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Posts posted by Fuse

  1. Merry Christmas General K to you and your family. Thank you for taking the time to post on here, it is much appreciated. It is good to see that you take the rough with the smooth which is important. Please pass on our best wishes to Randy for the festive period and hopefully MON has been pestering him to death for some more big cheques for January!

    Merry Christmas.

  2. The wierdest thread ever on Villa Talk.

    I didn't see the programme so I can't comment but reading between the lines I guess it was a documentary about a cult of some description? How bizarre and interesting to have a member on here posting!!

    Terry can we get you to take an interest in God's own football team Aston Villa?

  3. That weigh-in was class. Loved Hopkins and Joe squaring up and the crowd's baiting of Hopkins.

    Voted Hatton, I think hrhas more of an edge to him and I think he will over-rub PBF.

    Will be watching live in the pub,will probably need a few red bulls with the Vodka!

  4. General,

    I apologise for the language in my earlier post. It was uncalled for.

    I do however stand by the fact that the pricing is over the top and that the club are pushing the limits of the loyalty of the fans with it being so close to Xmas and being televised.

    It would be useful and I would be grateful if you could explain the clubs decisions taken in respect of pricing levels for this game.

    Many thanks.

  5. General,

    Does Randy ever visit this site and/or others and if so what does he think about them? Does he get offended by some of the posts? Does he laugh at us spending his money in the transfer threads? Or get frightened at the figures we think we will spend? Does he know how much we appreciate what he has done so far for the club?

    Many thanks


  6. General,

    I have a question with regard to season tickets.

    I noticed from the OS that we only have 400 half season tickets left and that once they have gone that the club aims to create a waiting list. I have a 4 year-old nephew who is just beginning to get the Villa bug but as yet is too young to go to the games. It was my intention to start to bring him to the odd game over the next couple of years and then get him a season ticket when he is 6. How will this work if there is a waiting list or will the club make any allowances for existing season ticket holders who want to buy an additional season ticket for a child?

    I know that we have to have limits but wondered if the club had thought this through - this is new to us all as we have never had this before.

  7. Just ready the latest report from Mysteryman and just goes to show how much notice I must have been taking as apparently the ceiling was damaged in the room I was in!! :oops: Nevertheless I do stand by the point that as rightly pointed out the Holte Pub is an historic venue that Randy has spent a fortune on and that perhaps it should be used as a museum and not a pub for showing a Villa v Small Heath game - where fans with beer in plastic glasses in hand and last minute winners are going to end up with beer being spilled

  8. I was in the Holte Pub on Sunday and left not long before closing. I did not see any wanton vandalism and if I did I am sure I would have been one of many to have put a stop to it. In which room were the holes in the ceiling? I was in the room where the bar is situated and don't recall anyone doing anything which could have damaged the ceiling. If you cannot understand that beer is going to be spilled when a goal goes in then you really haven't watched a football match in a pub before and maybe, as you quite rightly point out, this historic building should be used as a museum and not a pub?.

    I do not condone holes in the ceiling as that is inexcusable, I hope the culprits are proud of themselves.

  9. So here's the dealio. One of my best mates is a scum fan (I know Iknow, but he is of the minority in the fact that he isn't a complete penis and i can actually have an intelligent conversation with him about the two teams) and I've watched all but 2 villa blues prem derbies around his house with a load of mates and his family, a great mix of blues and villa fans, (even though some of his family ARE the stereotypical scum fan) anyway, it's a good laugh and a hell of a lot better than getting glassed down the pub during the match.

    Point is, the only two I didn't watch at his house (I was at Uni) we won. He rang me today to invite me round for yet another Villa vs Blues game...do I attend?!

    Do you **** go! Get down the boozer and be billy no mates for the afternoon. You can always go round after the game to rub his nose in it.

  10. General krulak here:

    1. There would be no question about VP being ready for Olympics if England were to be awarded the Games. Having seen, first hand, what goes into this sort of preparation, I can assure you that the Government would be involved and help make it happen around the Country.

    General, I dont mean to be a nuisance but I think you have misunderstood me.

    England (London) have been awarded the Olympics in 2012. As part of the successful bid, Villa Park was nominated to host matches in the Olympic football tournament. My question was basically, has there been any discussions or actions regarding VP's usage? I assume that the answer is no given your previous reply. Knowing our country the attitude is probably 'the games are only 4.5 years away, plenty of time' :?

    General I am interested as if my memeory serves me correct Mr Ellis was delighted at Villa Park being chosen as an Olympic venue as it meant we would be getting access to funding to make certain ground improvements (such as extending the capacity)

    Now I would assume that Randy was made aware of this prior to buying the club. Either that or Mr Ellis was mislead?

    It would be good if you could find out for us.


  11. General Krulak here:

    1. Safety at games is critical...and there is much done to ensure that safety. Unfortunately, we do not have all the equipment that would be needed to ensure total safety (if there is such a thing.) Magnometors, X-ray machines, etc. are hard to come by and would cause huge delays in entry. We will do our best but if a bad guy/gal wants to cause problems, they can do it. I have learned long ago that our enemy can basically hit where they want to hit. The VERY BEST defense is the awareness of the fans to those around them. If you see something suspect, make sure you notify us.

    2. We are definitely looking at doing something for the Rugby game.

    3. If you have a viable charity, call Lee Preece at Villa...he works Community efforts. At the same time, realize that we have chosen ACORNS as our main focus of charitable work.


    Any news on what the club might be/could possibly do on this? I have a feeling we might see people leaving the game early to try and get back to watch it locally. This could be embarassing if it starts with 25 mins to go as I am sure some people will do this. Maybe use the Holte Suite but on a ticket basis which you have to get before the matchday? I know numbers are limited but it would be helpful, same with the Holte Pub?


  12. General,

    I know you don't get involved in team matters but as you have the ear of Randy can you ask him to make sure he gives MON a bollocking for pratting about too much tonight with the team and for not having them motivated.

    I and 20,000+ Villa fans were motivated enough to turn up and pay our cash tonight. Shame our manager and team thought it was going to be a breeze and ballsed it up.

  13. General,

    I made a change from my normal routine today and after the game went into the Holte Suite for a pint. I am a season ticket holder and whilst I applaud the club for what they are doing, what is the point of charging 50p to go in after game? I am not talking about charging, but more that because people had to queue it might put people off. Let any season ticket holder who wants to, go in. Sod the 50p lark. Next thing is can you ask the staff in there to turn the sound up on the commentary and also turn the light off above the big screen. Lots of people left because of this.

    Now I have stopped whinging some compliments.

    I went in the Holte Hotel afterwards and I have to say that it is incredible what Randy has done with the place. A lot of the old faces were in there and a great place to be after a win. Beer good (when they had the pumps on) and it is something to be proud of.

    Can we keep it open later after the game when we beat West Ham?

  14. General Krulak here:

    1. Randy and I will be leaving for UK soon so I will be off the site until Monday....I am not ducking you all.

    2. Unless you all are "expecting " Wembley, I do believe our eventual North End will absolutely blow you all away.

    3. Richard Fitzgerald has had several conversations with his counterpart at the "other" team re. ticket prices. Let's keep our poweder dry until we know all the facts.

    4. Davis is a talent...we are getting there. Again, I think we all need to remember where we have been, where we are now and where we are going. My belief is that we are making steady, positive progress.

    5. See you all at the game....do not be afraid to come up and stick out your hand and say hello...just don't give me too much stick.

    Can I switch Sky Sports off yet General or should I keep my eye on their breaking news for any further transfers? :D

  15. General Krulak here:

    1. PLEASE..................Richard does not have ANYTHING to do with player signings. JUST LIKE ME!!! A "smile" about a "particular forward" means absolutely NOTHING...zero, zed!!! Confirming "top class signings" is NOT confirming anything. PLEASE...let's not get into this again. Richard is like you...or like me...he is a HUGE Villa Fan and wants the VERY BEST for the Club. BUT, we all must realize that he does not have anything to do with player selection. As I have said time and time and time and time again, "players are the remit of MON with Randy in support." We got ourselves in a turmoil over the same sort of thing just a short while ago. PLEASE listen to what I have to say...MON and MON ALONE (with his coaches/scouts) make the player calls...and Randy supports. Richard, the General, Bob Kain, etc. etc. have nothing to do with players and have NO INSIDE INFO!!!!! If any of us did, we would be foolish to say anything lest we harmed the transfer effort. BUT WE DON'T!!!!


    I think you have said this many times now. What I think you will find is that if this is the case it is very unusual, if not unique that the CEO of an English Football Club is not involved in transfer negotiations. Chelsea have Kenyon, Man Utd have Gill, both of whom get involved in negotiating transfer deals. If MON is solely responsible for both targeting and agreeing transfers then this is unique. Certainly in the modern era of football.

    For this reason when our CEO makes a statement or a remark then people will naturally believe that he knows who or what we are working on.

    Not nit-picking but it sounds like you and Pelty are publicly dressing down Richard Fitzgerald where if you want this to stop then a private word might be better?

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