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Posts posted by paulfromsutton

  1. Discounting the fact that we let Friedel go for free and picked up Given for 3m or so was it, who is the better keeper in your opinion based on ability alone?

    So did we actually improve in the goalkeeping department in this season in terms of the personnel? Although factoring in the price could mean a different story altogether.


    Don't want to piss anyone off but how is this even a debate Brad any day of the week over Given.


    Brad has been our best keeper of the last 25 years I have followed Villa

  2. I'd rather get a supply line in to give Bent and Benteke a chance to forge a partnership. Would be a much cheaper option than David Villa too.


    EDIT: Just seen your rant in the Darren Bent thread, and now know you won't agree with me   :D



    It doesnt matter who you have upfront if you cant supply them we should have been sounding out targets in November so deals could be wrapped up at the start of january before going out the cups and wasting a handful of premier league games.


    M'Via, Downing and a right winger should have been brought with Warnock coming back in from the cold. Get a loan on a centre back too. 15 million survival sorted & possible cup success! Now Downing is in form, M'Via has moved off were out both cups and lost loads of points, humiliated ourselves and lost three games to the teams directly around us

  3. Unlike most I dont think we need a centre back or left back I think we can do with what we have what I want quite litterally is a new midfield with the exception of Westwood who is doing fine in a terrible midfield.


    We need WINGERS

  4. Defend Lambert after these comment please.........


    Why dont we play down the wings at all?

    Why no crosses at the baseline?

    Why do you play Barry Bannan?

    Why have you not tried to play Warnock dispite the issues at left back?

    Why arent you honest about what is happening this window?


    Could another manager do ANY worse?

  5. Not being funny, I actually feel sorry for Bent he joined a club with wingers and now he is in a club where he doesnt often play due to the way we play and I agree with that IF you are going to play the way we do.... No wing play, up in the air and right down the middle.


    In short SHIT!


    We dont need rid of Bent we need 2 wingers

  6. It wouldn't of took much to make thing's better, so it's just as well Doug buggered off because he wouldn't have done much. Also we're only 3 signing's from being a mid table team. CB, LB and CM.


    Yes all three of those positions are needed but you seem to have forgotten 2 wingers so we can create propper chances and not just lump it through the middle, oh yea it also means you can play Bent.

  7. add up the deficits we've had every year since he took over, that'll give you a good idea of the money he's put into the club, loans or not. but even that doesn't give the full story, since the deficits were also being lowered through cash injections. he's sunk an absolute **** fortune into the club

    Hey Pete,


    I fail to see your point, when talking about losses outside the spends I mentioned it is all decisions he made which he knew were are unsustainable and therefore would have to find himself and have no long term benefit to the club such as the ownership of new players or infrastructure improvements

  8. Wasn't there a comment from PF about us being in the Deloitte top 20 incomes ...not anymore been leapfrogged by Newcastle who have increased income from 98mil euro to 115mil euro..


    So off the pitch we are not doing so well , funny that coincides  with being shit on the pitch too..




    Scary figures in honesty how Spurs are double us Arsenal 200 mil more United 300 mil more , of course these clubs want FFP 

    they would be untouchable then.

    This means our natural place in the league is somewhere between 8th and 10th based on money coming into the club...... make of that what you will

  9. Sorry but a lot of you have some bollocks figures yes I have seen the 250m figure in the papers and certain sites but the facts remain....


    He has spent 12m per season after player sales on players, he paid for the training ground to be finshed and a few bits around the ground there is no way he has spent more than 110m on infrastructure and players in his time here.


    The rest is his own dumb ass fault.


    He hires and fires crap managers with huge payoffs, he sanctions massive wages for average players on long term deals, he gave away free sponsorship (even if it was a nice thing to do still a loss of revenue)


    So stop defending the spend!


    Just a word on wages... you know what the wages were when they were oh so big and we were finishing 6th in the league? The 6th highest.


    You get what you pay for.

  10. I havent read all the posts on here so sorry if some of this is repeated.

    Lambert needed to buy players in because we were so thin he spent 22m with a third of that going on Benteke so he hasnt had loads of money for the amount of players needed and yes we need to still get rid of certain players before we are rid of most of the dross.

    Yes Lerner is off his tits because he hasnt/isnt investing enough and his board of directors are wank.


    This does not excuse the football we are seeing I have been watching the games this season and hearing we need a new centre back or Bannan's crap we need a defensive midfielder and that will sort problems out. They are wrong! It will help the problems but the real problem is playing the long ball, playing through the middle too much, not using wingers propperly (AT ALL) and poor coaching.

    I watched us last night have 75% of the ball last night and do **** all with it and play it through the middle each and every time. (all season)

    I watched us last night and players dont move around enough off the ball or run into space to make for an effective passing option. (all season)

    I watched us last night play 4 4 2 and both the 'wingers' came inside and whenever they did stay on the wing they didnt drive the ball down the wing which on many many occasions they could have done to put a cross in for the strikers. (ALL SEASON)

    I have watched us this season consistantly **** UP mainly because of poor coaching, play it into the wings we can cross more, play counter attacking football, put crosses in for 2 excellent headers of the ball and the three natural finishers we have at the club.

    I'm pissed off with this shit get a manager who is tactically aware, and can man manage its not that hard gimmie his salary i'll do it.

    Dickheads in charge

  11. If we stay up I am positive that we will go on to better things. Why I think this? It's simple really we'll have the enhanced TV money to invest into the club in a way that may just free up funds to truly have a go at Top 6 again. I feel that we have a squad that is close to completion.. We need a DCM, LB and CB and we are set. The rest of the squad will get better the more they play which will make us even stronger. Next season if we stay up I predict a top 10 finish, season after Top 8 and the season after that Top 6 or higher. That to me is a realistic road map provided we stay up as the TV money will help us in a big way.

    Im not going to argue on your prediction of future places that could well happen but to think the tv money isnt going to go straight on wage rises for players across the board at every club is naive in my opinon

  12. Given











    Totally agree I would also add Delph to the list also but realisitically we wont get rid of them all as we would have to replace to many, dont have enough money and some of them we will find hard to move on

  13. IF we stayed up I am not feeling positive about next year...

    The reason being is we will be getting rid of what 5 players or so? Dunne, Warnock, Hutton, Given?, Bent? CNZ? Ireland? Bannan (Hopefully)?

    With that being so and the first three are going to fetch nothing (Even though none of them have played this year) we are going to be replacing them with more kids more than likely.

    That is fine to a certain degree but it's likely to be more of the same this year with the FOLLOWING year to be when we dont have to spread the cash around as much and can buy more quality players for Benteke type money.

    Do have to stay up first though 20 ish points needed and the games are running out

  14. Whilst I'm not overly convinced about QPR's transfer dealings... They will now have a team that looks a little like this:







    Now, we can all roll out the cliche's about them having time to gel etc. But this is a team managed by (I hate to admit it) a man who knows what he's doing in this situation and can get the best out of players. I just find it worrying that there are teams like this below us pulling out all the stops and we seem to be stood still.

    Now I'm not saying that we wont do business because I think we will, but as each game that passes, and as each team tries to strengthen, we have less of a chance to avoid the drop.

    I trust Lambert to find the right men, I just hope his hands aren't being tied.

    Some of those players are quite good of course but that aside one point that needs to be highlighted the longer we wait this month IF we are signing anyone then as the games pass it is a game they cant play in or effect our current results.

  15. All i can say is we will see what happens at the end of the season

    the proof will be in the pudding

    Yea of course your right on the league placing but for me I just hate it when you see a bargain walking past you.

    You know 9/10 times it will work and hes going to be worth loads more and be an excellent player for the club while your club sits on its hands and does sod all.


  16. Dunno how that is his worth when he sold the browns for more apparently

    how does that explain the massive losses the club incurs every year (at for the released books)?

    who do you think is footing the bill for that?

    2010-2011 - £54m loss (that's despite lerner putting in £25m on top of that, otherwise losses wouldve been £79m, astonishingly)

    2009-2010 - £38m loss

    2008-2009 - £43.7m loss

    2007-2008 - £13m loss

    that's £148.7m LOSS in those 4 years. im not defending a lack of spending, but to say that lerner spends nothing on the club is nonsense. he's just been plugging gaps to keep us afloat for the last 5 years, regardless of whether it was him who went around drilling all the holes in the ship through his carelessness or not

    A lot of those losses are due to stupid opperating costs he signed off on the mans a tard

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