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Posts posted by TheEgo

  1. I think we're all putting too much weight behind the significance of odds after what happened with Oneill on monday.

    That said, I tempted fate a bit too much last time by insisting that I'd bed a donkey if Oneill had infact left, therefore...

    Martin Jol will NOT be coming, i can guarantee you this, I would stake my house on it.

    I'll bloody well bed a gorilla if this is true ;-)

  2. Haven't really commented on this thread before General, however I feel compelled to post this.

    I have read you say many times, you are on these boards for "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" so please show us fans due respect and don't at the first real time of 'trouble' disappear and not be 'our' point of contact to AVFC. We need some answers and I appreciate you responding in great detail on this board may not be the answer, however, answers are still required. As people have stated in other posts, it really is truly great to be able to discuss ticket issues and the like, however this is where true 'customer relations' show there worth.

    Thank you for any response in advance


  3. Ok, have I missed something? where is the interview where MON says we have a 'sell to buy' policy? I've clearly missed something

    BBC Sport, on the Villa page he discusses Milner and states about selling to buy half way throughout.

    Im clearly being really stupid here as I have read and re-read and csnt't see where he mentions having to 'sell to buy' im confused? haha!

  4. Get in Cameron! Woop Woop!! Not a popular opinion on here, but mine and that's a fact!!!

    Let's see what the Cons and Lib Dems can do to get the country back on track! we all have our own views and the nation has clearly decided they can't decide, so this is what we have now and have to accept it! (well until the coalition falls apart and another Election is called)

  5. Apparently people were told to go away after waiting in queues in Clegg's constituency.

    Come on, they have had 15 **** hours to get their arses to the polling station, tough shit!!

    I really couldn't give a shit if they were turned away or not. I am stating what the news is stating.

    Relax!! it's not a Villa match thread! I was talking about them and not your view on the matter, Peace!!

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