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Posts posted by P3te

  1. We've forgotten what shockingly bad defending looks like ;)

    lets hope Roberto's arrival will put an end to it!

    lets hope not,id love to see your clubs plans fail tbh..

    so you'd rather we didn't replace ManUre in The Big Four?

    i doubt theres a (non city/leeds/liverpool supporting) football fan in the world who'd like to see city replace united, a club steeped in history, in the top 4

  2. the important thing for me this season (and i said at the start i thought itd be mons final season at villa) was how downing was fitted into the team. so far its been a roaring success, but as last season showed theres no point getting ahead of ourselves in december - which is precisely why i havent voted since the "wait til the end of the season" option was removed from these polls

  3. These threads make me feel alot of Villa fans are nowt but small time. Everything thats posted seems to be about scoring points.

    including this? point scoring over the point scorers anyone?

    No. Monthly polls about whether the manager should be sacked are ridiculous. I wonder if the team has a slump the polls will continue?. Petty.

    why wouldnt they continue?

  4. ive found phones before, multiple times at festivals, and ive always looked for "home" in the phonebook and given it a ring. if there was no credit on the phone i found id use my own if i had any, or if not id ask for a lend of a phone from a friend who had credit and ask if the person answering had any way of getting in touch with a friend of the person whos phone id found so i can organise to give it back to them. id like to think thered be a tiny chance of the same thing happening to me if i lost mine

    my record btw in 12 years of festivals is 3 phones found, 3 phones reunited with their owners

  5. **** me

    im just back from a complete freak of nature walk. 8km in 46 minutes. normally takes me 60-70 to do 9km

    Almost nine-minute miling. I know people who run slower than that.

    Are you "power-walking"?

    nah, but at almost 6'6 ive got quite a long stride, and ridiculously large and strong thighs :lol: so once i settle into a pace i can normally keep it going for a while, just never anything like last that walk last night. dunno where it came from

  6. Of course it’s rare, nobody else gets a look in for the Champions League and Europa League isn’t worth the effort financially and at the expense of chasing the elite.

    English clubs do dominate Europe. Liverpool mumping it up this season doesn’t change that. Chelsea will be there or there abouts, as will Man United. To break into the top four of this league, with the extensive financial advantages that the Sky Four has over the rest of the league would be an excellent achievement. If we got there, it would be because we were consistently good enough. Your argument for me lacks logic. Shit teams don’t finish 4th, bloody good ones do.


    i think youre vastly overrating the standard of football in england is all

  7. That doesn't make sense. Why would it be worthless?

    If this supposed shit football got us into 4th spot, then it shows its very effective and that the vast majority of the league cannot cope with it.

    the premier league is pretty poor these days though

    Is it? The Sky 4 dominate Europe, so dislodging one of them from their top four birth could not be argued away with such a daft argument.

    yeah it is

    the sky 4 have previously dominated europe... liverpool arent exactly leading the way this season

    the others dominate coz of the money. but its a bit telling that beyond them its rare an english club does anything in europe.

    the standard in the premier league just isnt that good

  8. ... i'd happily take "shit" football if it gets us top 4 or better at season end ...

    why? whats the point?

    so we can see ourselves get knocked out in the cl qualifiers?

    What do suggest? That we don't bother, as we might fail?

    you might notice i never actually said whether we play shit football or not. i was commenting on jons original post that he'd take shit football once we got top 4 or higher

    my point was that i wouldnt, coz itd be worthless

  9. this is gonna be a bloody tough game

    an early goal might do the job for us though, and we seem to be in the habit of getting them every so often. we need to stop freaking the **** out once it hits 75 mins though

    if we play well we should win this by 2, if we do our usual "oh shit its almost over" probably a 1-1 draw

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