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Posts posted by trimandson

  1. partyboyxe3.th.jpg

    About 2 in the morning, in October, in Towyn, after me and her split up, pissed as a rat, letting the waves crash into me on the each of the beach. What a night.

    Oh and Kitey, I think we need to meet over a chilled can of Red Stripe

  2. Ok guys I hope to keep this blog as interesting as possible.

    Rather than focusing on the main events on football, I've started a blog to look at some of the more peripheral events in football and especially those stories that just make you realise why you love the game.

    Here it is in all it's quite empty glory:


    The first couple of posts aren't particularly fresh material but they're my "base" sites where I get most of my inspiration. If anyone has any stories that are appropriate then feel free to link to me etc.

    CV could you also add this to the list please?

    Thoughts guys?

    I like it muchly my friend.

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