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Posts posted by mockingbird_franklin

  1. 5 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

    It's turning into "Yes Prime Minister", I have no idea what she was thinking with this election. If anything the British people have shown that we are extremely hard to pin down in a poll. I would've thought the Brexit vote would have taught the Conservatives something.

    she was thinking, **** me 25 points lead, better call an election and get the dictatorship i desire, and like a top of the table premier league club playing at home to a non league side she thought, here's a chance to play all the shit we could never normally play, thinking it wouldn't matter

    and it probably won't like the premier league side they'll make a few changes and in all likelyhood scrape a 1-0 win

    • Like 1
  2. never mind people will just say it was a slogan and never a representation of facts or intention so stop going on about the time the nasty party wanted to take an estimated £150biillon from old peoples house equity

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  3. I must admit i did predict today supposed u-turn yesterday to the wife, but Wainey is right, it's clear now why she wanted a quick election and with minimal campaigning, she is all bluster and no substance, she's weak and wobbley, weak as a person and intellectually, she's nothing more than the wizard of Oz, the curtains been pulled back and all she can do is point at Corbyn and say look over there, don't pay any attention to whats going on here, look at him

    • Like 3
  4. 6 minutes ago, itdoesntmatterwhatthissay said:

    Sigh. It's okay. You can stick with policy in theory and I'll stick with policy in practice.

    nice attempt at belittlement, I think if the last 30 odd years are anything to go by, the practice of political policy has resulted in abject failure in so many ways, i find the success ive enjoyed in my field has come from having and employing good theory and good practice

  5. 5 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

    As in activating a younger vote which hadn't voted for a long time. Exactly what you were referring to. These younger voters fall far left of what the middle is in the labour party. The very fact that momentum now has the membership levels it does is proof to that. 

    how long can a young vote not have voted for?


     sorry being pedantic, I do actually understand the point your trying to make is about demographics rather than particular voters

  6. 2 minutes ago, itdoesntmatterwhatthissay said:

    Please, read my initial post. It outlines most of what you request. I criticise not campaigning on policy but anti-Conservative rhetoric, the fact that it's a very Labour mouthpiece and in a further post show that PFI was not pointed out, despite being part of the websites direct criticism; I even mention NHS agency staff.

    I don't feel ridiculed at all, sometimes you need to write a little to free up the entrenched. Hopefully you're less stuck in a cycle of WYSIWYG.


    well i'm glad you don't feel ridiculed, after all it was your post that was ridiculous. your summing up of your post is more than a little at odds with your actual rant

  7. 7 minutes ago, DK82 said:


    this isn't a u-turn but an attempt at damage limitation, were gonna change things to make it better but we're not going to give you details on what were going to do other than mention a mystical cap without definition

  8. 34 minutes ago, itdoesntmatterwhatthissay said:

    Sigh. I suggest you learn something about the NHS before assuming a video is giving you all the facts.
    I believe policy has to be deliverable and realistic in the context of not only the environment you have, but one you want to achieve. Clearly a fools life for me.

    I never believed the video was giving me all the facts, just countering many of the lies peddled by our current government, I may disagree with many things the conservatives are doing, but my contempt for them comes from the unprecidented levels of dishonesty lies, spin and down right snideyness that accompanies it, , in the same way my contempt for Tony Blair and new Labour was arrivd at.

    Maybe if your analysis had been one of pointing out any inaccuracies and adding any relevant facts they omitted that you considered important, rather than being an anti anyone who critsises the Conservatives rant your post wouldn't have recieved the ridicule it deserved.

    • Like 4
  9. 11 minutes ago, itdoesntmatterwhatthissay said:

    Not mudslinging? Coalitions with other parties to 'stop the evil Tories'.....sigh....

    Engagement in policy, jesus tap dancing christ. I spent the last 2 weeks begging Labour manifesto writers and researchers to consider planning policy because it was the route of almost ALL affordability in the UK.....yet developers were blamed in the final document....great engagement and understanding of the real problem....even the Conservatives have bothered to listen more than Labour have, and I lobbied when Cameron was in power!

    When the people alliance make a video that shows what the Labour party were responsible for - that includes the Conservative failures - post it me. That's was my point and further evidence that this campaign is more about not voting conservative than voting for someone with answers they like.

    At least this weekend Labour have pointed out a real policy flaw on social policy! Though they've not offered the solution...actually let me just check the manifesto....nope, it's not there either, nothing tangible anyway.

    well it appears this organisation is mainly concerned with the NHS, and the future disasters likely to be inflected on it, and in doing so they seek to epose the lies being told by the current government, who claim they want to be judged on there performance, problem is it's not their actual performance they want to be judged on but this endless string of lies. I know very little about this video, i don't know if the people re genuine, PFI was a disaster but making films about it would be a little pointless now, The party and people who were responsible arn't in politics or are no longer relevent, the Tory party however are a real and present threat and danger to the NHS, using your logic for someone to make a video about the dangers of muslim radicalisation, they must be castigated for not making one about the dangers of the rise of national socalism in Germany in the 30's


    ok a bt of an extreme example but it's an exaggeration for effect

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  10. 5 minutes ago, itdoesntmatterwhatthissay said:

    I can tell you if you like; the people who go on about '£350m to the NHS' when they was cleared up as soon as it was mentioned.

    that all, so like Boris Johnson

    cleared up like the front page accusation that gets retracted on page 35 in 15 words hidden away between adverts for mothballs and incontinence pads, admittedly the only people likely to stumble on it there would be a brexiteers or a conservative voter

  11. 6 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

    But Labour are smearing everyone!!!

    even when they don't support labour, and are just telling the truth about Conservative policy and the reality of it's effects, welcome to 1984

  12. 2 minutes ago, itdoesntmatterwhatthissay said:

    Congratulations on the most entrenched lack of reality moment in your life :)

    I guess the air is still thin on the 'bus brigade'.

    oh dear looks like it was serious after all. shame you could have had a glittering career as a farcasist, I suggest you rewatch the video and reapprase your wildly inaccurate analysis of it, have a nice long hard think and you may just prevent yourself looking even more of a fool than you already do.

    • Like 4
  13. 17 minutes ago, dAVe80 said:

    I don't know what's real, and what's not anymore. If it was satire, it went over my head. Although if it is, I am a little relived.  

    I don't think it's possibly to truly understand the reasoning behind the post, comedy genius is as good an explanation as any, suggesting some sort of stress related mental meltdown though plausible would be considered poster on poster so It's best not to go there 

    • Like 1
  14. 16 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

    I read it as hardcore projection. Everything he accused Labour of doing in that post, the Tories are doing on steroids.

    projection is a common Tory trait, The phrase lazy feckless scoungers comes to mind for some reason

    I found it too ridiculous and inaccurate a rant to be taken seriously

  15. 3 minutes ago, dAVe80 said:

    Erm, OK.

    "Anti-campaigning" is a tactic used by every party.  You must have heard the phrases,"coalition of chaos", "terrorist symperthiser", etc, right? Would you describe these as promoting the Conservatives, or attacking Labour?

    As for the video, it's made by The People's Assembly, who are essentially an anti-austerity movement. They oppose austerity, which is what the Tories have imposed on us. If you google them, you will see straight away, they are no aligned to any political party. It's the second point on the first page of their website. So they have nothing to do with Labour. Also when you watch the video, it's actual NHS staff that are in it. Does it not tell you how bad things are, when the people who know the NHS best, are telling people not to vote Conservative?   

    You seem to think the post wasn't just a piece of farce and posted seriously, interesting but worrying alternative

  16. 12 minutes ago, Chindie said:

    That NHS video clearly has someone say 'vote anybody but not the Conservatives'.

    I'm unsure the Labour Party would be that happy to push every other party except the Tories.

    That reaction is bizarre.

    almost bizarre of a recent social media conversation I had with a random poster who invaded an exchange with a family member, which basically consisted of a barage of right wing fascist rhetoric,  however the person worked themselves up into such a frothing wreck as proof they weren't actually ading let alone understanding anything i said they ended up posting that we should declare war on the USA, Isreal and Saudi Arabia

  17. so anti establishment trump continues to act very much like he's part of the establishment, never mind someones getting very rich from The USA's dealings with the centre for Islamic radicalistion


  18. anyhow May has taken to social media to use her special skills and show the people how rumours of her being unhinged are rubbish, but if 'she' loses just six seats she recons the world is going to end.

  19. 1 hour ago, PauloBarnesi said:

    Stuff like this has been going on for ever; people seem shocked that political parties are up to media manipulation.

    Mind you according to Diane Abbott thats probably at least 100000 people....


    good job they didn't ask the Tory guy in charge of all those damn numbers thing, hammond isn't it, it would have been a few trillion people

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