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Posts posted by Mozzavfc

  1. To those you have the game how different is it from the demo?


    I've played the demo I fair bit, but didn't really enjoy it


    All the reviews are saying it's better than FIFA so it's re-sparked my interest

  2. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is out today  :D. Seems like it might be quite similar to BL2 but I've no problem with that, more Borderlands is always a good thing in my books.


    Does anyone know what it's like?


    I was a bit disappointed it only came out on old gen consoles

  3. went fairly quickly to level 20. Doing alright now :)


    The strikes are pretty slow though, that one where you have to take out three guards one of which is in a tank and the main guy afterwards takes **** ages :) they do change them around every now and again though i hope? already done it three times now..


    Unfortunately it's the same missions as the story for strikes, which you have to do again and again. Luckily they add damage modifiers and other bits which mean you have to appoach it in different ways when played at higher levels


    There are sometimes new missions, which are about for a limited time. The 1st one was Queen's wrath which was a few weeks ago

  4. Also make sure you've always got 5 relevant bounties from the tower when you're playing, as at early levels it can help you level up quickly


    Most of the PvE bounties are things you'll be doing anyway, so its easy exp 


    Also don't worry too much about guns and armour until you reach level 20. Just go for whatever has the best damage/defence

  5. It seems the Iron 'everything has proper stats' Banner is actually is just regular PVP


    Great news for me as i'm only lvl 23 but its getting quite a lot of flak of high level players who aren't getting a sizable bonus


    Despite all it's flaws a month in and i'm still as addicted as the 1st day i played it 

  6.  San Marino has a population of about 30k?

    I am not sure how much they can improve by to be honest. I don't know what I would prefer, to shuttle off into the wilderness never to return or have some days out playing some of the finest footballers in Europe, in some of the finest cities, in some of the finest stadiums.


    I think it's roughly 33K


    Seeing as there was roughly 34K empty seats in Wembley last night its pretty clear that a nation like this shouldn't be playing England

  7. PSN EU blog will leak the PS+ games every month, getting later and later though


    drive club is today i think, all game modes but only a 11 tracks and 10 cars i think


    Will it just be available on the normal psn store? It is being classed as a demo or something?

  8. With the Raids it saves your progress after each each 'mini boss' so you and a group of other players can chip away at it over a period of time


    I think the whole aim of the raids to keep the players who have the time to play a videogame for  a day

  9. I think the main legacy of the game will be that it got a lot of people to actually 'upgrade' to a next gen console


    I'd love to see how many PS4s Sony sold this month, on the back of Destiny bundles


    Re the game: I like it, i've yet to really play it solo, but in a group of friends it's a solid enough title


    Wow, so there's only 4 explorable planets? With one zone in each planet?


    Earth, Moon, Venus and Mars.


    I thought this game was supposed to be huge? Bet 80% of it has been ripped out for DLC.


    Still will be purchasing it (well, already purchased) and looking forward to PvP more than anything else. 

    Bungie have said the game length wont be an issue but the level cap is 20 so I don't know what to think


    I mean the Beta was, level 8? And you got there in around 5 hours.



    well the level cap is at least level 29 as IGN did a walk around as a level 29 Titan a few months ago

  11. A week until release and the hype seems to have died for this


    I thought there be all sorts of deals and media coverage, but other than a few tv adverts haven't heard a lot about it

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