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Posts posted by Ingram85

  1. A message to the excessive sweaters a few pages back; ive got hyperhydrosis and use a special roll on for mega sweaty bastards called anhydrol forte, you can get it from any pharmacy. Its a god damn miracle cure! I only ever wore dark clothes before to hide the 'armpits of death' (sexy stuff eh?) but now i wear whatever i want, my confidence is the main thing thats changed. Be warned though, the first few times you use it bloody stings like hell!

    Im fully aware the above reads like im being paid off or something, but seriously, its great stuff.

  2. Is it a bad sign that the day after she lands in new zealand, all hell breaks loose? :lol:

    I thought she was in christchurch and woke up thinking shes probably trapped under some rubble or summat, she sent me a message saying she was in wellington and was ok. Phew. *waynes world style* "Game onnnn"! :P

  3. Dont get me wrong they are quicker than the 'riding the lift' faux loading screens from the first one, drove me mad on the 360 that did but id have thought they would have got them faster on the ps3 considering they have had a while to optimise it.

  4. Can understand that its not everyones cup of tea but i gotta say, im loving pretty much everything about this game so far.

    Got it last week and have so far put about 15 hours into it, have done a few loyalty missions and main quest wise i am halfway through recruiting my team.

    The shooting can be a bit fiddly but on the whole but as its not just a fps it'll do, i normally get my squad to do the near shooting while i pick off the enemies that are further away with the sniper rifle.

    The story is also top notch, also with the backstories of each character being revealed during the recruiting & loyalty missions, i feel more involved with this one compared to the first.

    Another negative from the first was the lack of variation in locations (in terms of aesthetics), this seems to have been rectified so far - jacks loyalty mission steals the show so far with its jurrassic park feel, i enjoyed the blade runnery feel of Omega and i stared for ages at the view from the mansion garden during the kasumi mission.

    I also love the new stripped down citadel, non of that endless aimless wandering about and getting lost.

    Last thing ill mention are the customisable armours and little things like the fish tanks, ship model display and the space hamster!

    The only bug bears for me are the silly elements of the galaxy map (fuel, scanning), the constant loading screens and the one freeze ive had.

    Top, top game. I loved the first one but this is just so much better.

  5. Crawley town against Utd... deep deep into injury time they get a freekick on the half way line, the final whistle should have gone but the ref looks like he's going to allow it, 1 last lump into the box. The dickheads decided to faf over it, wasting time, then the keeper decides he's going to take it, moves the ball 10 yards closer to his own goal, wastes more time doing that kick the dirt to make a lump thing they do, then after all that plays it short. The ref immediately blows the whistle. Bunch of idiots. If they'd just lumped it into the 'mixer' the ref would have allowed a few seconds to see where it would drop.

    Ha this! That keeper really pissed me off, what a dumbass, just hoof it up as quick as possible and see what happens, then when the full time whistle went the manager looked at his watch and moaned?! The ref gave you an extra 30 seconds you thick word removed!

  6. Update on girl who likes me but is way hotter: Were going out when she returns from seeing her mom in new zealand! Id forgot she was going away and looked a right lemon :oops: anyway, shes gonna come to my local pub quiz and then the following night were going out for drinks and a posh meal.

    Weirdly, it was the first time id asked a girl out without feeling overly nervous, still a bit nervous but it just felt right strangely.

  7. When the girl at cex in redditch accidentally scans all your traded games twice and you get double the credit. So l bought mass effect 2 quick and got out sharpish before they realised. Result. Still got 23 quid left which ill save for deus ex or test drive unlimited 2.

    Then i walk into waterstones and all the discworld books are 3 for 2. Not a bad day today at all. 8)

  8. I used to play cricket for barnt green and the worst injury I had was when i had to catch one of those massive high and far shots when i was in the outfield, slightly misjudged it and it landed right on the top of my little finger. It went all Luc Nilis-ey. Was excruciating, looked/felt/sounded disguting.

  9. Right, my story is at the start of the topic so i aint gonna re-post it in detail again.

    However, after breaking up with the ex after 4 years last august ive been single since, had a girl who messed me around a bit after leading me on and then friendzoning me when i go for it and one who only seems to like me if im sniffing around someone else.

    Lately though ive been speaking to this girl at work but my dilemma is that i perceive her to be well out of my league, i aint uggers by any means but im not great looking either but she is absolutely stunning, shes asked me out for drinks a few times and has been dropping hints and colleagues have said she likes me but i cant get past the whole shes much better looking than i am.

    Plus shes on a decent wage as she is an occupational therapist and im a health care assistant so theres a bit of a gap there, which doesnt really bother me but its in my mind.

    My question is: has anyone else ever gone out with a girl who is blatantly miles ahead in the looks department? How did it go? Im gonna go for it but am just a bit hesitant.

    GO FOR IT!

    Seriously, what do you have to lose? She realises after a while that she's better looking and can get someone else? maybe, but that's worst case. And even if that happened, at least you'd have given it a go. If you don't go for it, you'll regret it forever!

    Im deffo gonna go for it as i know she likes me, was just trying to get an idea of others experience from being in a similar situation.

    I think im worrying too much about what happened with the other girls and letting it hold me back a bit. But i think knowing she is actively trying to get me out for a drink is a positive and plan to ask her out when im next in work. Barnt green inn me thinks, should go down alright.

  10. Me and my brother used to swap the subbuteo players for those things with the massive heads (I used to call them 'bigheads') and use the green bases to flick the ball around a subbuteo pitch using the heads as an anchor rathe than flicking the players around and hurting your fingers :P as we found subbuteo players a bit crap.



  11. Right, my story is at the start of the topic so i aint gonna re-post it in detail again.

    However, after breaking up with the ex after 4 years last august ive been single since, had a girl who messed me around a bit after leading me on and then friendzoning me when i go for it and one who only seems to like me if im sniffing around someone else.

    Lately though ive been speaking to this girl at work but my dilemma is that i perceive her to be well out of my league, i aint uggers by any means but im not great looking either but she is absolutely stunning, shes asked me out for drinks a few times and has been dropping hints and colleagues have said she likes me but i cant get past the whole shes much better looking than i am.

    Plus shes on a decent wage as she is an occupational therapist and im a health care assistant so theres a bit of a gap there, which doesnt really bother me but its in my mind.

    My question is: has anyone else ever gone out with a girl who is blatantly miles ahead in the looks department? How did it go? Im gonna go for it but am just a bit hesitant.

  12. Me and the gf have agreed not to do anything in order to save money for holiday. A good thing really seeing as I'm skint.

    ....and cue the look of anger and rejection on her face as you open your brand new 3dtv whilst panicking and say, "Yeah its awesome, im really sorry but yours is at my friends house, ill just go get it, loooove youuuu"

  13. Like i said they aint the best of films but the first one is at least enjoyable, especially compared next to the turd that is revenge of the fallen. Im optimistic about the third film, im hoping they right a few wrongs, plus, orci & kurtzman have no input on this one at all.

  14. After the first 2 Transformers Films (the second of which could well be number 2 on my list of "Worst Films I've spent money at the cinema to watch), there is very VERY little chance of me bothering to watch Transformers 3

    Exactly my thoughts when the previous poster was really excited about a 30 second clip of Transformers 3. It'll almost certainly be crap. Even if it isn't they don't deserve to have fans 'excited' about a clip after the shite they've served up.

    Unless you have 12-year-old kids, I can't see why anybody would contemplate watching these - that's the target audience, isn't it?

    Or is it a nostalgia thing for blokes who had Transformers toys when they were kids?

    If so, I still don't get it it. I mean, I grew up with Thunderbirds - and I'd happily watch a DVD of the old programmes for a nostalgia buzz. But I wouldn't touch the recent big screen live action version with a bargepole.

    The first film was a thoroughly enjoyable if flawed summer popcorn action flick, the second was complete garbage, an absolute trainwreck. Michael Bay has admitted as much himself but the third is looking promising so far and will hopefully make up for the second.

    No the first isnt the best film ever but its just a bit of escapism and for us tf fans, has been years in the waiting. When that helicopter (or for tf fans Blackout :P ) first transformed at the army base i was blown away. If you like those abstract fancy arts films thats a thought provoking medium about the complexities of life or whatever then go elsewhere but you should know what your getting with a michael bay/tf film.

    Target audience is people who like sci fi/action films/transformers and dont mind a bit of silliness with it. Simple really, dont like it, dont watch it but dont deride others for enjoying it. Unless they did enjoy the second one, if they did then deride away :P

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