deal?!  He would be ostracized at AVFC and potentially sacrifice development time.  In addition he would still be on his OLD contract making LESS money for the entire year.  Using my 'arguements sake' contract- he would sacrifice $1mil in salary by not signing now.

    The whole thing just screams stupidity and immature actions by his handlers.  With CC being so young, he could just be naive and unaware.  Its just sad really.

    • Like 4
  12. I for one am satisfied with our strikers going into the season.  The conversion rate was not terrible comparing to the rest of the league.  Our league goals was top half.  This was with our poor, unbalanced midfield.

    Villa's main problem was sorting out the midfield, full stop.  We were too disjointed, no balance, often had huge gaps from front to back in games.  Fix the midfield and our offensive output will naturally improve because our flair players will see more of the ball in advanced positions.  I fully expect Villa next season to leak 5-10 fewer goals with better CB and DM in the side.  In addition, I expect Villa to score 5-10 more goals because we create more chances due to our midfield NOT being overrun every other match.  Last season we finished with a GD of -2.  This season I can see us being about +10.  That alone will yield alot fewer losses...more draws... and a few more wins.  I'm hopeful we can push for 60 points next season.  That puts us squarely into European contention.

    Or a cup final and try for Europe with a cup!  That would be brilliant too.  I'm optimistic for this season.

    • Like 1
  13. If Tim goes out on loan...keep him.  If Tim stays.  Try to sell.  For me its as simple as that.  Either player is used in cup matches and the occasional rotation spell for Kamara.  I find that more beneficial for Tim.

  14. 2 hours ago, RicRic said:

    Quick one would you guys rather 

    Jesus or Marcus ?

    Obviously Jesus for the whole water into wine thing, rising from the dead, yada yada yada.  I don't see Marcus performing any miracles FFS.

  15. 6 hours ago, useless said:

    Much interest in Trezeguet according to his agent, six goals and four assists in thirteen appearances at Istanbul Basaksehir FK so been a good loan spell for him, but just one year left on his contract, so we won't be getting a lot of money for him, still he's been more than worth whatever it is we paid for him.

    I've read inflation in Turkey is up 73%

    That means we can sell Trez for $30million now right? 🧐

  16. 1 hour ago, JAMAICAN-VILLAN said:

    Apparently 1 of only 16 coaches in the world with " Uefa Elite Badge " status.


    ahh yes the elusive 'Elite Badge'

    That season Neil sold the most cookies in his Uefa class and was summarily awarded the coveted 'UEFA Elite Badge'

    • Haha 1
  17. I was against this initially.  However after doing some research I have come around.  He was a very good ball playing CB with Brentford so he certainly has that in his locker.  He has shown that he has very good instincts and defensive ability in the Premier League.  I agree with the age/mobility concerns.  But Mings is the mobile CB, Tark is the defensive stallwart.  The two could actually make a very good pairing.  Plus, with Kamara signed and possibly Bissouma or similar still to arrive... our CBs will have much higher quality DMs types protecting them AND providing passing outlets.  That will certainly make their lives easier, less need to lump it forward if you have someone like Kamara always properly showing for the ball.

    In addition, him arriving on a free leaves transfer funds available to go after the CMs and STs etc etc that Gerrard covets.  I'm still of the opinion that we might very well sell 1+ CBs and bring in 1+ CBs.  With Konsa injured until January, the Tark signing is just filling the Konsa void imo.  I still think we will sell Hause and sign another CB, maybe younger with promise?

  18. Just now, CVByrne said:

    Why would Luiz sign a new contract when he's guaranteed to lose his place in the team ?

    just my opinion.  I doubt players think they are losing their spot.  They are all competitive pro athletes, I'll bet they believe in themselves to beat out whoever arrives

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