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Posts posted by NibblyPig

  1. Welcome to the site General... and thank you to both you and Randy!

    180 degree turnarounds are rare I feel. But my opinions on Aston Villa have completely changed in such an incredibly short period of time!

    Over the past few years I was beginning to suspect that things were on an irreversible slide for Aston Villa. I thought we had missed opportunities in the early '90s to truly cement ourselves as a big club in England. Things had become decidedly gloomy in B6. By June, I (and I feel most of the posters on the messageboard) had become clouded by apathy.

    However, since the summer, I have recaptured the joy of following Villa. The mood on this messageboard has completely changed. There's an air of excitement about the new direction in which our club is headed.

    The training at Villa Park in front of the kids was a fantastic idea! I have long argued for low ticket prices and other incentives to get kids interested in coming to Villa Park. That's the way to encourage further support at grassroots level around Birmingham.

    Thank you for taking the time to sign up and thank you for listening to us. Your gesture is more than just letting us know that we have a forum for our ideas to be heard, it shows us that you respect us as supporters and I, for one, feel like the club is starting to value me as a supporter. It feels like the club is actually there *for* the supporters now. What a refreshing change!!

  2. Well, I've been singing "We are unbeatable" in my office for the past three days now... and I don't want it to end

    We won't lose...

    In fact, we'll win... I'm with the Old, Farty one... victory to the boys in Claret & blue (er, white)... Up the Villa!

  3. After I finished university I had the option of taking some jobs that paid quite well... but by golly they were boring! So I ran off to another country to do a job that pays virtually nothing but I actually enjoy. Guess which way I voted.

  4. RL jet update.

    it's been busy this week. Yesterday it flew Green Bay to Cleveland, and then when I switched off around midnight it was heading to RL's home. Given that it's Friday I didn't expect to see it move but it appears that Santa Claus is coming to town. It is currently en route to another airport in the UK than Birmingham that would put him in position to meet Rothschilds

    Unless there is any major sporting event, movie premiere etc in London that takes the mans fancy, it looks like today could well be the day.

    All I can say is this man appears to be working damned hard to fulfil our dreams.

    I'm going out on a limb here... but if Randy signs up with MON tomorrow, I'm voting "thetrees" for VillaTalk poster of the year


    ... but if not, you're going in "the book" :evil:

  5. On SSNjust now they showed the back page of the Sun and down on the bottom right the headline was 'RANDY ON VILLA BRINK'. they didn'y read the article though. so god knows what it means

    ... here it is

    Randy on Villa brink


    RANDY LERNER is on the brink of a £64million bid for Aston Villa.

    The American billionaire’s advisers are back in talks with chairman Doug Ellis and Lerner will beef up his bid if he likes what he hears.

    Lerner, 44, has been interested in buying Villa for some time but stepped back last week as three other consortiums broke their cover.

    The owner of the NFL’s Cleveland Browns was also sidetracked by the annual migration of his gridiron squad to their pre-season training camp.

    But Lerner, who made an £800million fortune through the sale of family business MBNA, still wants the Premiership club.

    The fact Villa have offered their manager’s job to Martin O’Neill has also helped.

    O’Neill was first choice to replace David O’Leary for both Lerner and rival bidder Michael Neville.

    The former Celtic and Leicester boss has promised Ellis a decision by the weekend and, if he says yes, will join Villa on their pre-season tour of Germany and Holland.

    That leaves octogenarian Ellis free to concentrate on a sell-off before the start of the season.

    Lerner leads the race but faces stiff competition from Neville and a group led by judge Nicholas Padfield, who revealed last night they might join forces.

    Padfield said: “We have been approached by representatives from other consortia. One is a representative of Mr Neville.

    “We are considering opening discussions with them. Nothing is going to happen until I return from holiday at the end of the week.

    “One crucial issue is the extent to which Doug Ellis wants to retain a stake in the club or whether he is prepared to sell his entire shareholding.

    “The other critical issue is what the position is as regards the team manager — has one been appointed, is one going to be appointed, the nature of his contract etc.

    “This will impact on the amount of finance available to buy new players.

    “I have had no discussions with Mr Ellis and all of us find it surprising no one from the club has bothered to tell us what the position is.

    “I don’t anticipate we will be in a great rush to make a bid simply because we don’t have all the relevant information on which to base it.”

    The other consortium interested in buying Villa is led by Sven Goran Eriksson’s adviser Athole Still

  6. Well a friend of a friend (that old chestnut) was sat talking with these new American bidders tonight as he works at the sports cafe bar in Brum.

    He doesn't follow a football team so didn't have a massive interest in them, but he did say that he was on 'first name terms with them' after tonight and that they confirmed they want Martin O'Neill in charge.

    From what was said it sounded as though they are a seperate consortium to the Randy Lerner one.

    Thats all i'm afraid, he didnt have anything else worthwhile to report to my mate. It was in a private room apparently and he described it as 'surreal'.

    Oh and just to give this pointless story credibility when these guys are named; Two of their first names were 'Al' and 'Simon'.

    That's Lancs and limpid!

    Is this the mysterious 19th Consortium (from VT) that we've been hearing about?

  7. I think we should take a restraining order out on ianrobo preventing him coming within 200 yards of a bottle of champagne...

    ... look at what happened the last two times he popped the cork! ;)

    I must say, while it all looks rather exciting, and it's great to see people so excited here on the messageboard, I'm going to wait until the signatures are signed and the new owner is 'in the shirt, on the pitch' before my hopes get raised again.

  8. Ah Mr Anthony Pig. Good to hear from you. :)

    I wonder if Gerrard won't get it.

    Ah oui M Bland... I'm not here very often any more. Sometimes I post my ridiculously optimistic posts on VT (see the "Early Birmingham City Thoughts" thread)...

    to quote General Melchett: "If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through!"

    Gerrard's a good shout... but I can see it going to "England's great hope".

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