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Posts posted by ED

  1. I'm looking forward to this patch, probably the most noticable one they've done yet? At least since I started playing... BTW. I want this look at the DPS!!!!

    Apparently it drops in a place called Molten Core from a dude called Ragnaros, I'm gonna head there later, tarj I might need some healing assistance ;)

  2. was in b4 got booted just now

    bah I kill away from a q too :(

    Oh yes and a lvl 60 elite rare spawn t-rex is breathing down my neck too (I so want to kill this at some point)

    Thats good ol' devilsaur. Me and Tarj have killed a 54 one of those.

    Also, if I get exhalted I get the lobotomizer.....*drool*

  3. Just a thought, when we're all L60, how about starting our own guild? I'm not on about a bit of fun like the "VT Villains"

    Shit, forgot about that. Can I have my 1.5G back please? That guild went tits up didn't it? Rev didnt join because we weren't as good as PDarkX! Talked about being pwned!

    I am definitely up for VTVillans v 1.1, I'm sure we can think up a new name too. Something that more than 0.005% of the wow community will get...

    If we do get a guild, we must also re-recruit Guldloss...."don't hit my sheep!!!!11111"

  4. Nays is right, Rogues do pwn Warlocks (when they actually find them that is).

    I just 3 hitted a level 60, and they weren't even good hits. Nays check the combat log and you can see where he went wrong (ignore all my small numbers, thats just auto-melee ;))


  5. Yeah this game isn't really a game, its an alternate life, for me anyway. I've been through alot in the 3 months I've played it, cheers for introducing me to it Nays, and cheers for making sure I stuck with it Si by showing me the ropes.

    I can't imagine how much worse this game would have been if I'd been on a different server to everyone else. I suppose I'd have to walk up to a stranger and say: "Can I be your friend?"

  6. Oh bloody hell Bicks, I don't think the well is actually in the Shadow Hold at all, but in the middle of Jaedanar somewhere. Looked on Alakhazam, and there are follow ups where you have to douse the flames and kill the blokes inside. So basically everything we did last night was just practice! Nice XP and the chance to bash a few heads of course!

    Yes the well is above the ground, not below it. You're right the follow up qs take you underneath, and I'd advise you to do the escort q as its good xp, just watch out for the elite at the end!

  7. Shammies can't remove curses, only poison and disease.

    Have you lot been in Shadow Hold in Jaedanar in Felwood, christ that place is massive! Me and Bicks had a follow up q where we had to fill a canteen from a well, and the the place is never ending! Did OK for 2 of us, considering it's full of L55 demons and warlocks, but didn't finish it.

    Do you mean the underground cave network?

    I stealthed in there and did a q pop, but I got a dreaded escort q while I was down there which meant I actually had to fight the mobs, oh the unfairness of it all......

    To answer your question Rev, yes there is a way to lose it. You run, hide, and wait a few minutes :lol:

    Sie, can you enchant my boots again? I got some new ones, and do you do crusader enchant?

  8. Errrr, yes you can stealth, you just aren't very hidden thats all

    So you can stealth, but i can see you? Ohhh :lol::lol:

    What Dan means is that stealth for a rogue serves two purposes.

    The first if the obvious one in that we can't be seen.

    The second is that stealth for us is like shadow form for priests or stances for warriors etc - we can only do certain moves and openers when stealthed.

  9. When you carry hunters mark, you cant stealth dan...

    Errrr, yes you can stealth, you just aren't very hidden thats all, because of the big **** off arrow, however I still get up my stealth bar, which means I can use some stuff on any pets he sends.

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA - you didnt know this dan -:D


    The fact I stealthed is irrelevant you fool, read what I said! Gun. Fence. Wall. Me!

    BTW I lost all the data from from AddOns last night, which means I lost my auctioneer scans, my crit records, and my KOS list amongst other things. The mods are still there, but they'd all had their data wiped, anyone know how that could happen?

    I'm distraught....

  10. Speaking of hunters. An Ally put that **** mark on me at HF today just as I entered. "No problem" I thought, "I'm inside a horde village, he can't kill me". He tried to send his cat in after me, but with the helped of the guards, I killed it. So theres me thinking I'm safe when I get shot. **** shot, this guy is nowhere to be seen yet he's shooting me. Knowing maths like I do, the safest place in a squarish zone when the enemiy is outiside the square, is obviously the middle. So I stealth and camp in the most central building, knowing that theres a wall and a fence between me and him.

    He shot me, critted me twice and killed me. Just how is that possible? This guy is the new demonology, exploiting Blizzards "shit, we need one more class lets bodge one together quickly regardless of the consequences" actions. Because of Blizzards cock ups in creating the last class so carelessly, the hunter, whilst pretty average in PVP, excels in killing in truced areas, or even horde villages such as HF. No bloke should be able to kill a horde character, in a horde village, from outside, its outrageous I tell ya!


    BTW yes lets do ST again

  11. Yeah I lost a dual to a Shammy and it got me a bit pissed off......

    For he spotted four Alliance Rogues inside Orgrimmar trying to steal the presents from under our Xmas tree.

    What a sentence. Thats exactly why this is the best game ever.

    Some of you may have noticed that I've stopped power-levelling, I've turned my hand to Risso-like money making now. 10G to untitled7tv.jpg in just a few days!

  12. Gratz Si! How do you get auto-pics taken when level up?

    It wasnt mate. It was all choreographed by me and Dan :lol:

    BTW, I would just like to say that Dan was a **** legend last night. For two hours solid we grinded and Dan did it for NO XP AT ALL! (we unpartied and I tagged all the mobs) Just to get me up to 60 before I went to bed. No thats what i call unselfish play.

    Cheers, though I think last night I undid any such good work by acting a bit of a cnut.

    Apologies to anyone I offended during my drunken rants :roll:

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