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Posts posted by ED

  1. Is there anythingyou need more than 300 skinning for Dan? I'm guessing some of the end game instances have 60+ elites that might do.

    as far as I'm aware:

    61 elites: 305 (go to SOS, get 3 whelp skins and give them Sie with a nice smile....should get you the enchant)

    62 elites: 310 (win the roll on the skinning dagger that drops in UBRS)

    ?? elites (bosses): 315 (need both of the above)

    Nays are Scholo and Strat mainly 5 man groups or can they be done in raids?

  2. I can't stand the thought of farming linen cloth and using weapons with 4 dps, at the moment I'm enjoying 60, I'm grinding in Everlook, geting my rep and rank boosted in AV and doing an instance every night. I thought I'd start playing less at 60, but thats not the case yet. I'm up to 350Gs at the moment, and I can't see what I'm gonna spend it on, decent rogue kit rarely appears in the AH, because its rare in instances and will be needed by the rogue when it does pop up. I'm not that bothered about an epic mount, is a pvp mount cheaper? You can also get an epic mount if you get exalted with Orgri.....

    I am going to keep doing UBRS until the beast drops that skinning dagger, its a 40 DPS rogue dagger and gives you +10 skinning, meaning that you can skin ANYTHING in the game if you already have the +5 skinning enchant. I'm telling you Riss, at level 60 you'll realise that 300 skinning is lame!

  3. Sounds fun Nays, reminds me when i killed my first 50+ ally in ungoro, I'd just bought a new crossbow, this mage had iced me and legged it, because I'd critted him down to little health. Whilst incased in frost, I aimed my crossbow at him, and got him just before he left the crossbow hitting zone. Crit. Dead :D

    I did another UBRS today and shock horror, The Beast dropped rogue gear! Blademaster Leggings Hopefully I'll get +5 skinning today (thanks Sie) and a 80-100G drop came my way too Torch of Austen. Not a bad day at the office.

  4. I did my first 15 man Raid today in Blackrock Spire, a lot of fun, but no decent drops, I rolled a 98 need on a 1H sword and still managed to lose!

    Is it normal to turn off group loot and have one master looter pick up the goods and then award it to who rolls highest? Or were my group just being weird?

  5. Those shoulders Dan has on look like something Joan Collins would wear in Dynasty!

    If I could ditch them I would, I know they look shit but theyre "of the monkey" and theyre blue and they have more armour then I've ever had before on shoulders. Replacements are top of my list, I want some cool spikey ones like before! But as I said, I can't ditch them as I can't find anything better.

  6. We all have cool usernames (except TRL)

    Excuse me, but HUUH?????

    Its just 3 initials, hardly inspired is it ;)

    Speaking of which, I saw an Ally with a pet called "cat", they come up with shit names for their pets don't they?

  7. Choose a good username, not like your one on here, something cool. We all have cool usernames (except TRL) and you're gonna be stuck with it so make sure you like it!

    I would advise being a warrior, as between us including Alts we only have 1. You can choose the class though ;)

  8. take rogues. They can get the jump on you every time, (surely the most important part of PvP) and can disappear if things go badly. How is that not overpowered?

    If our Ambush doesn't crit, its not much of a "jump", if someone sees us first, don't forget, we only wear leather, we're more or less clothies, so we're gonna be in trouble and vanish doesn't work if we've been set on fire, or dotted.......

  9. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease stop this. This argument has happened about 8 times in this thread. At the moment its hunters that I hate, because if they frost me and get back far enough, then theres nothing I can do at a distance. Shaman think they can melee, so I don't mind getting one-on-one with them as much (contrary to any drunken rants I have made)

  10. Wow, this new instance requires the horde on the server to gather certain quantities of materials. Head to the valley of spirits and deliver wool, runecloth, leather etc, and you get a reward along with contributing to the overall number.


    Stick the stuff in the AH at highly inflated prices! I just made 7G from 10 rugged leathers, bought out in seconds! All skinners make the most of this boom while it lasts!

  11. What do you mean you can mount in UC by the way?

    You can mount! normally you lose your mount as you get further into Lordaeron. Not anymore! 1.9 is ace, i've noticed loads of differences like AH receipts and the like. Also, Riss, don't worry about the mods its only affected Bicks not myself or Nays. Just re-enable them all upon entering.

  12. So a Warlock has to carry non stackable shards, which are needed for every spell they use (including summons I assume) and these can only be acquired from limited places? No wonder there aren't that many, that stinks!

  13. It seems slimes won't just drop old boots anymore (yes we know about your drop Bicks) the penalty for Orcs using their blood fury racial trait isn't as bad, plus paladins get a revamp, not sure if it is a nerf or not, I **** hope so.

    Patch notes

    Seems my download had started to slow horribly...

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