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Posts posted by dnmacf

  1. Sounds like the only change is whether or not Gestede comes in from what Tim's saying on Sky. He didn't give anything away, but smiled when talking about Gestede. I get the feeling he may start

  2. Well that's my shirt from last season redundant... Good luck Andi. All the best. Always thought you were a good player, scored us some vital important goals, hope to see you find that again at Derby! 

  3. I watched Villa's opening game of last season (13/14) against Arsenal in Singapore (3-1 to Villa). I tried to find some sort of Villa community but no luck in the end although I'm sure there must be a few Villa fans on the island given the amount of ex pats and I imagine a sprinkling of local converts.


    All the bars along the water front at Boat Quay (round the corner from Clark Quay) show premier league and more than likely will show the FA cup final. Suspect there will be a lot more Arsenal fans than Villa (just the way football is overseas in general) but thats all the more fun when we're beating them. The only thing I would wonder about is the kick off time? Could be pretty late locally? The bars there are open till 3am+ in any case.  


    ...I understand that you really want to go, but you can't. I feel sorry that you can't, but this was within your control... 


    That misses the point, again,  I think. With so few tickets, there will always be more people who can't go. The line/criteria depends on movable things. Plenty of Arsenal season ticket holders won't be able to go, for example.

    The point that the allocations are too low, is an FA thing, and the FA's decisions penalise match day fans at the expense of FA folk and guests etc.



    Many fans may have just one chance of ever seeing their team at Wembley in the FA cup final. Then the FA give loads of tickets to the same people every year.


    Yes it's been like that for ages. Yes it's wrong. Yes the Fans organisations and individuals complain. and No nothing changes.



    Out of interest and not to change the subject but how are Arsenal deciding allocation? ST holders plus FA Cup games attended? Or away games too? Or years as a ST holder? 

  5. Took an absolute grilling from Pat Murphy, like a father telling off a son. Suspect he'll think twice about what he says in future which I'm not convinced is entirely a good thing but there you go

  6. Being relatively young (23 - although not for the football world!), it just seems insane that this story is getting coverage. There was barely a person in my group of friends at university who hadn't had a balloon or two. A balloon was the least of your worries to be honest. I can't believe this nickname 'hippy crack' either, as if the media are trying to make some form of link between gas and crack cocaine!  


    I'd be more concerned if Jack had been photographed smoking a cigarette as I think that links to a much wider image and persona issue that's likely to reoccur (cough cough, Jack Wilshere).


    Given the implications of a balloon filled with gas and the fact it was a year ago when he was barely on the radar and wouldn't have been thinking about his image, this is entirely unfair and a non issue and I sincerely hope nobody makes it into an issue. All the same, it's a good wake up call for him. He's in the spot light now and non issues to 95% of society become issues unfortunately. Keep your head down mate, work hard and enjoy the simple and finer things, but just not the things which the daily mail would gawk at... 

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    36.6 is being suggested as safe so Newcastle aren't quite there. They need a couple of draws but haven't scored a point since they beat us on February 28th

    Dam, and i only have us down to finish on 36.4


    Haha, Championship it is then... The 36.6 figure just came from Sky Sports. No idea how they worked it out. I guess the point is that they think there's a slightly higher chance you'll need 37 than 36 to stay up. I didn't even think it would be above 32 a few weeks ago but a couple of teams have sorted themselves out of late

  8. So, if I couldn't get any happier.. I decided to go have a read of some Baggies' forums to see what they thought of the last night's game.


    The first comment I read after last night by one of their mods:



    I don't want to go back there.


    Makes me feel goooood! Let's make it an unconquerable fortress and do the double this weekend!


    My mates that are baggies fans left Villa Park with a pretty sour taste last season too. One didn't make it into the away end till 10mins in so missed their first 2 goals, then watched as we scored 3 in a row and went on to win 4-3. The same guy was there last night, got a snapchat of head in palm shortly after the game. Don't think he would go back any time soon if we win on Saturday and dump them out the cup haha 

  9. I have booking history, so might try get one tomorrow. is it still one per reference?

    my friend has booking history but from last season not this one...


    That's fine, I believe it's literally any history of booking tickets for home games that aren't against WBA

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