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Posts posted by trimandson

  1. Well, this thread stared nealy exactly a year ago with the simple premise

    Will the average house be worth more or less in real terms in 12 months time

    The average house price in January 2008 was £183,959

    The average house price in January 2009 is £156,828

    judging for inflation that means the average house price has fallen (in real terms) 20.8% in the past calendar year.

    So for all those keeping count, anyone who voted "More" -200 points, all those taking the easier option of "Less" get +10 points.

    Anyone want to start a house price 2010 thread or all too depressing? I'm sure there are some miserable people out there that just want the misery to keep on rolling. So bring it on.

    Any figures on Vals & Vols averages across banks?

    Sorry, going by Monthly comparison figures for Apps & Completions et al...

    It'd be interesting to see what happens elsewhere.

  2. Well, this thread stared nealy exactly a year ago with the simple premise

    Will the average house be worth more or less in real terms in 12 months time

    The average house price in January 2008 was £183,959

    The average house price in January 2009 is £156,828

    judging for inflation that means the average house price has fallen (in real terms) 20.8% in the past calendar year.

    So for all those keeping count, anyone who voted "More" -200 points, all those taking the easier option of "Less" get +10 points.

    Anyone want to start a house price 2010 thread or all too depressing? I'm sure there are some miserable people out there that just want the misery to keep on rolling. So bring it on.

    Any figures on Vals & Vols averages across banks?

  3. About a fortnight ago:

    Here are the current rates loan to value 90%

    Lloyds 6.69%

    HSBC 6.58%

    Nationwide 6.59%

    Northern Rock 7.69%

    Interesting to check back next week! The housing market needs 10% deposit first time buyers to get it going again.

    This week:

    And ten days later.......

    Lloyds - 6.59%

    HSBC - 6.99%

    Nationwide - 6.59%

    Northern Rock - No mortgages offered

    So a 1.5% base rate cut means:

    0.1% cut

    0.41% increase


    or downright rufusal respectively.

    You can forget house prices surviving in 2009 too. Minimum 10% further drop to come yet. And I think that is optimistic.

    My views posted on one of the other threads. Probably sits better on here

    A little late on this, but what would you prefer? You're quoting SVRs, not trackers, and it you sit on an SVR you get what you deserve, it's common knowledge how mortgages work, especially if you have one.

    And another thing, even if they are tracker rates, surely you'd sooner a bank be prudent about the business they take on then they go bump and lose all your savings pensions etc? Banks don't want the business, the whole market is a threat at the moment because of poor media reporting, panicing idiots, and fat cats taking too much cash.

    If a bank can make £1b net in a year, a bank should have resources for TEN years of this kind of shit. I work this shit every day, I see the figures, the exposure, the truth about the whole situation for one of the biggest building societies, in the (now) biggest banking group in Europe.

    Figures and situations are not as clear cut as you may think, people would be wise to rent for a bit in my opinion.

  4. **** about, you bunch of wetters, I've never known anything then a broken home haha...

    My earliest memories are of my pa leaving, I couldn't have been 3 years old, and it's a day I'll never forget.

    I couldn't recall anyone else in my family for another 4 or 5 or 6 years plus, noone else ever mattered. Even now at 25, even though I can see him 7 nights a week, even though he's been the most caring, honest and genuine person on the planet, even though I've give him nothing but shit in my life, I'll always regret the fact that we never lived together apart from those early days. I love my pa to pieces man, best bloke in the world by far.

  5. Shit, only been a few times since xmas (circumstances and whatnot) but what a difference it makes. Played 6-a-side tonight, and Trimmy was running tings!

    Midfield dynamo man, class.

  6. Oh come on... We all know he's jesting... He didn't cuddle me once.

    Who didn't?

    And b23, she was alright, you know how it is :P

    Obviously, I'm joking, she was a good egg man, she won't marry me though...

    I'm a bit lost now dude. It may be the cold or the sudden realisation VT has been changed from the local pub, domain of mainly blokes, to a mixed sixth form.

    You know the truth...

    It doesn't exactly set me free tho :D

    There's only so much that can be said my friend, you have to set yourself free in this instance.

    I'm busy, otherwise I'd help.

  7. My most memorable Valentine's Day was when I was 7 and a glass door blew shut as I was running through the doorway and I ended up with 36 stitches in my leg! Still wasn't as painful as Valentine's Day with the ex wife though!!!

    Mwahahahahaha :lol:

  8. Oh come on... We all know he's jesting... He didn't cuddle me once.

    Who didn't?

    And b23, she was alright, you know how it is :P

    Obviously, I'm joking, she was a good egg man, she won't marry me though...

    I'm a bit lost now dude. It may be the cold or the sudden realisation VT has been changed from the local pub, domain of mainly blokes, to a mixed sixth form.

    You know the truth...

  9. Oh come on... We all know he's jesting... He didn't cuddle me once.

    Who didn't?

    And b23, she was alright, you know how it is :P

    Obviously, I'm joking, she was a good egg man, she won't marry me though...

  10. Shush, find a lady and a castle and some Red Stripe. Call her wench, drink her wine, get her in trouble with her mom, take over her settee and her tele, get slightly more drunk than you intend to on a Saturday dinnertime.... But don't forget to cuddle her.


    I am intrigued by your ideas. May I subscribe to your newsletter?

    Only if you call me Dr Love from hereon.

  11. Romance is dead.

    Shush, find a lady and a castle and some Red Stripe. Call her wench, drink her wine, get her in trouble with her mom, take over her settee and her tele, get slightly more drunk than you intend to on a Saturday dinnertime.... But don't forget to cuddle her.

    Romance is alive man.

  12. Erm, born in Stourbridge i the Black Country, to a brummy father, but never lived in Brum.

    All my pa's side of the family are Brum, and we're talking about 6 or 7 generations as far as I know.

  13. Last night so must be nearly 24 hours, too long for my liking!


    Was he???????? :D

    :lol: Couldn't help but just laugh out loud at that one. Lucky me I didn't read that a few seconds ago having my mouth full of Coke. :P Excellent.

    Ouch, forgot about Trim. Ok, lads, nice to have met you all. And lassies, of course. Please don't tell Trim I moved to India

    Whilst in fact I'm in Brazil

    It's none of my business mate, you carry on.

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