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Posts posted by P3te

  1. whats to stop it being used as a way to stop teams counter attacking? like the current 'injured' thing that players do to get their opposition to kick it out of play?

    you limit it to one a game

    if your appeal is successful, youve still got one. if you waste it and 2 minutes later youre turned down a blatant penalty, tough shit

    Spot on...or maybe like tennis when they get two a set, teams could get 1 or 2 per half

    nah, multiples opens it up to potential abuse. 1 per game unless youre right

  2. whats to stop it being used as a way to stop teams counter attacking? like the current 'injured' thing that players do to get their opposition to kick it out of play?

    you limit it to one a game

    if your appeal is successful, youve still got one. if you waste it and 2 minutes later youre turned down a blatant penalty, tough shit

  3. .... do you think heskey is world class then?

    No, but then again I've not called Lennon world class either, so what's your point?

    your point is you put so much weight in the opinion of other managers in lennon, yet plenty of former managers (including one in common with those in your lennon list) think hes fantastic

    hes clearly not

    im just highlighting that just because "insert name here" says someone is good, it doesnt mean they are

  4. By now as in any spurs player of obvious class who performs consistently for more than 18 months and aren't made of glass would be gone 'by now'

    So you don't rate Lennon. However, Capello rates him, Redknapp rates him, Jol rates him and every manager he's ever played for has rated him.

    So I'll trust their (and my) judgement over your assessment "abilities", because it seems you wouldn't know obvious class if it bit you on the arse.

    do you think heskey is world class then?

  5. If I hit a man I know it would probably be out of fear or self defence, if so I can justify that in my mind. But if I hit a woman it would most almost certainly be for my own twisted pleasure 'you've pushed me, take that'. That moment of pleasure would quickly turn to guilt.

    so youre saying you cant possibly hit a woman out of self defence, that its just someone taking pleasure out of it?

    thats kinda **** up tbh

  6. What is so different about women that they don't deserve the same retaliation as a man who did the same?


    Men are naturally stronger then women and you could really hurt a woman with a single blow. A man should never hit a lady no matter what.

    All a man needs to do is walk away, or use reasonable force to stop a lady from abusing them again if that is the situation… not throw a punch.

    if a woman came at me with a knife, intending to use it on me, id have no problem with really hurting her with a punch

    same as if a 12 year old child did the same

  7. id keep it

    the trick would be just to use it as spending money. let your wages hit the bank and dont touch him, any time you need to buy something just take a note or 2 out of the big bag o cash. that way when the free money is all gone, you're gonna feel like youve just made another shitload coz of all the cash you saved by not touching your income

  8. Cheeses. Where's the box that says 6, and what's wrong with you people?

    With the right kind (ok, miraculous kind) of luck:

    Emile Heskey


    Stewart Downing

    Ashley Young

    James Milner

    Stephen Warnock

    Could all go, even Luke Young, who would go if 1st choice I bet.

    If all seven made it, you can bet we'd have finished in the top 4

    the question isnt how many would be in the squad though
  9. cant say enough for walking, ive lost 5 stone coz of it

    alternate running as far as you can one day with doing a 10 mile walk the next day as fast as you can, thatll increase your lung capacity and make you fitter while not putting the same demands on your body in terms of impact

  10. im gonna go to my physio next month when im back in ireland and see what he thinks

    raelly dont wanna **** it up again though, so if he greenlights ill take it very very slowly

  11. nah i physically cant

    i broke 2 metatarsals years back, the hospital told me i was fine, and i proceeded to walk around for 18 months on the foot. the bones fused a bit, healed wrong, and started growing up out of my instep, so i had to have the foot broken, the bones seperated, the excess bone chissled off, and the whole thing reset - so basically my whole right foot is brittle as ****

  12. cheers

    as i say though id much prefer to be able to run, but i had a couple of pretty bad foot injuries so it most likely would stand up to the extra impact of running

    im losing too much weight though, thats the downside of the longer walks

  13. im walking 27km a day now, which would be so much less time consuming if i could run

    Do you mean 27km a week?

    no, a day


    only 27km 5 days a week, the 6th day is just 9km and saturday is my day off

  14. every time i see this thread it makes me bitter

    im walking 27km a day now, which would be so much less time consuming if i could run

    splitting it over 3 9km sessions which take about 70 minutes a pop

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