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Posts posted by Shaw_nuff

  1. WTF does McLaren need to do to be found out? It's like that bloke at work who always seems to escape the flak when everything turns to shit and somehow gets promoted or at worst moved sideways. He's been an abject failure as a manager everywhere, with the possible exception of M'bro, where he had enough money to make Solomon blush.

    Absolute cack in the same mould as Sven.

    • Like 3
  2. 52 minutes ago, Straggler said:

    This is very confusing to me.  This is Leandro Bacuna we are talking about here?  Plays for Aston Villa? Thinks he should be playing Champions League football in the next two years?  Who exactly does he think he is better than?  Or maybe he thinks if he keeps improving at the same rate that in two years he will have improved enough? Unfortunately anything multiplied by zero equals zero.  He's gone from not being a regular starter and not being specialized enough to hold down a position to, well, not being a regular starter and not being specialized enough to hold down a position.  In a team that is getting worse. He is one of many Villa players that could really do with taking a long hard look in the mirror.  I'm beginning to think looking there are no mirrors at VP at all, but that said there are none so blind as those that will not see.

    He already does. Unfortunately it's down his local nonce barbers.

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  3. wtf do you need two separate boards for?

    'Right gentlemen, have we come to an agreement? No, we need to to pass it by the football board - better convene that group in two week's time then, even though it contains most of the current members.'

    Total waste of time - just combine the two and extend the agenda.

  4. 13 hours ago, Blasterpocket68 said:

    It's English Passion and it's what we know and respect . Nothing MORONIC about being a fan and wanting traditional  English values. This is the English premier  last time I looked!.

    god save the queen !

    Vive la republique!

  5. 40 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

    Dropped a childish uninterested immature Grealish

    Had us resembling a football team prior to Christmas

    We beat Palace, Norwich and drew against the potential champions.

    He isn't Tim Sherwood.

    He isn't a 'yes' man for the board and called them out.


    I await the picture.


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  6. 2 hours ago, Mic09 said:

    How is it incorrent? How can a single penny spent by the government come into action if not by taking away from it's citizens in the first place? I should have made myself a little clearer in the first place again - even if the governemnt takes every penny out of everybody in the country they would still not have a single penny to fund anything. I don't know if you know, but Britain is a bankrupt, and as of the first quarter of 2015 it was  £1.56 trillion, (81.58% of GDP) in debt. Trust me, somebody is going to have to pay this one day, and it will probably be our children. And as lady Thatcher used to say:

    “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”

    As for wealth, by wealth I understand anything that has a specific material value to any particular person. For instance, I create my wealth because I exchange my apple for your 
    £ 1. The only reason you have exchanged your money for my apple, is because you seem that apple to be of a greater value to you than the   £1. In the same way, I seem that £1 to be of greater value to me than the apple.  This is the only reason anybody exchanges (i.e. buys) anything. You buy an Ipad because you see it to be of greater value to you than £400. If that was not the case, I trully do not understand why you purchased it in the first place. 

    The way that government works, is that it creates a third party which spends your money in the way that they seem fit - whether that be for a new school, new bicycle road, or for raging war in a country you have never heard of. Of course, you have no direct say whether you wish for the money to be spent that way. Either way, by doing such, it must, following any sort of logic, take more money than it spent on that given cause. For instance, sticking to our apple example, in order for the government to be the middle man between you and me in our apple transaction, it must charge you a higher price to cover the cost of the beurocrat that will see the transaction through. Hence, you will not pay £1 pund for my apple - you will pay £1.20, which will cover the government cost of being the middle man there. Although the final result is the same, you are 20p worse off. This is wasteful. I attched aother interesting video of how money can be spent, I advise everybody to have a look, it's so simple yet mind blowing.



    Yeah, thanks Milton for forty years of neo con trickery and borrowing from the future - and I include Tory Blair in that. How is socialism going for your rich mates in wall street?

  7. Capitalism has been failing (dieing) for at least a century since 1917. Nobody suddenly thought 'wouldn't it be nice to have a revolution' in Russia. No, living conditions were unbearable. The need for greater profits leading to lower wages, leading to nobody having money to spend, leading to lower wages etc.

    Then the rest of the western world started to shit themselves in case the proles rose and it happened in their back yard and made concessions that completely went against capitalism such as pension providing after ww1 and an nhs after ww2.

    So socialism was a natural by-product of the destructive nature of capitalism, but it can't save capitalism because of one very simple thing: Capitalism eats itself as it relies on perpetual exponential growth WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE. It's why we struggle to get any growth now, it's why we are in ZIRP territory for so long (even negative interest rates  are upon us), it's why we have borrowed trillions from the future that won't be paid back, it's why immigration is deliberately high. It's why we have socialism for the rich aka bailouts. It's why bail-ins are inevitable (thought your cash was safe didn't you) and it's why asset bubbles are being blown up as all that printed funny-money finds home to roost.

    Nobody wants any more tat from China so the whole rotten edifice starts to crumble.

    Maybe socialism isn't the complete answer but capitalism isn't, it's on life support. We need something similar though that is based on resource sharing and 0% growth, and we need it damned quick 'cos the last time capitalism needed a reset it resulted in WW2.


  8. 29 minutes ago, Sam3773 said:

    I would say, judging by the mood, the timing and the results, it might be best if everyone prepare themselves for KMac.

    To that tune, I've started drinking. At 0720 on a Sunday morning.

    Nah, it's general 'Cheeseburger' Krulak. All we need is to summon the spirit of the US marines and the rest will take care of itself.

  9. 9 hours ago, Mantis said:

    I don't agree entirely with that analogy but I've heard worse. Your summarisation of socialism though is precisely why communism for example hasn't worked and will never work because most people by nature will put self-interest first.

    While I agree that there is some truth to point about the selfishness human nature, it always leaves out one important part of altruism which is just as integral to human nature if not more so. There is no way our species (or any other from lions to ants) could have survived without cooperation. `Everyone has altruistic values honed into them from millions of years of natural selection. It's what makes you defend your friends and family or makes you give to charity, it's just those who want power always seem to to have less than most and sometimes it manifests itself in a Hitler or Stalin.

    The real conundrum is trying to get someone in power who doesn't crave power (no mean feat). Corbyn, although not perfect, seems to fit this bill at least.

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  10. Capitalism is robbing as much productivity from the producers as possible and syphoning the proceeds off to the top - leaving the proles with just enough to survive to carry on working.

    Socialism is the only thing that makes capitalism bearable - unions/pensions/holiday-maternity pay/sickness pay/improved working conditions etc. All these are an anathema to capitalism.

    Don't believe me? read a Dickens novel or Les Miserables and you'll have some idea of what pure capitalism is like for the vast majority.

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  11. 13 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    Corbyn beating a couple of deadbeats for the labour leadership is hardly the re-emergence of socialism , and I'd still be surprised if he wins in 2020 , even if the Tory party look like they are going to implode (again) over the coming months or years ... Ed went slightly left at the last election and lost , apart from Twitter users and students who sleep in and forget to vote anyway there just isn't an appetite for a left / socialist government in this country 

    On the plus side you have a few years to prepare yourself for disliking  both parties :)


    By the time this government has finished dismantling anything left that is remotely socialist voters attitudes may change at last when they realise what socialism is. When there is no NHS and they find out that Bronze Standard private insurance won't cover their hip operation without a 5K excess fee, when there is no state pension whatsoever and when workers rights are completely trashed (zero hour contracts) in favour of corporations. When the welfare state is whittled down to the bone, apart from rich land-owner subsidies, then finally people will wake up to the fact that a hundred years of struggle to drag living standards out of the gutter are being eroded by this wonderful Neo-conservatism/liberalsim and that trickle-down economics is BS.

    The greatest achievement the Tories have made is convincing ordinary people that they have their best interest at heart while secretly loathing them, also their pretence that they are fiscally competent when all they have ever done is sell as much family silver as possible to their Eton chums to prop things up. Osbourne has failed miserably as Chancellor and has borrowed more money than any other in history (and some). The only reason we have and growth is through mass immigration (which is why it won't be stopped) and a housing bubble (which will explode soon).

    Yanis Varoufakis is going to be advising on Labour's economic policy. I'd rather him with his MSc in Mathematical Statistics and PhD in Economics have a say than Osbourne with his 2:1 in History.

    Still, people are generally stupid so I won't hold my breath.

    • Like 3
  12. 1 hour ago, sne said:

    His dad General Victor H Krulak was suspiciously similarly looking to the kid who played the banjo in Deliverance.

    Make of this what you will...

    Bildresultat för general krulak        hqdefault.jpg


    Can't wait until he teams up with Merv.



  13. On 15 March 2016 at 14:10, bannedfromHandV said:

    I don't honestly give a shit, the entire club is under-performing and give or take a handful of people I'd say that everyone has to hold their hand up in some small part to having contributed.

    Okay, 55 year old Doris who's served tea there for the last 30 years probably doesn't deserve to be included but I'm afraid you have to completely destroy something sometimes in order to rebuild it to a satisfactory level.

    Do you have an example of this ever working?

  14. On 9 March 2016 at 23:39, MikeMcKenna said:

    And it begins. I seriously believe the club is clearing the decks and we are going to struggle next season. Hollis is by any other name an administrator who has come in to slash our costs and raise as much as he can from the sale of players. Hence the rumours of various players moving on. With King saying something about there being 'more difficult times ahead' I think we should brace ourselves. 

    King said something similar in the 2007/8. He meant the plebs would suffer. I'm assuming this time around the plebs are the fans.

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