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Posts posted by TOTTI-THE-GOD

  1. Just wondering if anyone is having difficulty picking up a decent signal at the moment , i'm at work in Erdington and have never had an issue with signal strength but this week its been bloody awful litterally strugglin to pick up one bar , anyone else having this issue ?

  2. Time trial was phenomenal yesterday. Managed to get a quietish spot a few miles from the train station along a mile long straight.

    Handed out start lists and managed to get the locals to shout out the names of the riders as they passed us.

    Everyone was having garden parties along the walk back to the station so managed to get a few glasses of bubbly.

    At the badminton now. looking forward to it.

    I'm a badminton fan but i've really struggled to keep up with who's playing , has lee chung wei played or super dan yet ?

  3. Ok fat bloke here , been recently tryin to loose some weight , its coming off slowly but my weight seems abit up and down , i've cut out alot of the crap from my diet , i'm a type 2 diabetic though not on medication .

    I dont go to a gym but play badminton once a week and try and have a 20 - 30 min bike ride most nights , is there something i could be doing more of to shift more weight ?

    If you're doing that much cardio, which is a decent amount, then most likely you need to address your diet. Not saying you eat crap food now or anything, but you can eat all the healthy food you like, if you're consuming too many calories you won't shift the fat.

    Have a read of this. And check out some more of the nutrition articles on that site.

    Also, I'd swap 2 of your bike rides for 20 minutes of HIIT. There's info on HIIT on that article above. HIIT isn't for everyone, but I've found it very effective at shedding body fat. If it's a stationary bike you use, you can do it on there, otherwise it might be better to do it running.

    (you can do it on a normal bike, but might be a bit dangerous if you're cycling on the roads)

    Finally, track your progress. Measure yourself once a week, at the same time. As long as you're losing 1-3 pounds per week you're on track. If that stops, then you need to change things up.

    Good man thanks for the info :winkold:

  4. Ok fat bloke here , been recently tryin to loose some weight , its coming off slowly but my weight seems abit up and down , i've cut out alot of the crap from my diet , i'm a type 2 diabetic though not on medication .

    I dont go to a gym but play badminton once a week and try and have a 20 - 30 min bike ride most nights , is there something i could be doing more of to shift more weight ?

  5. I'm abit of a fatty , in the old Nike ones a XXL was normally a good fit on me , this new one i'm having to have a XXXL and i still think the fit is shit , and i've lost weight :shock:

  6. Peugeot are running that just add fuel thing , think u can get a 107 for 180 a month free tax , free insurance , 3 years warranty , 3 years free servicing .


    Thought they were lease cars?

    I'm sure i read there is an option to buy it at the end , i could be wrong considering i've been doing Peugeot parts for 17 years i'm rather crap at the car buying side of them , sorry :oops:

  7. Sure i heard we were in for that Commoli fella that left Liverpool not sure if the rumours are true , but the word was Commoli was coming in along with AVB , think it was reports in Portugal or something like that . Anyone else heard anything about this ?

  8. ha yeah, quite often suicidal that lecce team!

    he got them playing some great footy though, we could offer him one more shot at getting to the top, either as a stepping stone or by him working some miracles ;)

    realistically we can offer him a salary that dwarfs what he's on now (20th highest paid manager or so they say) and he could do great things with the squad. not sure what his english is like though but he's already at least bilingual...

    even though he didn't win anything, most roma fans my age speak about him like he's some sort of mythical football god :) they go all misty eyed in a way that they don't with capello or spalletti.

    I always like'd Capello's 3-4-1-2 style formation when they won the league in 2000 , god that was a class side .

  9. Wow wow wow , there's a SGS3 coming out ? I've had my SGS2 for about 12 months and love the thing but i've litterally only scratched the surface compared to you lot , so what this GS3 gonna be like then ?

  10. I voted no because of Mcleish only cause there was no joint Mcleish and Lerner thing to vote on . I've had a season ticket since 03/04 season , my misses has had one a hell of alot longer than me , i didnt want one last year as i was becoming disinterested but my partner did so we agreed on one for this season but lets be honest is becoming a chore i actually enjoy it when we dont have matches on a weekend . Just really loosing interest with the whole thing prefer to spend my money on doing jobs on the house .

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