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Posts posted by TOTTI-THE-GOD

  1. Carutthers-Gardner-Herd-N'zogbia


    ---------------------Gabby ----------

    I'd drop Bannan at the drop of a hat and we need N'zogbia's pace and general attacking brain in there .

  2. And before somebody jumps on that in the way they tend to when it comes to talk about Hillsborough, which tends to be very dogmatic these days, it was people jumping over the wall and getting into the ground without tickets which caused all of the deaths

    worse thing is similar thing nearly happened in Athens in 2007 champions league final

    I was about to say the same thing , fans with tickets werent allowed in as i recall cause the Liverpool end was full , meaning there were loads in the ground without tickets , farce and a half .

  3. I'm very much a late comer to online gaming ( though i used to play return to castle wolfenstein for hours online ) , my game tag is titey10 im on the PS3 only just brought Blackops so as you can tell i'm rather behind in the times , feel free to add me though :winkold:

  4. While were on this subject can we also make familys on the dole pay for there kids school dinners .

    Heard a shocking story from the misses about a lad that goes to the same school as my little girl , he went to school one morning and ask a teacher could he have something to eat as he hadnt eaten last night cause his mother couldnt afford anything for them to eat , no doubt she could afford a packet of fags though .

    I think alot of people out of work with kids have there priorities completly screwed up to be honest , sorry but there kids should come first , they should have funds to cloth them , feed them and clean them and if they havent then they need to sit down with a blank piece of paper and work out there in's and there out's sick of people living of places like bright house , if u cant afford it then u cant **** have it .

  5. I posted this in another thread, suppose it belongs in here really...

    Not sure where to put it so i will put it in here.

    Last night the missus was flicking through the channels and decided she wanted to watch 'Underage & Pregnant'. Anyway, this girl is on there, 14 i think she was when she concieved. Some of the stuff she was coming out with was mind blowing! When asked why she was having sex at such a young age, her reply was something along the lines of "it's what kids our age do innit". Now im not naive in anyway, but to hear a 15 year old girl talking like that really pissed me off.

    Now to how shabby she was at dealing with her baby. Kenzie i think the baby's name was, was sat in the bath., and just because he splashed water on the mom she gets up screaming and storms out the house leaving him sat there in the bath until the camera crew tell the girls mom what has gone on!

    She doesnt work so can look after her baby all week, but no...she uses her benefits to pay child minders to look after her baby while she slobs it at home during the week meaning she only looks after her own child on weekends. She was talking about not having a boyfriend, and her words were i quote "what boy wants to hook up with me when ive got a stupid baby in the bedroom?". She was saying how her baby does her head in etc. how she looks forward every night to when the baby goes to sleep so she can go out with her mates. She was saying how she gets bored looking after him because "he dont do much".

    To say this filled me with anger is a little bit of an understatement! All these poor families who cant have children and spend thousands trying to concieve and you've got kids having babies willy nilly then resenting them when they're born because they cant do what they want when they want to.

    Makes me sick! They should stop kids under 16 having kids as it is not fair on the infant imo.

    kids having kids , always drives me up the wall .

    I breifly listened to something on the radio that made my blood boil , the topic was " should people have kids if they cant afford them " well of course they bloody shouldnt and thats one of the big things wrong with this damn country .

  6. Hmmm if i'm honest i thought we were abit shit to be honest , played with **** all width , Bent seemed isolated and increasingly fustrated by the lack of support around him , Nzogbia isnt keen on tracking back is he , left Young with pretty much feck all back up , Oh and the people slaggin Young off need to realise is was pretty damn obvious he was injured from about the first 10 min of the match but was forced to play on till the beginning of the second half , Heskey's got the touch of a rapist , Delph looked impressive through out , Petrov looked good for the first half but his usual tiredness crept in during the second . Oh and also i'm not happy with some of the hoof ball shit we were doing during large parts of the match and also how shit were Blackburn i mean apart from Hoyte ( who lets be honest ran us ragged ) they were pants .

    I'm trying to be realistic and not get over enthusiastic , i remember thinkin we were the next Barca after tearing West ham apart on our first home game of last season but look how that season panned out . Next weeks match against Wolves should be a good one though.

  7. Cant believe Petrov lasted until the 73rd min , he was absolutely knackered , Chelsea players were running past him un challenged for about 20 min till he eventually got took off . I'm not gonna jump the gun as i think that would be totally un fair but after hearin comments off people tellin me how good Ireland is looking and seeming up for it he looked completly out of it , i'll blame fitness but seriously we got blown away for 70 minutes of that match , once changes were made to midfield we looked better . Be interesting to see how we set up against Derby in the week .

  8. I'd love a link but pretty much every sport related site except this one is blocked at our work grrr

    Can you use a proxy site at work ?

    Erm i have no idea to be honest the link wiggy gave did actually work , any other links doin the rounds ?

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