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Posts posted by jim

  1. MagicalMeerkat

    Only just hooked it up. Have MW2 multiplayer wise.

    Need to get me a headset too, not good playing MW2 without being able to talk to folk!

    You can use a normal blue tooth headset apparantly.

  2. I have the single sickest phone cover in the history of man:


    DRO Concepts

    This is the first phone accessory I've ever bought and I nearly pulled the delivery guy's hand off I was so excited.

    I think it looks poo, but each to their own I'll stick with my incipio feather for a tenner.

  3. Has anyone had the problem of players just disappearing from the team come Jan in MMode?


    Manager mode is a bit unsatisfactory to be honest, a lot of glitches and things that could have been improved on.

    However, the game play is excellent. I've been a Pro man for years but I've switched this season on the strength of a rental. It really is a very good game.

    I;ve had the same problem I signed Miguel at the beginning of the season and he has dissapeared off the rosta.

  4. Does anyone know what Argos are like for pre-orders, i got this with they're offer, think it works out at £32.50 delivered, only thing is, i worry i won't get it for ages. I know Game normally send out pre-orders a day early to ensure you get it. but i can just see argos **** me around.

    Play have it in stock from yesturday sent mine out today.

    Rumours are Asda are going to be doing it for 25 quid, Tesco 29quid on Friday.

    Tesco has been confirmed £28.00 until sunday ( I went in and asked today) and lots of rumours of asda and morrisons knocking it out for £25

  5. I don't mind him to be honest, it's that odious cow Jo Whiley I can't stand.

    In total agreement if she was any further up her own arse her head would be popping out of her mouth.

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