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Posts posted by jim

  1. would it really be a disaster if we went out of Europe in the first round, or a blessing in disguise?

    A Blessing thats for sure.

    Squad is tiny and will struggle in the prem so for me forget europe focus on staying safe in the premiership.

    But surely our ambition in the premiership is to qualify for Europe, but by going out in the 1st round kind of makes it pointless even trying to get there in the league!?


    If MON had pulled his **** finger out we would not have to be making excuses.

  2. If this has been said forgive me but i was reliably informed that O2's excluse deal with Apple expires at the end of October so all networks will have access to I-Phone as of November however they still will have exclusivity on the 3Gs for the time being. So if you want a standard 3G phone hang around if you want the 3Gs then 02 is your only option.

    This was all told to me by an O2 customer rep yesterday when i was looking at getting one. Nice girl she was too, however she could not really answer my technical questions about the phone so to save going back over all these pages one simple question for the brains out there. Can you get Sky Player to work on your I-Phone? if not why not? and if not is there any phone where i can watch Sky Player?

    It has been rumoured for a while that Iphone 3g will become available on t mobile and orange for retentions customers only (people who want to leave said network to o2 for iphone) but nothing has been confirmed. Prices will not differ too much to that of o2 due to apple's reluctance to subsidise(sp) the handsets any further.

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