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Posts posted by ED

  1. Well me, TRL and Dan had an ally killing spree tonight, reckon we must have done over 20 between us! I can't describe to a non WoWer just how much it gets your heart racing, chasing some little Gnome ****, before unleashing a variety of shocks on him. As satisfying as it gets, although we did have a bit of trouble with a L30 Mage bastard and his hunter mate near Splintertree.

    afterwards I decided on another q. I was killing these creatures (forget what). When a level 19 Ally had the nerve to come along side me and try to kill some herself. I chased after the bitch, but she was quite fast, so I hit sprint, caught up with her, and carved her into pieces.


  2. Well I guess you had to be there!

    I was there! The fact that he saw me even though I was invisible coupled with the effortless stab that killed me in a split second was what made it my most enjoyable death ever. It was class.

  3. I think the four of us need to try the Wailing Cavern and Ragefire really soon. Just think of the drops! (Even if Dan does choose "Need" every single time for the special items! ;o). ) Me, Dan and Bicks did Pyrewood with the level 15 elites, which was still pretty bloody hard as there were so many of them, but I got a miserable 250XP!

    We were a bit bored last night, so wandered just east of Brill, which is dead low level, straight into a contested area with super high level beasties, resulting in instant death!

    Hit Level 24 last night, and got about 6 new upgrades which set me back 4G! Well on my way to being an overpowered shammy as Nayson puts it, even though I still can't beat same level hunters in duels! Everything else is no problem, but hunters are gits, just can't get clsoe enough quick enough. I beat a L25 priest, L24 Rogue and L26 warrior in duels, but was murderlised by a L23 Hunter.

    And a quick round of applause for Dan is in order fromall of the WoW addicts. From level 15 and "I'm bored and don't get it" at the weekend to Level 20 and staying on till 4am in the space of two days!

    you'll have to explain the drops thing I still don't get it. I thought you say if you need it and then it gets decided? I'm not a cnut honestly!

  4. Dunno much about guilds mate. I think we should all get on at the same time soon though, i've hung out with all of you individually but as a group we can take on certain instances. We're all 20+ now so in theory we should kick ass.

    BTW me and Bicks had an encounter with a ferocious really bad person of a Bear just now!


  5. I enjoyed working the southern barrens with trl and risso today, then after risso pissed off, me and trl kicked more ass. Then later on i enjoyed working hilsbrad with Bicks and his ability to see reeeeeeaaaaally far. It all went well until we stumbled across a level 26 bear.


    me and trl

  6. Anything good Bicks, stick it in the auction, you'll make a bomb. Bits and bobs like low level armour, sell to vendors.

    And TRL and Risso can't handle me from distance, wait until I get the pet up to speed

    That's why you need mixed groups. The two duels yesterday, the first I didn't get the chance to get up close, and you kicked my arse. The second I got into melee range, slowed you down with a frost shock, then unloaded earth shock and a few swings from the axe, and you were toast. Each group has their strengths and weaknesses. Me and TRL were questing in Silverpine against some Level 14 elites. TRL will never be as strong as my character, so I was doing most of the tanking while he healed me and weighed in with some spells.

    Me, you, TRL and Dan would make a decent group for instances. You could do damage from range, TRL can heal, I'm a mixture of tanking and healing, and Dan can get in close and do real damage quickly. A similar level tank and we'd breeze Ragefire and the like.

    I havent played as much as you guys and I'm lagging behind in the levels but I'll come along as back up if you want ;)

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