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Posts posted by TheEgo

  1. "picking up signals that the aston villa appointment might create some serious stir (if randy learner gets his number one choice)

    don't want to drop names but from what i understand villa are pressing hard for a manager who's currently in a fairly decent job (in the uk)"


    I'm thinking Alex McLeish....he'd get linched by the Blue noses though.

    That's a good shout in relation to this rumour. Wouldn't want him personally, would definately create a 'stir' though

  2. To be fair I think we could've counted on Bradley being ruled out for quite some time now. By the looks of it we could've got him here pretty quickly if we wanted to.


    i think if you are basing it on what the club have said then the criteria are:

    prem experience,

    and a willingness to continue taking the club in its current direction - and that means with a certain level of financial constraint and a priority on bringing players through from the academy.

    it can only be moyes...

    Randy and Moyes shared a very warm handshake in the players area prior to the match, caught on camera. Not suggesting this has bog all to do with anything mind haha!!

  3. In all fairness it could still be someone like Klinsmann. Premier League experience isn't something which is necessary for the job.

    "Two of the traits we believe are of crucial importance are that candidates have experience of managing in the Premier League and a strategy for building on the existing strengths in our current squad"

    It is if you take the above sentance from the statement as accurate.

    Above all I think the club are looking for the right man. If they find that right man in a foreign manager I don't see any reason why he wont be appointed.

    As long as said man has "experience of managing in the Premier League" it wont matter where there from they will be considered. If not they wont be, simples!!

    The statement didn't say that. The General didn't say that either.

    I've pasted the relevant bit of the statement again as you missed it the first time.

    Here you go

    "Two of the traits we believe are of crucial importance are that candidates have experience of managing in the Premier League and a strategy for building on the existing strengths in our current squad"

    Black and white for you

    Yeah, I saw it the first time. To me it looks as if Premier League experience is important but not the be all and end all. Do you really think Randy and the board wouldn't appoint someone they thought to be the right man just because he didn't have PL experience?

    Hey im going with the black and white, not my interpretation of it. It clearly says what it says, why should I not believe it? If it's not true, why put it???

    My own view is that whoever they feel is right, will get the job and regardless of whether I like them or not, I will support them, like a player.

    Shall we stop with the multi quotes now? neither of us really know haha!! :-)

  4. In all fairness it could still be someone like Klinsmann. Premier League experience isn't something which is necessary for the job.

    "Two of the traits we believe are of crucial importance are that candidates have experience of managing in the Premier League and a strategy for building on the existing strengths in our current squad"

    It is if you take the above sentance from the statement as accurate.

    Above all I think the club are looking for the right man. If they find that right man in a foreign manager I don't see any reason why he wont be appointed.

    As long as said man has "experience of managing in the Premier League" it wont matter where there from they will be considered. If not they wont be, simples!!

    The statement didn't say that. The General didn't say that either.

    I've pasted the relevant bit of the statement again as you missed it the first time.

    Here you go

    "Two of the traits we believe are of crucial importance are that candidates have experience of managing in the Premier League and a strategy for building on the existing strengths in our current squad"

    Black and white for you

  5. In all fairness it could still be someone like Klinsmann. Premier League experience isn't something which is necessary for the job.

    "Two of the traits we believe are of crucial importance are that candidates have experience of managing in the Premier League and a strategy for building on the existing strengths in our current squad"

    It is if you take the above sentance from the statement as accurate.

    Above all I think the club are looking for the right man. If they find that right man in a foreign manager I don't see any reason why he wont be appointed.

    As long as said man has "experience of managing in the Premier League" it wont matter where there from they will be considered. If not they wont be, simples!!

  6. i think the 'prem league experience' thing is more just a veiled way of saying thanks but no thanks to kmac.

    i will be very surprised to he honest if we do appoint someone has never managed in the prem before because although there have been some truly great managers come straight in and been fantastic (wenger, mourinho etc) we arent in a position to get someone of that caliber and neither are we in a position to really take a big gamble on someone. i know its a bit of an uninspiring thought, but i really think that it will be someone probably decent, but also more than likely someone "safe".

    "Safe" equates to boring in my eyes, a 'Curbishly' if you like. Will never win anything, but will never get relagated either, Brilliant were going to be Everton.

    Give me a bit of a rollercoaster anyday. Bring on Maradonna haha!!

  7. In all fairness it could still be someone like Klinsmann. Premier League experience isn't something which is necessary for the job.

    "Two of the traits we believe are of crucial importance are that candidates have experience of managing in the Premier League and a strategy for building on the existing strengths in our current squad"

    It is if you take the above sentance from the statement as accurate.

  8. Randy was sat next to Keith Harris today (he is the guy that helped advise randy when buyong the club) they may just be friends still, or maybe he has provided a little advice on the managerial post? I notice the General has stated that Randy will be releasing a statement today or tomorrow givng a little info on what they have been doing to find a new man

  9. why are we slaggin off reo coker for running with the ball from his own area and winning a corner?

    I know NRC is a "word removed" for a mis placed pass and nothinbg for Allbrighton missing an open goal, we love a scapegoat don't we

  10. anyone want to speculate why Randy is sat next to Keith Harris?

    Keith Harris?


    Probably because he helped when Randy bought the club, perhaps still friends.

    That's the fella ;-) haha!! The other Keith Harris, is very well connected and it wouldn't surprise me if he is somehow advising RL

  11. What the hell does Paul Faulkner do? He appears to be the only CEO that says NOTHING, never seen him address the media. Kind of essential when you have a chairman that refuses to speak. Im sure the more connected on here will tell me he is fab etc etc I see him as someone who looks slightly bewildered everytime I have seen him. Not meaning to be disrespectful, jusy not sure what he brings the club.

  12. Hello General,

    Why is it that our CEO Paul Faulkner never speaks to the media? is this company policy? Given Mr Lerner's obvious reluctance to conduct interviews, it would seem essential that our CEO is able to convey information, especially at a critical time like now. I'm genuinely surprised at the LACK of information coming out from our club at a senior level. It is my opinion that KM has been treated a little unfairly and appears to be carrying all the responsibility to relay information, when in fact he would be best served trying to put out a winning side given we are missing 5/6 members of our first team management set up. Surely PF could answer questions regarding the clubs position on appointing a new manager?

    Finally, if the club knew they were going to wait until after the Everton game to begin interviewing candidates (This has been mentioned by KM several times) why on earth not just come out and say so?

    I still support all the good work that is being done, but now find myself becoming frustrated and a little sceptical as to the transparency of our club. Is it THAT difficult to communicate with the fans and keep us informed. It's great that you take time to post on here, but let's face it you're limited with what you're able to say and internet message boards are only a small percentage of our fan base. What are the majority of fans that don't post on here getting told?

    Not good enough!

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