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Posts posted by useless

  1. I remember watching the first episode of a thing called Carnival a while back it seemed like it could be a good show, I just thought of it because I remember the title sequence being quite good. I might try it again.


    Might have even been one of HBO's, could be a good tip.

  2. I agree that if Hodgson is going to quote Faulkner's reaction to the letter.


    “What were you trying to achieve in writing this letter to the owner? The manager has seen it and is not happy. We would not want you to outlast your welcome here, Howard.”


    Then he should at least publish the letter itself so we can judge better, although It seems an incredibly harsh thing for Faulkner to say.


    Everything moves at the speed of light through time and space, a stationary object is moving only through time and an object that is moving at the speed of light doesn't move through time at all. So the faster you move through the space dimension the slower you move through the time dimension and vice versa. Also gravity has it's role in time dilution as well.


    But obviously nobody should take my word for it I'm just regurgitating stuff I've read and only half understood.

    I like your first two sentences, however there is no such thing as gravity, what we perceive as gravity is deformations in space time caused by accumulation of condensed energy. Gravity isn't a innate property of a system, it's a useful tool for explaining some macro-scale effects when you really don't need to be doing field equations to explain the attractive force that it appears to be.



    I wont' pretend to understand that, maybe if I look it up I'll get a very basic intuition for what you mean


    I only brought up gravity because I'd written 'a stationary object is moving only through time' and then I remember I'd read the once that gravity and motion are the same thing or at least they both have the same affect.on time and space. So I wasn't sure if a stationary object would be moving through time only, if you were to take 'gravity' into account.

  4. I think when Rust is being interviewed the five men he makes out of beer cans are the five major players in the cult, can't remember the brand of beer but one of the men is made so that he has a star on his head I presume that one is the yellow king. I guess that would be Rust's way of telling them that he's onto them.


    Also one the of kid's had arranged five Ken dolls around barbie perhams indicating that she has somehow witnessed something. I'm not sure if Marty is involved but if you watch the first episdoe again he does seem suspicious, although I guess everyone can be made to be in these types of shows. Hopefully Marty's hair doesn't turn white.


    Also the five men on horses in the picture at Dora's Mothers house.


    Here's the photo from the show and also one taken by the production crew.





    This one gives a closer look at the costumes so might be seen to be a spoiler even if your up to date with US schedule.



    The faster you go the slower time goes, although you wouldn't notice because every single clock would slow down not just man made clocks but body clocks and everything, The best example I've ever seen that gives a little intuition for why this happens is the light clock example.


    In case anybody doubts this, it's real-world measurable. 


    If you take two very accurate precision clocks, synchronise them, then put one on a fast jet and fly it down to (say) South Africa and back, then compare the two, the time on the one on the plane will be marginally behind the left behind when you get back. 


    No mechanical error involved, it's time itself that passes more slowly on the plane. OK, it's an infinitesimal amount at these speeds, but if you could get up near the speed of light, it would be significant. 



    Everything moves at the speed of light through time and space, a stationary object is moving only through time and an object that is moving at the speed of light doesn't move through time at all. So the faster you move through the space dimension the slower you move through the time dimension and vice versa. Also gravity has it's role in time dilution as well.


    But obviously nobody should take my word for it I'm just regurgitating stuff I've read and only half understood.

  6. The faster you go the slower time goes, although you wouldn't notice because every single clock would slow down not just man made clocks but body clocks and everything, The best example I've ever seen that gives a little intuition for why this happens is the light clock example.


    I could be wrong but I think if your on a train going anywhere near the speed of sound you wouldn't be able to run forward because you'd be pinned against your seat because the speed would have the same affect as gravity.

  7. My IQ measures something like 79, I haven't got the speed of thought of most people.


    I'm probably missing out on a whole lot of understanding.

  8. Eh??


    I watched a film the other day called The Color of Pomegranates a bit arty perhaps but alright I didn't really follow the story but some interesting visuals and sounds, made by the same guy who made Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors

  9. I couldn't get into The WIre at first and sorta gave up but then it became my favourite TV show. The strange things is that once I'd finished watching it I wanted to start again because I knew I hadn't appreciated the early episodes as much as I could have.

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