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Posts posted by Mozzavfc

  1. Saw the new star trek movie last night on an advanced screening

    If you liked the 1st one you will love this. It is very good, and has plenty of little winks to the old movies/tv shows to keep trekkies happy (even as a non-trekkie I got some of them)

    Also the lens flare has been dialled back which helps

  2. Used to love TimeSplitters? Of course you did those games were awesome

    The CEO of Crytek UK (the current owners of the rights to TimeSplitters) said that if there was enough demand, they would perhaps make a new game/ a new HD collection of all the original games for the PC/MAC, PS3, and Xbox 360

    So this petition was started to show that the demand for TimeSplitters is still out there


    Help spread the word

  3. You were playing as Villa Pieface? I was trying to think of things to help your form improve but now I know why you were losing.

    Yeah they are the only club i've played as since now! No wonder i concede goals left, right and center :D

    I found this as well. This is the 1st FIFA game I've played since FIFA10 and it's moved on a lot. Just can't get my head around the new defending system

    Started playing seasons with villa, won 2 lost 2. The wins were really scrappy

    Switched to galatasatroy and destroyed everyone

  4. i just played someone who had the villa badge as their emblem, hows they get that?

    it's not too tricky to do, the only problem is the AVFC as there is no V or F option.

    For 'V' i just use a upside down A and use a small triangle or square to make it into a V

    For 'F' just use E and use a square the same colour as your badge to block the bottom

    Should take about 10 layers

  5. Don't know if any1 is watching (or heard of this) but american comedy show 'Community'

    Give it afew episodes to get going but it is fricking hilarious

    Highly recommend, and it's in it's 2nd season or something like that so there is plenty of episodes to enjoy

  6. there was a great quote from 1 of the police officers in Bahrain (maybe even the chief of police, can't remember)

    but the jist of it it was like 'we were worried about their safety in pearl square and we knew communication wouldn't work, so we opened fire on them to clear them out'

    sound logic

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