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Posts posted by Shaw_nuff


    Tactical mistake from Lambert to put him on instead of KEA. And it wasn't an easy place to debue in front of a full home crowd. I'm willing to give him another try.

    I'm sure we'll all give him a another try but only when we have to. But if it's not working out how expected it should be changed. My problem is never with a player that is playing shit as long as they are trying.


    You'd love my playing then  :)

    • Like 1
  2. Great pics!


    I've lived in London now for 18 years since leaving Brum for uni. For the first time since then I am going to three matches in one week! - Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool. Can't wait to see the 'old lady' (as I call her) again. Feel like I'm 18 again. There are few grounds like it... you can stick the Emirates up your Jacksie. 


    My old man always said you could eat your dinner off that pitch. He doesn't look wrong does he? If we ever move I'll lose interest in football, full stop.


    No, you asked for an example of someone who didn't jump ship for money and i gave you one, People band wages around and say that you can 'never earn too much'. Well, I am lucky enough to earn way over the average wage (nothing like a prem footballer) and i turned down a job offer because I liked the one I was in. 


    Money should actually be more important the less you earn, not the more you earn. Just saying.



    I asked somone who wouldn't jump ship for an extra £100k per week


    Now if you turned down an extra £5,000,000 p/a I salute you. I don't believe for one minute you did! Just saying.


    Actually it was an extra £18k a year but it's all irrelevant as it's about putting it all into perspective. An older friend once put it all in perspective once when I asked him why he turned down a promotion - he said there comes a point where more money doesn't significantly alter your life for the good. It was just one of those epiphanous moments for me.


    Football is so fixated in la la land that we cannot even imagine the sums involved. Assuming that teks signed a new deal at 50k a week that means he earns in a fortnight what I earn in a year and I consider myself well off! And that's without the sponsorship deals. It's the last I'll say on the subject 'cos you either side with it or you don't. There's such thing as enough money IMO, the rest is often superfluous. 


    Oh, well bed time....work in the morning. Going to enjoy the time Tekkers is here with us.

  4. No, you asked for an example of someone who didn't jump ship for money and i gave you one, People band wages around and say that you can 'never earn too much'. Well, I am lucky enough to earn way over the average wage (nothing like a prem footballer) and i turned down a job offer because I liked the one I was in. 


    Money should actually be more important the less you earn, not the more you earn. Just saying.

    • Like 1
  5. Find me anyone who wouldn't jump ship for an extra £100k a week?!


    Champions League for me is a bit take or leave it, but as a player to play for Real Madrid/ PSG/ Bayern/ Manure should they come calling? Look at Bale. He is supposed to be a family man, well settled and in a love in with his manager.


    Benteke on the other hand has gone on strike and put in transfer requests and he's younger.


    I hope he stays. Let's not kid ourselves if the moolah is offered to him he won't be off(ski).

    I know it's a different era but just to show that not everyone in the world is an uber money-grabbing sociopath.



    • Like 1
  6. But it won't be Celtic sniffing will it?


    It'll be the biggest and best football teams in world football.


    Let's just hope he can keep going.


     Bigger and better that Villa? Does.... not.... compute.... I must take these claret/blue specs off.

  7. There's going to be an auction for him in Jan I can see it now.


    Probably one of, if not the best player in Europe not playing in any European competition.


    There is more to life than Champion's league you know. Maybe I'm old school but to me the premier league is much more important than the CL. I don't see lower prem team players queueing round the block to sign for Celtic and they qualify each and every year.

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  8. Considering the Emirates is something of a baptism of fire (well, for a lot of teams), I think he came through it ok. He looked suspect a couple of times, but what new player would'nt and then he seemed to get to grip with the game.


    He won't meet many faster than Walcott and he did'nt fare too badly IMO. Oh...and a cool head to bag his goal to boot.


    Having just got back from the Emirates with the mrs (she's a gooner and isn't talking to me  :D ) The emirates isn't a baptism of fire at all, more like a slap from a warm flannel. Apart from the brilliant away Villa fans, who I am most proud of, you could hear a Pin drop. The loudest singing from the home fans came when they sang 'Spend some F@£$$% money' at the end.


    On Luna... looked dodgy at first (like the whole team) but he and they all grew. Quite a spirit there.

  9. Thought he did ok tonight, given that he's had no pre-season to speak of.


    Dare I ask it, is he worth keeping as cover for the Lowtster?


    Answers on a postcard.........................


    Wouldn't keep him as cover for a manhole.

  10. My Dad had Alan Pardew in his taxi today at Gatwick airport but didn't think to ask him about Bent.  Very disappointed in him tbh, I could have gone down in ITK folklore if he'd got a decent scoop.


    My dad had Alan Partridge in his taxi today. He reckons Bent's got a foot like a traction engine.

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  11. Has anyone noticed how Tony Moon has to high-five every single one of his team mates after someone scores?


    It's nice to see his team spirit but God help us if he scores himself as he might go round the entire Holte End.

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    Watching yesterday I dread to think where we'd be next season without him. We looked pretty toothless upfront when the ball was not going through him.

    We would have signed a replacement for him and adapted.


    Please stop making sense. Everyone knows we'd have to give up all hope, play with ten men and pretend he was still here.

  13. I think he is rubbish, I thought he was rubbish before we signed him and I've seen nothing from him since we signed him to change my mind. A complete and utter waste of money.


    I wish you'd get off the fence.


    On a serious note, I can't work out if he's good or utter drivel.... a bit like Paulo Wanchope.



    Barley looked an improvement on Bennett tonight. 


    A bad game in pre-season?! That's it he's dead to me!



    All I said was he didn't play great tonight. If you want to twist that into ' he will never make it villa ' - that's your choice.  


    I don't know. You did say a member of the grass family looked better than Bennet


    He's the one who's stood out in pre-season for me so far. Looks an absolute bargain.


    Have you seen much of pre-season? Just asking... Have to be a bit careful though, El Ahmadi looked like a world beater in pre-season last year. Sylla has a role to play though this year for sure. I expect him to start the season alongside Westwood and Delph in the centre.


    Well, not just pre season but he also got better and better towards the end of last season. When I first saw his bit parts when he was first bought I thought he couldn't trap a bag of wet cement, Just a workhorse. but he appears to have a bit of everything, can even dribble his way out of trouble, great engine, positioning, discipline. This is the kid I'm keeping my eye on this year..... So he'll be sold by Feb  :)




    That would be an African birth certificate 27 so 52 then.


    because France is in Africa? 


    nearly as lazy as the journalism :P


     Are you looking at his French or Senegalise passport?



    at where he was born


    Yeah, kind of twisted my logic up with that one. Sometimes it's best to just give in early. :D  Oh well, back to debating school.

    • Like 1
  17. You're completely missing out that Villa don't HAVE to pay the guy anything other than what's in his contract. It's as if us "only" offering to double his money means we're capped at the fee we can ask for, that's not the case. We can ask for whatever we like, and we can stick to it, and he can't actually go anywhere until we agree terms with another club. It's the same situation when we're trying to sign players, there's nothing special about this circumstance. The wages offered to the guy in an improved contract have no bearing on how much money we can ask for him. He's a £25m+ player, we just can't afford one of those in terms of wages. That doesn't mean we sell him for half that

    Thank you! What is it people don't get about this?

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