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Posts posted by srsmithusa

  1. Lots to be unhappy about, but I don't buy the argument that intolerance and abuse are the marks of a passionate fan. (I'm not saying they're not as much a fan, or as good a fan, I just disagree that you help any athlete, manager, or team with negativity, harping criticism, and abuse.)

    Frankly I'm glad my employer doesn't attempt to motivate his employees that way. I've never seen it work and I doubt many of you have.


  2. Two positive things I learned.

    Guzan really impressed me with his distribution. He helped the play be a bit better as he often looked for a long, accurate, throw to keep some possession, rather than just put it long and hope, or short to an unchallenged defender. He kept possession, while bypassing several opponents. I thought it was very helpful.

    Petrov, I've never been his biggest fan. He has always seemed too safe, no real speed, rarely create the incisive attack. But it was obvious that is defensive positioning and safe possession were very helpful and much needed. His insertion clearly created a better period for us.

    That's about all the real positives I could see.

  3. I should probably just shut the computer and not post. The posters here that despise everything from the owner to the stewards are beyond maddening. But in all honesty, there really wasn't much to feel good about from tonight.

    I think the manager tried something a bit creative and outside the box. He clearly watched what some other teams have done and gave it a shot. A point for effort, but it wasn't working, so he lost that point for not being flexible to revert to another plan quickly.

  4. Really disagree with the Collins critics. You may call it hoof, lump, or whatever. MON liked him there, Mac liked him there, Hou liked him there Eck likes him there. They are all professional managers with experience and success (whatever you think of any of them). I think I'm safe voting with them.

    He's aggressive, he's fearless, he offers a lot going forward, despite what some here claim, he is extremely accurate with his long ball. (hence why so many managers give him license to do it).

    I know it's not popular to think he's good right now. But like I said, lots of professional managers agree with me.

  5. after reading recent injury news i would play today:

    ------------------Given---------------- (do not rate Guzan)

    Hutton---Collins------Clark---Baker (Clark needs to learn leadership in organising the defense)

    ------------------Herd----------------- (to prove that his last display was not a coincidence)

    ----------Bannan------Ireland-------- (creative force)


    Agree with this, except play Guzan and let Given rest.

  6. I said in the summer we need to find a player like Tiote and that was demonstrated very well today. Can't help but think we now have Bannan, Delph, Petrov, Ireland and Jenas in CM - any two of whom would probably play well with a proper battling DM behind them, but none of whom are really suited to sitting in front of defence & winning the ball back. Petrov can do that to a degree, but doesn't really have the pace/energy which is why McLeish has preferred Delph there. But Delph doesn't really have the presence for that role, at least not yet. Herd or Clark in DM might well be best option for some games.

    Zog and Bent are both struggling for form which is a big problem for the attack. Good job Gabby has remembered how to score or we'd be in trouble. Wonder if Bent carrying an injury somewhat and needs to be rested?

    Zog I think just has to find an understanding with team-mates. He's a different type of player to Young & Downing, more inclined to take players on but not put the cross in straight away and that's probably harder for the strikers to read. e.g. there was a case near the end where him and Hutton were on the right and neither would put in 1st time cross - then Zog did cut behind defender and put ball into the near post, but no strikers had made a run there as I don't think they expected it when it finally came.

    I know for a fact you are brilliant because you said exactly what I think are the most important points.

  7. Gabby is showing the pace he always had, but more skill and intelligence than I've seen from him before. Foul him or he'll beat you.

    Herd, IMO showed attacking commitment and solid defense, but often gave possession away cheaply.

    There is no question the MOTM for Wolves was Hennessey.... that has to say something.

    I feel comfortable with the back 5 and with Bent up top. It's the other 5 we're all worried about.

    I would like to try Ireland in Heskey's place, and Clark in Petrov's.

  8. Petrov is, I propose, an intelligent, patient, player with lots of experience. He has decent skills and vision, so lots of managers have used him in different roles over his career. He's very careful with the ball which is a great asset.

    I just feel like he's a square peg for what we need right now. We need more aggression and physicality in a DM. Unless, Herd or Hogg, or some other young-un can do it, he may be our best bet, because he's safe. But he's really not what we need there. Makoun and Delph are both too lightweight. For me, Reo-coker didn't have the quickness or occasional attacking threat.

    That said, it's foolish to play Petrov if your reason is because you don't know who else could be captain. In today's game, the only official role of the captain is the coin toss. Beyond that leadership in a match comes from whoever will take it and is respected by his teammates. Arm band is irrelevant.

  9. simple lessons learned

    Given - great value, great keeper, still has it.

    Petrov and Delph in the middle won't work. Not in any way or capacity.

    Makoun and Gardner in the middle is much, much better in every way of measuring.

    Clark can hold his own.

  10. KSV - While it's a "friendly" it's also pre-season with a new manager. He needs to take a look at what some of the predictable core can manage. Giving Baker and Lichaj time and letting Dunne and Collins get on the same page in regular season is foolish.

    I think they'll have chances to slot in during the season when the odd strain attacks.

    Having said that.... I would like to see how this would work

    Gabby Bent Albrighton (Bent slightly ahead)

    Ireland Makoun


    Warnock Dunne Collins Young


    My guess is it would not be pretty good.... it would be either fantastic or disastrous.

  11. In the Gold Cup he had a very nice run at Left fullback. In the final, when Churundolo was hurt, Lichaj was switched to the right and had a nightmare.... although, so did nearly everyone on the USA squad.

  12. I still hold hope that it isn't McLeish. With no official announcement (yet) I still hold out hope. I'm not as football suicidal as some are over the appointment, but I really had hoped for an exciting name with an exciting approach to the game. I thought it would cheer the AVFC world. I like taking chances the Sanchez guy sounded fun. Rikjaard would have been exciting. Premier League experience is a safe, but not very exciting criteria.

    I thought we had too many fans that were ridiculously over the top with the Houllier complaints. (Didn't say critics had no basis, just that I thought they were over the top. I imagine a few may be regretting their venom.) Anyway, I thought they had probably won. Apparently I was wrong. It's clear that the board does not make decisions based on the most vocal critics in the fan base. I was annoyed that the "Houllier out" hysteria appeared to have worked. Clearly the "Houllier out" group had nothing to do with it.

    Well, a board that will make decisions regardless of the hooting hysteria of fans is in reality a good thing. But this is the first decision they have made that I really don't think is a good one. Until it's official, I'll keep hoping that McLeish is NOT our man. IF and when it becomes official, I'll hope and cheer for incredible transfers and incredible success. But I have to say that while I'm not sure that the board is right, it's clear they have courage.

  13. Houllier had a good reputation, a good track record, the ability to draw some talented players. Results did not match the promise. But to blame that on RL is, IMO, nonsense.

    Sometimes good decisions don't work out. My friend built a new home. It was beautiful until the tornado. RL did not "get it wrong last time." I'm not defending our results, but RL doesn't deserve the blame.

    Many of us thought at the time that regardless of reputation and track record it was a huge risk to bring back a man into the stress of PL management who'd had serious heart problems in the past. RL chose, wrongly, to overlook that issue. He got it... wrong.

    So anyone that isn't clairvoyant and able to predict the future accurately is guilty of getting decisions wrong... wow. Did you know I was going to say that?

    It was a risk. Lots of people thought it was a risk. Randy presumably knew about his previous health problems. He presumably thought they weren't an issue. In retrospect, he made the wrong decision.

    Or do you think he made the right decision?

    I think I've already said, it didn't work out well. Any decision is a risk... people on this site have been critical of any name mentioned. Ancelotti is a risk, he might move on too quickly. Hughes is a risk, he might not be able to succeed without unlimited funds. The decision to hire Houllier was a sound and reasonable decision at the time. Calling a decision wrong because the unpredictable occurred is IMO nonsense. Again, did you know I was going to respond this way? If not, you made a wrong decision by posting, by your definition of wrong decisions My position is clear. So is yours. We disagree with the definition of wrong decision as it applies to hiring Houllier. I won't bore the rest of the board by repeating the same ideas over and over again.

  14. Houllier had a good reputation, a good track record, the ability to draw some talented players. Results did not match the promise. But to blame that on RL is, IMO, nonsense.

    Sometimes good decisions don't work out. My friend built a new home. It was beautiful until the tornado. RL did not "get it wrong last time." I'm not defending our results, but RL doesn't deserve the blame.

    Many of us thought at the time that regardless of reputation and track record it was a huge risk to bring back a man into the stress of PL management who'd had serious heart problems in the past. RL chose, wrongly, to overlook that issue. He got it... wrong.

    So anyone that isn't clairvoyant and able to predict the future accurately is guilty of getting decisions wrong... wow. Did you know I was going to say that?

  15. One thing is for sure. Last year everyone said "this is the first really test of randy as chairman to get the right man in." this time I think it's even bigger. He got it wrong last time. He must mean business this time.

    Nonsense. Houllier did not work out for a long list of reasons. But that does not mean he was a wrong choice. You can't judge a bad choice by criticism in VT... Every name suggested gets criticized be some group of posters here.

    Houllier had a good reputation, a good track record, the ability to draw some talented players. Results did not match the promise. But to blame that on RL is, IMO, nonsense.

    Sometimes good decisions don't work out. My friend built a new home. It was beautiful until the tornado. RL did not "get it wrong last time." I'm not defending our results, but RL doesn't deserve the blame.

  16. Wouldn't really be excited about Hughes or Moyes.

    Rikjaard, Van Gaal, Jol, Anchelloti, Deschamps

    this rijkaard is free in 3 days time from contract

    van gaal is free from contracts

    ancellotti is free from contracts

    deschamps is making noises about discontent

    3 out of 4 are ready to go, they are top managers, winners at management level, internationally respected managers who have managed top european clubs. managers who will force people to take notice, force people like young and downing to consider things far more closely than before, attract better players to the club and so on and so on



    its like saying do you want a car for free, any car its yours for free but you must pay the running costs

    do you go for the rolls royce, it is awesome, pure quality, gets noticed, gets respect and people admire it but it costs alot to keep it going although it will get you there in style and you get the best car parking space

    or do you go for the ford focus deisel, nothing wrong with it and it will get you places although doesnt look good, performance is suspect and never gets above 80 miles per hour when it has a full load and when you park it you get a key scratch in it and someone parks their stupid honda jazz next to it and opens their door into the side panel of your car causing a small dent in it.

    As a man who works in car rental, you've almost convinced me....

    As a man that doesn't work in car anything, you've confused me. Are you for or against a reliable but cheap alternative? If you're driving a taxi or a limo, you attract better clientele (players) in the Rolls. I want a name that has some excitement to it.... not the reliable ford focus.

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