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Posts posted by Raver50032

  1. This 3-0 game - in and out of the rain was very one sided. It was the single most poor captain's display I have ever seen in a football team - from a certain Scotty Parker, the media darling. West Ham always have to have one don't they? After all, they won the world cup didn't they?????. Parker was totally anonymous that day. A disgrace to their shirt and to the captain's role.

    To think then, that Scotty Parker went on to win the football writer's player of the year award (or words to that effect). What absolute poppycock. I heard one journo on that twattish Sky program 'Sunday Supplement' describe Parker in that season as ALWAYS giving 110% for his team. Well not in this game... Mind you, look where he is now...

    He was dog shit. WHAM were dog shit.

    Almost the same thing happened last season as well, when we circumsized Blackburn in our first home game last season.


    This season - I am actually expecting a very tough game at Upton Park against Square Head's newly promoted bubble blowers.

  2. There should be a new rule on VT -

    'every ironic or sarcastic post shall be accompanied by a relevant smiley face so that the posters of a slightly dim persuasion don't get offended'

    Whilst I smell another well intended ironic post (lol) - I fully agree with this... It might prevent people like me with short fuses from un-necessarily getting 'computer rage.'


  3. The only other thing that he said, was that Mcleish was very good to the people who worked around Villa Park - people in the shop and elsewhere. He talked with them and made players do same.
    God, now I feel so ashamed that we hounded him out. If only we'd known this at the time - but I suppose it's typical of the man and his modesty that he should keep it quiet. I wonder if there is any chance that he could forgive us and come back?

    I honestly think that bridge has already been burnt. We really should feel like real clearings in the woods now, but I suppose hindsight is 20/20 and all that ya'know.

    I am going to give you pair the benefit of the doubt and assume that this was one ironic post on top of another. We have nothing to feel like 'clearings in the woods' about... The guy, may have been 'nice,' may have got the players talking more about the place - that was part of his job. He was paid to play the company line, part of which must be having respect for fellow employees and supporters.

    The flip side of the coin, and the reason he was 'hounded out' was that he was deluded, could not see what was wrong with our team other than after the Norwich away game - by which time it was too late for him anyway.

    The only sympathy he gets from me is that he should never have been given the job in the first place - it was doomed to failure from the start as so many people spent the last 13 months trying to say.

    Even his 'nice guy' image seemingly started to wane late doors.

    I am glad the 'guy' has gone - not because I hate the bloke, far from it. He **** well made me ill. He **** well made me nearly turn to the dark side and riot. He **** well made me quit Villa from January to May.

    The clearing in the woods.

    --EDIT --

    now seen the other subsequent posts. But do you see? Just how effective the 'guy' was at causing ill feeling? It's still bothering me now...

    The clearing in the woods.

  4. All these attempts to justify Villa's behaviour in this transfer saga are a bit laughable.

    Villa have looked poor the way they have conducted things and it reflects badly on the club.

    How? club have hardly made a mention of this signing. most of talk coming from Feyenoord end

    So you think it's OK to invite a player, his agent and father for a discussion about a transfer, send him away with the impression a move is imminent and then not even bother to contact him to tell him the deal is off or to explain the reason for their silence?

    Wow, an interestingly quirky view of business ethics.


    I can't believe people think that would be the right way to go about dealing with clubs and individuals.

    The thing is, we only know Feyenoords side of the story. Not our side. Maybe we should just wait with the judging untill we do?

    Why would the club and player lie?

    Why would Vlaar tell the press he wants to come but lie about villa having no contact?

    It makes no sense.

    that fact it makes no sense is a clue that you're asking the wrong questions

    Yep. And why do people lie? Well, I've never figured that one out yet, really, as I try as much as possible to stay away from it. But people do lie sometimes for different reasons. And it's quite possible they don't lie this time. But it's at least for me impossible to know whether they do or not. I don't know the full story. And maybe Vlaar and Feyenoord hasn't told the full story either. They wanna look good in everyones eye just as much as anyone does.

    Dave Whelan - Wigan Athletic anyone???

    Hello Dave - you ponce... :shock:

  5. I should probably get blitzed for suggesting this since I'm an American, but what about Carlos Bocanegra on a free? His impact on the wage bill would be negligible and at 33 he'd be a great bridge to give Baker/Clark more time to transition into a starting role. He certainly has more pace than Dunne, he still gets forward and can score goals, and sometimes plays RB for the national team. Here's the BBC story noting that he's been given permission to leave Rangers:


    Since we're just throwing names out there I figured I'd throw in a slightly reasonable one.

    Hi buddy - on principle alone i would have to say a big no from me. This guy very nearly cost Mark Delaney his career with a horror show tackle at Craven Cottage many years ago...

    Welcome to VT :-)

  6. Surprised all you transfer gossip junkies have missed the story on the Sky site today linking us to Steven Nzonzi. Story has us, Sunderland, Spurs, Stoke and West Ham all interested in him. No quotes on the story and not sure if there is much to it, but might be an interesting option in the middle of the park

    In all honesty, & i only speak for myself here of course, any story that i now see with the old "Spurs,West Ham, Everton & Villa" or similar are "all after this & that player", intro to it i competely ignore. It is clearly just a complete load of tosh made up by a newspaper to try & generate mass sales.

    We see it week in week out & it's always something along the lines of all us mid level Prem clubs are "vying for the signature of so & so" or Sunderland, (the new current fave as MON is there) are about to pip us to this or that player etc...

    BORING! & i just don't fall for it anymore whatsoever.. I have to ask, out of the players we have bought, which one of those clubs were also linked? Sunderland? Nope! Spurs? Nope! In fact none of them..

    Nzonzi? Sounds like something from a Scatman record...

    He's the Scatman....

  7. BTW feynoord Gary Cahill - Chelsea and England, Garth Barry - Man City and England have come through our youth team also.

    Being fair, we did poach Barry from Brighton remember... And don't forget, the Moore brothers were streets ahead of Rooney when we won the Youth Cup in 2002 - but then look how they all fared...

    We're good - but we ain't that good. Let it go. They do things differently across the channel. It's just life.

  8. For those that didn't get the initial chimpanzee gag - it was said somewhere that if you gave a chimpanzee a means to type, sooner or later, the odds are that it would be able to write the complete works of Shakespeare. The last line, is Shakespeare... (I think...)

    I have to say that is one of the most erudite and intelligent posts I have ever seen on this forum. So full marks from me...

  9. I am optimistic of the coming season and the tenure of Mr Lambert... Out of ten, I am optimistic to the tune of 8.3.

    We are at the start of a new journey, a difficult and challenging journey - Rome wasn't built in a day. For me, top half would be great and a sound base from which to build. Paul will benefit from a honeymoon period as well, which is nice.

    I'm nervous as a result of the two previous campaigns - but I feel assured that I am almost guaranteed a better brand of football, and whatever joy and excitement that may bring, even if we lose. Something that stung me last season - the total lack of passion. Rolling over and dying without giving a toss.

    Up The Villa - in Lambert we trust...

  10. Just got back from Villa park having relocated to L8 now very excited about the season. Not really new news but the bloke showing us our seats said Mcleish resigned after Bolton with a clause in his contract that if he got to 40 points he will be paid off.

    Sorry, been away at airshows all weekend. And sorry that my question is off topic, but... if he resigned after Bolton (I thought he might), how come to the bitter end he gave everyone (including the press), the impression that he would still be here, that he was expecting to still be here at the start of next season?

    IIRC he was adamant (not Adam Ant) that he would be Villa manager at the start of next season during his post match Norwich interview... Happy to be proven wrong (not Wong).


  11. Nice one BOF...

    Gold and silver badges then anyone? What's it all about?


    EDIT - just checked the OS - silver pin badge for all ST holders. Those that have 10 years of consecutive service as a ST holder, get the gold.

    To be fair, they could have done a bronze for those that still refuse to renew even now Eck has gone... That way it ties in with the Olympics shit dunnit? :shock: :winkold:

    And when I reach 60 years as a ST holder, I expect a crown and a Thames boat pageant...

  12. It really isn't worth giving the club grief over - they don't have to give you anything other than access to your seat when they say a game is being held that you have paid for. Giving something back to you, or the opportunity to help make a brief saving here and there for you is a bonus. Nothing more, nothing less. They could offer people a dedicated parking space at VP and still people wouldn't be happy because they wouldn't offer to valet the car for while they were at the game.

    Personally, I would rather my club do its best to channel its resources into making a competitive, attractive football club that heads for success. However, even I can see that over a season, giving each ST holder the opportunity to have a free pie, or a BOGOF tea/coffee offer is chicken feed for a club this size.

    I have no idea what the gold/silver badge thing is so not really right for me to comment. Is it a pin badge? If so, I wear my other two to the games... No shame in that, even at 37 1/2 years of age. Pin badges are just another expression of my support. If it is a pin badge, and if you really don't like it, give it to a child (preferably one that you actually know and won't risk you being labelled a nonce as sometimes happens to decent people just trying to help out).

    If it's not a pin badge, could somebody please explain what that is about.

    Anyway - keep the offers coming in my opinion.

    Up the Villa...

  13. James Nursey ‏@JamesNursey

    expect Culverhouse/Karsa to be @ #AVFC for pre-season. #NCFC holding out for as much compo as poss as got nowt for Lambert yet

    Those two are probably counting down the days like school kids waiting for the summer holidays to start.. I bet after all this they can't wait to be rid of McNally and that club.

    /\ - I wonder if their teacher (McNally) has allowed them to take board games and sweets in to celebrate the end of term... :winkold:

  14. I like and support the idea of moving the dugout to be closer to the Holte... Seriously, I do.

    However, being mildly flippant -

    Contact EA Sports or whoever it is that makes Football Manager/Championship Manager etc and create the opportunity in the game to change the location where the dugouts are to boost team performance. Hopefully, FIFA 13 will actually have Villa Park in it and the amended dugout set up in the game too.


    Good luck Paul - we know you will walk on water, just like Brian Little. Now over to the chants thread...

    SAY NO TO RACING CAR SEATS IN DUGOUTS - they look cheap and nasty.

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