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Posts posted by useless

  1. I still think Sunderland are still very much in it though. They still have to Play Liverpool, Man City, Spurs, Everton, Chelsea and United. They've a bunch of matches that look easier but already this season at home they failed to beat ourselves when we were doing poorly Norwich, Crystal Palace and Fulham.


    I'm hoping on the last day there's going to be a load of teams who can go down to make it exciting as long we are well out of it.

  2. I think if Norwich can beat Sunderland at the weekend then they'll have a real good chance, there's no guarantee that they'll just lose the last four either. Sunderland have three games in hand but two of those are away to Man City and Liverpool the other is against West Brom.

  3. I was going to say we've become climatized to coverage of conflicts in the Middle East but something like a Plane going missing is bound to catch peoples' imagination. The Shock of the New.

  4. Thanks I've got a book on String Theory that mentions these branes I'll have to have a proper read of it. I think It's by someone called Brian Greene he seems good at explaining stuff that's where I got that stuff about everything travels through space and time at the speed of light.

  5. I read an extract from Mahu, Or the Material by Robert Piget, it looks really cool, I'll be wishing to read it.


    I got a copy of Ecce Homo to read but not sure when I will or If I really wish to, the chapter titles made me laugh. There should be a load of other books to read first.

  6. What's a Universe? Can another Universe not be ruled by the same laws of space and time as this one or if it did would that rule it out from being seperate from this Universe.

  7. I think if we are going to spend big on a transfer fee then it would more than likely be on player from a league where the wages are quite low like rather than someone who is already used to Premier wages.


    I wouldn't get my hopes up though.

  8. It'll be interesting to see how the Fargo series is going to be. I remember a while back they were meant to have filmed a pilot with Edie Falco playing the main lady cop but I think the one coming out has different characters to the film not sure though.

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